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Links to Telework Sites
Regional, National, and International

A "starter" list of good resources on a wide range of telework areas. You may also want to do an Internet search for key words like "telework" and "telecommuting."  
Regional and National Organizations and Agencies
Telework as a Reasonable Accommodation
Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the economic, social and environmental benefits of telework. Excellent information on all aspects of telecommuting, news stories, articles and links to other Web sites. Smart Valley Inc. (SVI), Silicon Valley, California Comprehensive telecommuting guide, articles and leading edge research.
State of Utah Telecommuting Handbook
Official telecommuting handbook, including governor's telecommuting directive.
National Computer Security Association Excellent information on computer security technology news, products and services. Arizona Telecommuting Advisory Council Regional telecommuting advisory council. Provides member information, events, newsletters, technology and links.
Links to home business/office associations and services.
Telework resources and services for Central Oregon employers.
Non-profit association whose pupose is to promote telework around the world.
Telework program directors from these states have teamed to develop informational materials for employers and teleworkers. Their links follow:
Comprehensive information on telecommuting, policies and agreements.
Department of Personnel Administration Telework Program guide,policies and training information.
Compehensive information on telecommuting, policies and agreements.
Businesses and National Experts
PacBell Telecommuting Guide
One of the most comprehensive on-line handbooks available. Provides excellent information on all components of establishing a telecommuting program.
Telecommuting, Teleworking, and Alternative Officing
Gil Gordon, president of Gil Gordon Associates, a top national telework expert. One of the best resources for up-to-date telework resources, including Gordon's "Telecommuting Review" monthly on-line newsletter and links to other useful sites worldwide.
Ken Robertson, a national expert and author. Site has excellent telework information, including articles on a wide range of telework issues.
Jack Nilles, "father of telecommuting" and co-founder of JALA. Excellent telecommuting information and research including a Home-Based, Cost-Benefit Analysis.
Patricia Mokhtarian, director. Leading edge information on telework and transportation demand issues, including research articles.
Well-known California telework expert. Web site has very extensive, well-developed links on all aspects of telework.
A nationally recognized expert in Remote Voice solutions.
Telework for People With Disabilities
Midwest Institute for Telecommuting (MITE) 
Information on telecommuting for persons with disabilities and order form for manager's guide to understanding and accommodating employees with chronic, changing disabilities.
DISCLAIMER OF ENDORSEMENT: Any reference obtained from these Web sites to a specific commercial product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement by the Oregon Department of Energy of the product, process, or service, or its producer or provider. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily reflect those of the Oregon Department of Energy.  
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: Neither the Oregon Department of Energy, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information from this report or the links to serve

Page updated: August 01, 2007

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