Russia and China: Non-Proliferation Concerns and Export Controls

                I would like to thank all our witnesses for their time and testimony.

                Both Russia and China have pledged their support in the war on terrorism.             However, I am not convinced of their commitment to non-proliferation.  I am concerned that they still believe that the war on terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction are not linked.  Granted, it took the events of September 11th to convince many in this nation and several of our international allies of this link.  Do the leaders of Russia and China believe that it is in their national interest to enable state supporters of terrorism to develop WMD?  Do they believe that their citizens will be immune from a terrorist attack with chemical weapons or a radiological bomb?

                I understand it would be easier to set aside many of the issues discussed today while we are trying to define new relationships with former adversaries.  But we must raise the difficult questions.  Both Russia and China have established laws and agencies to implement export control.  But do they have the will to forgo short-term economic gain and enforce their export control regimes?  This is in line with Mr. Milhollin’s comment on will.

                The United States should not have to stand alone in convincing Russian and Chinese leaders of these dangers.  I agree with

Mr. Milhollin’s statement that when we cut off trade with a company because of an export violation, we should ask our allies to do the same. 

                Mr. Albright has told us that many in Russia do not believe that proliferation is possible or that the consequences are so grave.  Then we must do all we can to convince Russia that proliferation is occurring and that the threat is real. 

                Gentlemen, we have no further questions at this time; however, members of this Subcommittee may submit questions in writing for any of our witnesses.   We would appreciate a timely response to any questions.  The Record will remain open for these questions and for further statements from my colleagues.

                I would like to express my appreciation to all the witnesses for their time and for sharing their insights with us.

                This hearing is adjourned. 


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