I want to thank all of our witnesses for being here this afternoon.  You have been of great help in formulating answers to the problems our country now faces.  This is the first of a series of three hearings I intend to hold on this subject with the final hearing to be with the Administration.  I hope you will continue to share your insights with me and other members of Congress as we try to assess how best to fight this new battle against terrorism and safeguard our nation from attack.

                I was impressed that all of you endorsed  multilateral approaches to restricting the spread of weapons of mass destruction despite their flaws and most of you supported unilateral export controls.  In making sure that these two approaches work, I don’t think we have the luxury of time.  The Administration needs to be moving swiftly to ensure that our international coalition against terrorism is doing all it can to restrict access to the technology and the knowledge essential for developing weapons of mass destruction.

     Some might suggest that in this war we need to seek the proper balance between national security and trade.  I am uncertain if there is such a thing as a proper balance when national security is at risk from a terrorist with a weapon of mass destruction.  If it is used, trade won’t matter.  What we do need to do is figure out how we can maintain legitimate international trade without sacrificing our security.  Our witnesses today made some good suggestions such as getting a better handle on which items are of the greatest concern for WMD and establishing new export standards for industry.  I intend to follow up with the Administration on those suggestions. 

     I have no further questions at this time.  However, members may submit questions in writing for any of the witnesses.  I will keep the Record open for a week.  We would appreciate a timely response to any questions.

    Once again, I would like to express my appreciation to all the witnesses for their time and insights.
     This hearing is adjourned.


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