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Performance -- Reading First (Sep 26, 2008)
This page lists annual performance reports, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Indicators, success stories, promising practices, data analysis, and performance reports for the Reading First program.
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Resources -- Reading First (Sep 09, 2008)
This page contains links to publications, research, reports, related sites, technical assistance, events notices, or presentations for the Reading First and links to related associations and organizations.
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State Reading First Evaluation Reports (Jun 23, 2008)
State Reading First Evaluation Reports submitted in 2007.
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Reading First Annual Performance Report Data (PDF) (Jun 23, 2008)
The Reading First Annual Performance Report Data provides data statistics from state and local educational agencies receiving Reading first funds. (PDF)
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Resources -- Reading First Advisory Committee Members (MS WORD) (Jun 12, 2008)
This page contains information about the Reading First Advisory Committee Members for 2008. (MS WORD)
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Frequently Asked Questions -- Reading First (Jun 12, 2008)
This page provides frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Reading First program.
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Performance -- Early Reading First (MS Excel) (Jun 05, 2008)
This excel spreadsheet provides information for the FY 2006 performance report for the Early Reading First program. (MS Excel)
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Cumberland County College Commencement Speech (PDF) (Jun 04, 2008)
Cumberland County College, Maryland, Commencement Speech, By Pat Stanley, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. (PDF)
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Cumberland County College Commencement Speech (MS Word) (Jun 04, 2008)
Cumberland County College, Maryland, Commencement Speech, By Pat Stanley, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. (MS Word)
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Early Reading First Invited Applicants for FY 2008 (MS Word) (May 08, 2008)
This is a list of the Early Reading First FY 2008 invited applicants. (MS Word)
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for Administrators (94)
formatted as HTML document (70)
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) (59)
Free, No Restrictions (55)
for Local Education Agencies (55)
for Teachers (54)
for Reading Teachers (53)
for Principals (48)
for State Education Agencies (47)
about Reading Comprehension (46)