Office of Budget and Performance
2008 Third Quarter ABC Data Available
2008 3rd Quarter ABC data is now available. You will also find a range of ABC data in the form of pie charts and spreadsheets dating back to 2005 at this site.
July 31, 2008
2009 USGS Budget Update
For our 2009 budget [or appropriation]: Usually at this time of year, the House and Senate are working on "marking up" our appropriations bill in response to the President's Budget request. For the 2009 appropriation, this process has been delayed. While Interior has an unofficial "mark" from the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, neither the House nor the Senate has officially "marked up” the Interior bill. The current buzz is that we will enter fiscal year 2009 under a "continuing resolution" which will allow us to continue operating at our 2008 enacted appropriation level.
While the 2009 budget request is under consideration by the Congress, OBP is preparing 2010 budget information for the Department and OMB. This is a transition year for the executive branch since regardless of the outcome of the election on November 4; a new administration will assume office on January 20, 2009. Work this summer is to prepare information that will be used by the transition team of the new administration. The official 2010 budget request will be developed starting in late January and will be submitted to Congress in early April (in normal years, the budget request is submitted to Congress on the first Monday in February).
February 4, 2008
FY 2009 USGS Budget Roll-out
Today, following the Interior Secretary's press conference on release of the 2009 President's Budget, USGS Director Mark Myers addressed the press and was available to answer questions related to the major USGS budget initiatives such as Water for America, Birds Forever, Healthy Lands, Ocean and Coastal Frontiers, Climate Change, and National Land Imaging. News releases, the Department's Budget in Brief, USGS budget tables, and other documents used to describe the USGS budget are available on-line.
February 4, 2008
2009 USGS Performance Information (PART) Posted on
The USGS Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) performance data have been updated on Updates were made to USGS performance measures and funding to reflect the 2007 actual performance, 2008 plan, and 2009 proposed performance with the President's Budget request. Improvement plans are posted for 2008. To date, 63 follow-up actions have been completed and 30 follow-up actions are planned for 2008. USGS has completed the 5-year cycle of evaluations using the PART, and all USGS PART programs have been rated “Effective” or "Moderately Effective." These collaborative assessments are conducted with the Office of Management and Budget in support of the Federal Budget process to help Federal agencies produce results and help the American people understand Federal programs.
January 23, 2008
FY 2007 USGS Performance and Accountability Report now available on line
The USGS 2007 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) provides overview financial and performance information for the USGS and is the Agency's principal publication and report to Congress and the American people on our stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds entrusted to us. For the third consecutive year, the independent CPA firm selected by the Inspector General has issued a clean (unqualified) opinion on the bureau's consolidated financial statements; this is the best possible audit result. USGS met or exceeded (within +/- 5%) the representative measures monitored by the Department and 90.5% of the 106 measures that were tracked in 2007. This does not include measures rebaselined or lacking opportunity to perform.
December 31, 2007
USGS 2008 Budget Tops $1 Billion
On December 26, 2007, the President signed the 2008 Omnibus bill, thereby enacting funding for most of the Federal Government, including the Department of the Interior and USGS. Of note: for FY 2008, USGS budget line items have 2-year budget authority, except satellites and deferred maintenance, which have no-year funding. An across-the-board cut was levied against the bill; however, even with the cut, this is the first time that USGS appropriations topped the billion dollar mark at $1,006,482.
December 31, 2007
FY 2009 Passback
The Department and USGS have received OMB approval of funding levels for the 2009 President's Budget, which is due to Congress the first week in February.
November 27, 2007
Department's FY 2007 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) now available on line
The Department of the Interior's FY 2007 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) provides an overview of financial and performance information for the Department and bureaus (e.g., USGS, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, etc.). The PAR is the Agency's principal publication and report to Congress and the American people on our stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds entrusted to us. For the eleventh straight year, the consolidated financial statements in this report received a clean (unqualified) opinion from an independent auditing firm. The PAR uses objective, quantifiable measures to evaluate bureau and departmental performance in achieving goals and objectives in carrying out the Department’s missions and the President’s Management Agenda. The DOI PAR is the first to integrate performance and costs, providing an unprecedented level of government transparency, and offers a more accessible and understandable analysis to the American people -- to whom we are ultimately responsible.
November 7, 2007
Listen to Office of Budget and Performance Director, Carla Burzyk on Federal News Radio's "Ask the CFO"
A Federal News Radio interview with Carl Burzyk aired on October 25, 2007. Federal News Radio has this to say:
"USGS might not be the first agency to come to mind when you think about the fires ravaging California or the drought plaguing the Southeast but these natural events do have an impact on its budget. Burzyk says events such as these may force USGS scientists to shift gears or go into the field to collect vital data. While those sorts of contingencies are taken into account, she says there is only so much flexibility that can be built into the process and that there is, at times, a need to ask Congress for supplemental appropriations. Burzyk says that makes it all the more important to make sure the financial books are in order." (Permission to reprint from Federal News Radio received November 6, 2007.)
August 15, 2007
USGS New Budget Officer—Pam Haverland
Effective August 19, 2007, Pam Haverland assumes the duties of USGS Budget Officer. Pam, a native Missourian, graduated with a BS in Mathematics from Southwest Missouri State University and a MS in Statistics from Oklahoma State. She began her career in natural resources in 1979 with the Missouri Department of Conservation as a Fisheries Biometrician in Fisheries Research. In 1992 she moved to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Columbia National Fisheries Research Center as a statistician. Pam joined the USGS in 1996 as a Branch Chief at the Columbia Environmental Research Center. More recently, Pam served as the USGS Central Region Budget Officer and then as the Acting Deputy Regional Director. In March 2007, Pam joined the Office of Budget and Performance as the Regional Officer.
August 13, 2007
New OMB Examiner for USGS
The new OMB Examiner for the USGS is Charlie Stern, who earned a BA in History and Political Science and is a graduate of the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, where he received his Masters in Public Administration in May 2007. At the LBJ School, Charlie concentrated in Natural Resource Policy, conducting research in areas such as carbon capture and sequestration, water banking, and environmental management. Before joining OMB, he also served as an intern for the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress, where his work included reports on the Bureau of Reclamation and the Army Corps of Engineers. Charlie is a native of the small farming community of Hutto, Texas, and his hobbies include soccer, running, and camping. In addition to his primary accounts with the USGS and Office of Insular Affairs, Charlie will be working as the backup examiner for the Fish and Wildlife Service.
July 13, 2007
Onley Assumes Duties of Asssitant Secretary for Water and Science
"Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne announced today [July 13, 2007] that Kameran L. Onley will assume responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, effective immediately. She takes over the duties of assistant secretary from Mark Limbaugh, who left for the private sector." For the full story, please read the DOI news release and Director Mark Myers 7/19/07 memo on "Departure of U.S. Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary Mark Limbaugh".
June 28, 2007
FY 2008 House and Senate Appropriations Action
The House Appropriations Committee has recommended funding the USGS at $1.033 billion, an increase of $57.8 million over the President’s Budget and $50 million over the FY 2007 Enacted funding (not including supplemental funding). This recommendation was approved in a vote by the full House on June 26.
The Senate Appropriations Committee has recommended funding the USGS at $1.009 billion, an increase of $34.9 million over the President's Budget and $15.7 million over the FY 2007 Enacted funding (not including supplemental funding). This recommendation will receive a vote by the full Senate some time after the July 4 recess.
As part of House action on the FY 2008 Revised President’s Budget Request, appropriation language proposes that the majority of the funding appropriated to the USGS be 2-year funding, except for satellite operations and facilities, which are proposed to be no-year funding. The Senate version of the bill does not contain this provision.
To see a series of tables that depict the current view of the USGS FY 2008 Congressional Action, go to: FY 2008 Budget Funding TablesMay 25, 2007
2009 Budget Submission to the Department
The USGS has submitted the 2009 budget request to the Department of the Interior, for consideration by the Secretary. The Secretary is scheduled to release final decisions to the bureaus by August 1, and then bureaus will prepare their 2009 budget estimates for submittal to the Office of Management and Budget on September 10.
April 25, 2007
FY 2007 Operating Plan Highlights
Spending limits for appropriated dollars for the fiscal year ending September 2007 were specified in the full-year continuing resolution (CR; H.J. Res. 20) passed by Congress and signed by the President in mid February 2007. The CR required that agencies develop an "Operating Plan" within 30 days of passage of the bill. Funds are being allocated according to the plan approved by the Department, OMB, and the Congress, and the allocation process at USGS is well underway. To see a high-level view of the USGS FY 2007 Operating Plan, go to: FY 2007 Operating Plan (Excel)
March 14, 2007
FY 2008: USGS Director testified before House Appropriations Subcommittee
On March 9, 2007, USGS Director Mark Myers testified on the 2008 budget request before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of the Interior and Environment. Testimony included the following:
"The FY 2008 Administration's budget proposal continues to focus USGS research on issues of societal relevance, while reflecting the President's commitment to reduce the deficit and balance the Federal budget by 2012. It ensures that USGS maintains the expertise to help address the scientific and societal challenges that will arise in the months and years ahead. The budget strengthens USGS efforts in support of key Administration priorities, such as the Healthy Lands Initiative and the Ocean Action Plan, and it maintains strong efforts to ensure continued availability of Earth observation data to government, academic, commercial, and international users, to reduce the human and environmental costs of natural disasters, and to provide the fundamental research and monitoring needed to address increasing concerns about climate change."
The Director's entire testimony is available on the Department's budget site. (PDF Format)
February 22, 2007
2006 USGS performance assessments (PART) posted on
The first 5-year cycle of evaluations using the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) has concluded for USGS. The Coastal and Marine Geology program was the tenth and final USGS program to be evaluated, and the program maintained USGS' exceptional rating record of "moderately effective." Scores for all PARTed programs are now available on These independent assessments are conducted by the Office of Management and Budget in support of the Federal Budget process to help Federal agencies produce results and help the American people understand Federal programs. This final evaluation supports the FY 2008 Budget Request submitted to Congress February 5, 2007.
February 15, 2007
FY 2007: Congressional Action: fourth Continuing Resolution signed 02/15/07
On February 15, 2007, the President signed a fourth and final continuing resolution (H.J. Res. 20: Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2007)to fund the government through September 30, the end of fiscal 2007. The USGS funding is $977.6 million, and USGS officials are working with the Department and OMB to develop an operating plan that will include details on funding by program, as well as guidance on prior year earmarks and support for the payraise.
February 5, 2007
FY 2008 President's Budget released
Today, following the Interior Secretary's press conference on release of the 2008 President's Budget, USGS Director Mark Myers addressed the press and was available to answer questions related to budget highlights such as a Healthy Lands Initiative in Wyoming, efforts in support of the President's Ocean Action Plan, a hazards mitigation initiative, improvements at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, and enhancements to the National Streamgaging Network. News releases, the Department's Budget in Brief, USGS budget tables, and other documents are available here.
February 2, 2007
FY 2006 USGS Performance and Accountability Report now available on line
The USGS FY 2006 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) (9.0 MB PDF) provides overview financial and performance information for the USGS and is the Agency's principal publication and report to Congress and the American people on our stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds entrusted to us. For the third consecutive year, the independent CPA firm selected by the Inspector General has issued a clean (unqualified) opinion on the bureau's consolidated financial statements; this is the best possible audit result. USGS met or exceeded (within +/- 5%) 100% of the 19 performance measures tracked for the Department and 94% of all 154 performance measures tracked by the Bureau.
January 11, 2007
Revised DOI GPRA Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2007 - 2012 now available on line
The Department of the Interior’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year 2007-2012 (3.97 MB Word) has been revised in fulfillment of provisions of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA). The GPRA plan continues to integrate and align bureau responsibilities under four major mission goal areas and reinforces our commitment to achieving results through the use of rigorous performance measures and management excellence. For USGS, a single science goal has been created for each of our mission areas (Resource Protection, Resource Use, and Serving Communities). Energy and Minerals remain in Resource Use, but now in a science goal, and Geologic Hazards remain in Serving Communities. The "Advance knowledge" end outcome goal in Serving Communities in the previous plan has been consolidated with the Biology Research intermediate outcomes from the previous plan in a single Resource Protection science end outcome goal. This array simplifies most of the multidisciplinary science issues by integrating most programs in a single goal (Resource Protection)
December 11, 2006
FY 2007: Congressional Action: THIRD Continuing Resolution signed 12/09/06
SUMMARY: Amends the second Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007 (Public Law 109-289, division B) to extend until February 15, 2007.
Under the first three Continuing Resolutions this year, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) interpreted the funding level to be determined by selecting the lower of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 “current rate” (see below) funding versus the FY 2007 House passed rate at the level of account and funds availability (one-year, multi-year, and no-year funding). However, late last week, OMB changed its decision and determined that the allocations would be calculated at the account level and NOT by funds availability. Therefore, the U.S.Geological Survey’s FY 2007 funding under the third Continuing Resolution will be based on the FY 2006 “current rate.”
For rules governing the calculation of "current rate," see the attachment to OMB Bulletin 06-04. (59 KB PDF)
Title: Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Lewis, Jerry [CA-41] (introduced 12/7/2006)
Related Bills: H.RES.1105
12/7/2006 Introduced in HouseFor more information about Congressional action on this and other bills, go to the Library of Congress Congressional Web site: THOMAS.
Related Documents:December 1, 2006
Department's Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) now available on line.
The Department of the Interior's FY 2006 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), provides overview financial and performance information for the Department and bureaus (e.g., USGS, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, etc.). The PAR is the Agency's principal publication and report to Congress and the American people on our stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds entrusted to us. For the tenth straight year, the consolidated financial statements in this report received a clean (unqualified) opinion from an independent auditing firm.
December 1, 2006
FY 2008: Office of Management and Budget Passback
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) began their consideration of the FY 2008 budget and performance request in September 2006. OMB issues its decisions in the form of a "passback," traditionally released the end of November each year. FY 2008 passback for the Department of the Interior and its bureaus was released on November 27, 2006.
During December, negotiations between OMB and the Department will refine the initial passback. Results of these deliberations form the basis of the FY 2008 President´s Budget request (a.k.a., Greenbook), due to Congress the first week of February 2007. Specific President´s budget and performance information will be released then.
November 20, 2006
FY 2007: Congressional Action: Second Continuing Resolution signed 11/17/06
USGS operations for FY 2007 are authorized until December 8, 2006, under a second Continuing Resolution (CR; signed 11/19/06):
2d Session
H. J. RES. 100
November 15, 2006
Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007 (Public Law 109-289, division B) is amended by striking the date specified in section 106(3) and inserting `December 8, 2006'.
Passed the House of Representatives November 15, 2006.
Presented to President.
Signed by President.
Became Public Law No: 109-369.
For more information about Congressional action on this and other bills, go to the Library of Congress Congressional Web site: THOMAS.
Related Documents:
October 6, 2006
Happy Fiscal New Year
Fiscal Year 2007 began October 1, 2006, and since action on the Department of the Interior bill has not been completed, USGS operations are authorized to continue until midnight November 17, 2006, under a Continuing Resolution (CR; signed 9/29/06). The CR, passed as Division B of the 2007 Defense Department bill (H.R. 5631), provides FY 2007 continuing appropriations for Agriculture, Energy-Water, Foreign Operations, Homeland Security, Interior-Environment, Labor-HHS-Education, Legislative Branch, Military Construction-Military Quality-Veterans Affairs, Science-State-Justice-Commerce, Transportation-Treasury-HUD-Judiciary, and DC appropriations. The CR provides funding at the lower of the FY 2006 funding rate or the House-passed appropriation bill (H.R. 5386).
To see the text of HR 5631 and HR 5386, go to the Library of Congress' Status of Appropriations and scroll to Defense and Interior, respectively.
News Releases (e.g., USGS, DOI, Congress):
Related Documents:
August 25, 2006
Comment Period for the Department's Revised Strategic Plan ends October 25, 2006
The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 requires updating of agency performance plans every three years. The current Department of the Interior Strategic Plan was published in FY 2003 covering years FY 2003-2008. The revised draft plan covers FY 2007-2012 The Department of the Interior is seeking public comment on the draft and is holding public meetings announced in the Federal Register.
Interior is specifically interested in viewpoints on effective quantitative, outcome-oriented performance measures for science (both in terms of the applications of science and of advancing knowledge in natural resource areas).
Now is the time to be heard.
The draft plan, Federal Register Notice and Public Meeting schedule is posted on E-mail comments on the plan to
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