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Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Hearings – 107th Congress

  • S. Hrg. 107-871 -- Oversight of Investment Banks' Response to the Lessons of Enron, December 11, 2002 -
    Volume 1 - TEXT 254K | PDF 20M
    Volume 2 - TEXT 46K | PDF 35M
  • S. Hrg. 107-870 -- Ephedra: Who is Protecting the American Consumers?, October 8, 2002 - TEXT 176K | PDF 5.7M
  • S. Hrg. 107-854 -- Asleep at the Switch: FERC's Oversight of Enron Corporation, November 12, 2002 -
    Volume 1 - TEXT 992K | PDF 27M
    Volume 2 - TEXT 60K | PDF 32.5M
    Volume 3 - TEXT 60K | PDF 31.8M
    Volume 4 - TEXT 57K | PDF 23.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-849 -- The Annual Report of the Postmaster General, September 27, 2002 - TEXT 99K | PDF 2.5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-845 -- Responding to the Public Health Threat of West Nile Virus, September 24, 2002 - TEXT 282K | PDF 480K
  • S. Hrg. 107-833 -- Nominations of Alejandro M. Sanchez, Andrew M. Saul, and Gordon J. Whiting, November 15, 2002 - TEXT 34K | PDF 1.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-832 -- Nominations of Hon. Ruth Y. Goldway and Tony Hammond, October 8, 2002 - TEXT 31K | PDF 1.6M
  • S. Hrg. 107-619 -- When Diets Turn Deadly: Consumer Safety and Weight-Loss Supplements, July 31, 2002 - TEXT 131K | PDF 5.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-618 -- The Role of the Financial Institutions in Enron's Collapse, July 23 and 30, 2002 -
    Volume 1 - TEXT 727K | PDF 33.9M
    Volume 2 - TEXT 67K | PDF 35.6M
  • S. Hrg. 107-617 -- Nomination of Hon. Mark W. Everson, June 17, 2002 - TEXT 73K | PDF 2.6M
  • S. Hrg. 107-616 -- Nomination of Michael D. Brown, June 19, 2002 - TEXT 59K | PDF 377K
  • S. Hrg. 107-563 -- Preparing for Reality: Protecting Against Weapons of Mass Destruction, June 28, 2002 - TEXT 144K | PDF 3.6M
  • S. Hrg. 107-562 -- Errata - A Review of the Relationship between a Department of Homeland Security and the Intelligence Community, June 26 and 27, 2002 - TEXT 8.5K | PDF 10M
  • S. Hrg. 107-561 -- Nomination of James "Jeb" E. Boasberg, June 26, 2002 - TEXT 24K | PDF 657K
  • S. Hrg. 107-560 -- President Bush's Proposal to Create a Department of Homeland Security, June 20, 2002 - TEXT 252K | PDF 6.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-559 -- Protecting Our Kids: What is Causing the Current Shortage in Childhood Vaccines?, June 12, 2002 - TEXT 104K | PDF 2.5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-558 -- Cruise Missile and UAV Threats to the United States, June 11, 2002 - TEXT 75K | PDF 3.3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-557 -- Russia and China: Nonproliferation Concerns and Export Controls, June 6, 2002 - TEXT 109K | PDF 2.7M
  • S. Hrg. 107-556 -- Half a Loaf--The Impact of Excluding Surplus Commodities from America's Response to Global Hunger, June 4, 2002 - TEXT 107K | PDF 3.7M
  • S. Hrg. 107-555 -- Voting Representation in Congress for Citizens of the District of Columbia, May 23, 2002 - TEXT 131K | PDF 10.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-554 -- Nominations of Hon. Todd Walther Dillard and Robert R. Rigsby, May 16, 2002 - TEXT 36K | PDF 167M
  • S. Hrg. 107-553 -- Under the Influence:  The Binge Drinking Epidemic on College Campuses, May 15, 2002 - TEXT 130K | PDF 3.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-552 -- Tobacco's Deadly Secret: The Impact of Tobacco Marketing on Women and Girls, May 14, 2002 - TEXT 102K | PDF 3.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-551 -- The Postal Service in the 21st Century: The USPS Transformation Plan, May 13, 2002 - TEXT 126K | PDF 3.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-550 -- Securing Our Infrastructure: Private/Public Information Sharing, May 8, 2002 - TEXT 185K | PDF 9.3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-511 -- The Role of the Board of Directors in Enron's Collapse, May 7, 2002 - TEXT 401K | PDF 23M
  • S. Hrg. 107-510 -- Kids and Cafeterias: How Safe are Federal School Lunches?, April 30, 2002 - TEXT 186K | PDF 1.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-509 -- Gas Prices: How are They Really Set?, April 30 and May 2, 2002 - TEXT 451K | PDF 1.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-508 -- Vital Assets: Human Capital in Federal Economic Regulatory Agencies, April 23, 2002 - TEXT 136K | PDF 3.7M
  • S. Hrg. 107-507 -- The State of Public Health Preparedness for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Six-Month Report Card, April 18, 2002 - TEXT 133K | PDF 3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-506 -- A License to Break the Law? Protecting the Integrity of Driver's licenses, April 16, 2002 - TEXT 95K | PDF 9.4
  • S. Hrg. 107-473 -- Nomination of Paul A. Quander, Jr., April 11, 2002 - TEXT 25K | PDF 801K
  • S. Hrg. 107-472 -- Legislation to Establish a Department of National Homeland Security and a White House Office to Combat Terrorism, April 11, 2002 - TEXT 192K | PDF 62M
  • S. Hrg. 107-471 -- Rating the Raters: Enron and the Credit Rating Agencies, March 20, 2002 - TEXT 179K | PDF 6.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-470 -- The Federal Workforce: Legislative Proposals for Change, March 18 and 19, 2002 - TEXT 249K | PDF 2.1M
  • S. Hrg. 107-468 -- Critical Skills for National Security and the Homeland Security Federal Workforce Act--S. 1800, March 12, 2002 - TEXT 135K | PDF 3.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-467 -- CIA National Intelligence Estimate of Foreign Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat Through 2015, March 11, 2002 - TEXT 33K | PDF 189M
  • S. Hrg. 107-466 -- Public Health and Natural Resources:  A Review of the Implementation of Our Environmental Laws--Parts I and II, March 7 and 13, 2002 - TEXT 343K | PDF 24M
  • S. Hrg. 107-465 -- Who's Doing Work for the Government?: Monitoring, Accountability and Competition in the Federal and Service Contract Workforce, March 6, 2002 - TEXT 158K | PDF 6.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-389 -- Nomination of Jeanette J. Clark, March 5, 2002 - TEXT 21K | PDF 18.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-388 -- United States Policy in Iraq: Next Steps, March 1, 2002 - TEXT 107K | PDF 2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-386 -- Nomination of C. Louis Kincannon, February 28, 2002 - TEXT 57K | PDF 26.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-385 -- The Watchdogs Didn't Bark: Enron and the Wall Street Analysts, February 27, 2002 - TEXT 219K | PDF 4.7M
  • S. Hrg. 107-384 -- Illicit Diamonds, Conflict and Terrorism:  The Role of U.S. Agencies in Fighting the Conflict Diamond Trade, February 13, 2002 - TEXT 111K | PDF 2.3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-383 -- The Role of Bilateral and Multilateral Arms Control Agreements in Controlling Threats from the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, November 7, 14 & 29, 2001 and February 12 and July 29, 2002 - TEXT 467K | PDF 16.5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-381 -- Nominations of John L. Howard and Dan G. Blair, February 8, 2001 - TEXT 48K | PDF 42M
  • S. Hrg. 107-380 -- Nomination of Nancy P. Dorn, February 8, 2001 - TEXT 47K | PDF 41.1M
  • S. Hrg. 107-379 -- S. 1867--A Bill to Establish the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, February 7, 2002 - TEXT 81K | PDF 2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-378 -- Retirement Insecurity: 401(K) Crisis at Enron, February 5, 2001 - TEXT 257K - PDF 6.3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-377 -- Good Beginnings Last a Lifetime: How the Federal Government Can Promote Affordable, Quality Child Care, January 28, 2002 - TEXT 108K | PDF 1.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-376 -- The Fall of Enron: How Could It Have Happened?, January 24, 2002 - TEXT 248K | PDF 3.5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-311 -- Riding the Rails: How Secure is Our Passenger and Transit Infrastructure?, December 13, 2001 - TEXT 163K | PDF 3.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-310 -- The Local Role in Homeland Security, December 11, 2001 - TEXT 189K | PDF 8.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-309 -- Weak Links: Assessing the Vulnerability of U.S. Ports and Whether the Government is Adequately Structured to Safeguard Them, December 6, 2001 - TEXT 196K | PDF 18M
  • S. Hrg. 107-264 -- Oversight of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare Payment Policies for Ambulance Services, November 15, 2001 - TEXT 118K | PDF 4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-263 -- Has Airport Security Improved?, November 14, 2001 - TEXT 190K | PDF 37M
  • S. Hrg. 107-261 -- Review of INS Policy on Releasing Illegal Aliens Pending Deportation, November 13, 2001 - TEXT 159K | PDF 5.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-259 -- Nomination of Odessa F. Vincent, November 6, 2001 - TEXT 13K | PDF 935K
  • S. Hrg. 107-258 -- Critical Infrastructure Protection: Who's in Charge?, October 4, 2001 - TEXT 137K | PDF 48M
  • S. Hrg. 107-214 -- Terrorism Through the Mail: Protecting Postal Workers and the Public, October 30 and 31, 2001 - TEXT 400K | PDF 4.3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-213 -- Federal Efforts to Coordinate and Prepare the United States for Bioterrorism: Are They Ready?, October 17, 2001 - TEXT 248K | PDF 5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-212 -- Legislative Options to Strengthen Homeland Defense, October 12, 2001 - TEXT 189K | PDF 4.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-211 -- Nomination of Mark W. Everson, October 11, 2001 - TEXT 31K | PDF 828K
  • S. Hrg. 107-210 -- Food Safety and Security: Can Our Fractured Food Safety System Rise to the Challenge?, October 10, 2001 - TEXT 150K | PDF 37M
  • S. Hrg. 107-209 -- Promoting the Best Interests of Children: Proposals to Establish a Family Court in the District of Columbia Superior Court, October 25, 2001 - TEXT 143K | PDF 487K
  • S. Hrg. 107-208 -- Weak Links: How Should the Federal Government Manage Airline Passenger and Baggage Screening?, September 25, 2001 - TEXT 213K | PDF 4.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-207 -- Responding to Homeland Threats: Is Our Government Organized for the Challenge?, September 21, 2001 - TEXT 131K | PDF 3.6M
  • S. Hrg. 107-206 -- The Annual Report of the Postmaster General and the Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Postal Operations, September 20, 2001 - TEXT 83K | PDF 2.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-205 -- How Secure is Our Critical Infrastructure?, September 12, 2001 - TEXT 106K | PDF 3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-161 -- Nomination of Lynn C. Leibovitz, July 26, 2001 - TEXT 15K | PDF 719K
  • S. Hrg. 107-160 -- S. 995--Whistleblower Protection Act Amendments, July 25, 2001 - TEXT 99K | PDF 4.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-159 -- Rating Entertainment Ratings: How Well are They Working for Parents and What Can Be Done to Improve Them?, July 25, 2001 - TEXT 245K | PDF 3.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-158 -- Who Cares for the Caregivers? The Role of Health Insurance in Promoting Quality Care for Seniors, Children and Individuals with Disabilities, April 11, 2002 - TEXT 77K | PDF 26M
  • S. Hrg. 107-157 -- S. 159--A Bill to Elevate the Environmental Protection Agency to a Cabinet-Level Department, July 24, 2001 - TEXT 122K | PDF 2.3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-156 -- Restructuring of Energy Industries, June 13, 20 and 28, 2001 - TEXT 633K | PDF 24.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-155 -- Nomination of Daniel R. Levinson, July 31, 2001 - TEXT 23K | PDF 1.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-154 -- Ecstasy Use Rises: What More Needs to be Done by the Government to Combat the Problem?, July 30, 2001 - TEXT 126K | PDF 1.8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-153 -- S. 1008--The Climate Change Strategy and Technology Innovation Act of 2001, July 18, 2001 - TEXT 173K | PDF 8M
  • S. Hrg. 107-152 -- What is the U.S. Position on Offshore Tax Havens?, July 18, 2001 - TEXT 158K | PDF 6.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-151 -- Expanding Flexible Personnel Systems Governmentwide, July 17, 2001 - TEXT 140K | PDF 3.7M
  • S. Hrg. 107-150 -- Finding a Cure to Keep Nurses on the Job: The Federal Government's Role in Retaining Nurses for Delivery of Federally-Funded Health Care Services, June 27, 2001 - TEXT 156K | PDF 4.3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-148 -- S. 803--E-Government Act of 2001, July 11, 2001 - TEXT 219K | PDF 1.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-142 -- FEMA's Role in Managing Bioterrorist Attacks and the Impact of Public Health Concerns on Bioterrorism Preparedness, July 23, 2001 - TEXT 85K | PDF 2.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-134 -- Diabetes: Is Sufficient Funding Being Allocated to Fight this Disease?, June 26, 2001 - Text 128K | PDF 3.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-133 -- The National Security Implications of the Human Capital Crisis, March 29, 2001 - Text 121K | PDF 1.5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-128 -- Nominations of Othoniel Armendariz and Kay Coles James, June 21, 2001 - Text 76K | PDF 3M
  • S. Hrg. 107-118 -- The State of the Presidential Appointment Process, April 4 and 5, 2001 - TEXT 242K | PDF 14.7M
  • S. Hrg. 107-95 -- Assessing the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department's Year 2000 Performance, March 22, 2001 - TEXT 83K | PDF 1.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-85 -- Cross-Border Fraud, June 14 and 15, 2001 - TEXT 219K | PDF 24.9M
  • S. Hrg. 107-84 -- Role of U.S. Correspondent Banking in International Money Laundering, March 1, 2, and 6, 2001 -
    Volume 1 of 5 - TEXT 1.9M | PDF 1.3M
    Volume 2 of 5 - TEXT 54K | PDF 26M
    Volume 3 of 5 - TEXT 55K | PDF 27M
    Volume 4 of 5 - TEXT 53K | PDF 25M
    Volume 5 of 5 - TEXT 67K | PDF 37M
  • S. Hrg. 107-73 -- Tissue Banks: Is the Federal Government's Oversight Adequate?, May 24, 2001 - TEXT 171K | PDF 8.1M
  • S. Hrg. 107-72 -- Nominations of Erik P. Christian and Maurice A. Ross, May 22, 2001 - TEXT 27K | PDF 5.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-71 -- Nominations of Angela B. Styles, Stephen A. Perry, and John D. Graham, May 17, 2001 - TEXT 250K | PDF 2.5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-70 -- The Financial Outlook of the U.S. Postal Service, May 15, 2001 - TEXT 161K | PDF 6.6M
  • S. Hrg. 107-69 -- Federal Election Practices and Procedures, May 3 and 9, 2001 - TEXT 420K | PDF 11.5M
  • S. Hrg. 107-65 -- High Risk: Human Capital in the Federal Government, February 1, 2001 - TEXT 83K | PDF 3.4M
  • S. Hrg. 107-39 -- Nomination of Sean O'Keefe, February 27, 2001 - TEXT 90K | PDF 3.2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-28 -- High Performance Computer Export Controls, March 15, 2001 - TEXT 79K | PDF 967K
  • S. Hrg. 107-13 -- Nomination of Joe M. Allbaugh, February 13, 2001 - TEXT 60K | PDF 2M
  • S. Hrg. 107-4 -- Nomination of Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., January 19, 2001 - TEXT 139K | PDF 3M