1.             Lieberman Amendments:

Lieberman Substitute Amendment – To provide for a complete substitute.  

Final Vote on the Motion to Authorize the Chairman to Withdraw the Amendments Ordered reported on May 22 and offer instead as a floor amendment in the nature of a substitute the Lieberman Substitute, as amended: Roll Call Vote: 12-Yeas, 5-Nays--Adopted.

                Amendment #1     To clarify the exercise of customs revenue authority, and for other purposes.  (COE02.909) 
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #2     Secretary of DHS may carry out health related research and development in collaboration with Secretary of HHS; DHS may transfer funds in connection with agreements reached to this R&D.
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #3     To preserve statutory and administrative requirements to ensure that funds made available to the Department of Homeland Security are used effectively and efficiently. (MDM02.483)
Offered as a second degree substitute amendment to Stevens amendment #4
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #5     Identified which funding accounts can be sources for the White House Terrorism Office.
Offered as a second degree substitute amendment to Stevens amendment #6
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #7     To require the submission to Congress of a “Future Years Homeland Security Program” in conjunction with each budget request for the Department of Homeland Security.  (MDM02.488)
Offered as a second degree substitute amendment to Stevens Amendment #9
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #8     To require the submission of certain reports to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives.  (MDM02.489)
Offered as a second degree substitute amendment to Stevens amendment #10
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #10    Lieberman second degree amendment to Thompson amendment # 5
Favorably adopted by voice vote

               Amendment #11    Lieberman second degree substitute amendment to Thompson amendment # 21
Lieberman/Akaka second degree substitute amendment to Levin Amendment #1, Favorably adopted by voice vote

2.       Thompson Amendments:

                Amendment #2     To establish an Immigration Affairs Agency within the Directorate for Border and Transportation Security and to strike the Border Coordination Working Group.  (MDM02.478)
Defeated by Roll Call vote: 7 yeas, 10 nays

                Amendment #4     To provide temporary emergency flexibility for the procurement of property and services by the Federal Government.  (SCO02.725)  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #5     To ensure flexibility in the procurement of personal services.  
Favorably adopted, as amended by Lieberman second degree amendment #10,  by voice vote

                Amendment #7     To provide an exception to the advice and consent of the Senate requirement for transitional authorities.  (CUL02.531)
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #9     To establish the Directorate for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection–Sec. 132.  
Defeated by Roll Call vote:  8 yeas,  8 nays, with Senator Dayton as present

                Amendment #10  To strike title II and make related conforming amendments.  (MDM02.482)
Defeated by Roll Call vote:  8 yeas,  9 nays

                Amendment #13  To authorize the Secretary to allocate or reallocate functions among the officers of the Department, and to establish, consolidate, alter, or discontinue such organizational units within the Department of Homeland Security.  (CUL02.549)  
Defeated by Roll Call vote:  5 yeas,  11 nays

                Amendment #16  To provide reorganizational authority for the Secretary, and for other purposes.  (COE02.901)  
Defeated by Roll Call vote:  8 yeas,  9 nays

                Amendment #18  To amend the employment and personnel provisions of the Act. (MDM02.492)  
Defeated by Roll Call vote:  7 yeas,  10 nays

                Amendment #19  To amend the employment and personnel provisions of the Act.  
Defeated by Roll Call vote:  7 yeas,  9 nays

                Amendment #20  To amend the employment and personnel provisions of the Act.  (MDM02.494)  
Defeated by Roll Call vote:  7 yeas,  10 nays

                Amendment #21  To provide for the transfer of appropriations for transition and reorganizations. 
Favorably adopted as amended by Lieberman second degree substitute amendment #11

                Amendment #22  To establish an Office of International Affairs. 
Favorably adopted by voice vote

2.                   Levin Amendments:

                Amendment #1     To clarify the responsibility of the Directorate of Intelligence with respect to the receipt of information on threats of terrorism. 
Levin Amendment #1 with a Lieberman/Akaka second degree substitute amendment, Favorably adopted, as amended, by voice vote


3.                   Akaka Amendments:

Amendment #1     (Akaka/Carper Amendment)  To require a report to preserve non-homeland security mission performance.  (CUL02.524)
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #2     To clarify emergency responses relating to disease outbreaks in human health and agriculture, and for other purposes. 
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #3     To provide for a review, update, and amendment of the Federal response plan.  (COE02.905)
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #4     To provide for whistleblower protections for Federal airport security screeners and certain airport employees, and for other purposes.  (COE02.908)  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #6     To provide for the establishment of a cyber security policy, and for other purposes.  (COE02.910)  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #7     To provide that certain employee positions may not be excluded from whistleblower protections, and for other purposes.  (COE02.912)  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #14   Akaka second degree amendment to Voinovich amendment #2  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

4.                   Durbin Amendment:

                Amendment #1     Durbin/Lieberman/Thompson Amendment for IT Systems Interoperability 
Favorably adopted by voice vote

5.                   Cleland Amendments:

                Amendment #3     To transfer the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center to the Directorate of Border and Transportation Protection.  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #4     To establish the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Division within the Office of the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eliminate the transfer of the Strategic National Stockpile, and for other purposes.  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #5     To provide for coordination with the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 243 et seq.)  
Subsections A and E ONLY favorably adopted by voice vote

6.                   Carper Amendments:

                Amendment #1     Review of Transportation Security.  
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #2     To provide improved safety and security measures for rail transportation, provide for improved passenger rail service, and for other purposes.  (COE02.913)  
Favorably adopted by Roll Call vote: 9 yeas,  7 nays

7.                   Carnahan Amendments:

Amendment #1     (Carnahan/Collins Amendment)  To amend the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 to authorize the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to award 3-year grants to fire departments of a State to hire additional firefighting personnel.  (MDM02.479)
Favorably adopted by voice vote

                Amendment #2     To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to consult with the Secretary of Defense regarding training to respond to biological and chemical terrorism. (MDM02.500)
Favorably adopted by voice vote

9.                   Stevens Amendments:

                Amendment #1     (Stevens/Collins Amendment)  Preserving Coast Guard Mission Performance and establishing a National Commission on the roles, responsibilities, missions and organizational structure of the Coast Guard.  
Favorably adopted by Roll Call vote: 10 yeas, 7 nays

                Amendment #2     Improving Coast Guard Surveillance and Perimeter Security Capabilities for ports, waters and coastal areas.  
Favorably adopted

                Amendment #4     Preserves the purpose of funds as originally appropriated, requires congressional notification of transfers and additional uses of funds.
Favorably adopted, as amended by the Lieberman second degree substitute amendment #3, by voice vote

                Amendment #6     Identifies which funding accounts can be sources for the White House Terrorism office.
Favorably adopted, as amended by the Lieberman second degree substitute amendment #5, by voice vote

                Amendment #9     Annual budget requests to include Future Years Programs information beginning with FY2005.
Favorably adopted, as amended by the Lieberman second degree substitute amendment #7 by voice vote

                Amendment #10  Requires information provided to Congressional Committees also be provided to the Appropriations Committees.
Favorably adopted, as amended by the Lieberman second degree substitute amendment #8, by voice vote

10.                Collins Amendments:

                Amendment #1     (Collins/Carper Amendment)  To establish a Federal Liaison on Homeland Security in each State, to provide coordination between the Department of Homeland Security and State and local first responders, and for other purposes. 
Favorably adopted by voice vote

11.                Voinovich Amendments:

                Amendment #2     To provide for reform relating to Federal employment, and for other purposes.  (A limited version of Amendment #1.) (COE02.914)  
Favorably adopted, as amended by the Akaka second degree amendment #14, by voice vote

                Amendment #3     To provide for Federal human resources management innovations, and for other purposes. (COE02.882)  
Defeated by Roll Call vote:   8 yeas, 8 nays

13.                Bennett Amendment:

                Amendment #1     To provide for the treatment of information that is voluntarily furnished to the Department of National Homeland Security–a Bennett-Levin (Leahy) agreement regarding the protection of voluntarily submitted information (known as the FIOA provision.)  
Favorably adopted by voice vote


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