Summary of

Introduced October 11, 2001
By Senator Joe Lieberman, D-Conn.

This bill would establish a Department of National Homeland Security, at cabinet level, to plan, coordinate, and integrate those U.S. Government activities relating to homeland security, including border security and emergency preparedness, and to act as a focal point regarding natural and manmade crises and emergency planning.

The Department Secretary
The Secretary would be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.  The Secretary would be a member of the National Security Council.

The Department Secretary’s Duties
The Secretary’s duties would include:
                Providing overall planning guidance to executive agencies regarding homeland security
                Working with state and local governments to protect homeland security
                Conducting exercise and training programs for employees of the Department
Establishing effective command and control procedures for the range of potential contingencies, including those that may require military support
                Developing a response plan for homeland security and emergency preparedness

The Department’s Composition
The authorities, functions, personnel and assets of the following agencies would be transferred to the Department of Homeland Security:
                The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its 10 regional offices
                The United States Customs Service
                The Border Patrol, now under the Immigration and Naturalization Service
                The United States Coast Guard
The Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office and the Institute of Information Infrastructure Protection, now located within the Commerce Department
The National Infrastructure Protection Center and the National Domestic Preparedness Office, now located within the FBI

An office of Science and Technology would be established to advise the Secretary on research and development and other science priorities.

The Department’s Organization
The Department would be divided into three sections responsible for securing the border, protecting critical infrastructure, including computer systems, and emergency preparedness and response.


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