Office of Law Enforcement
Southeast Region

collage of seven pictures; background picture of field with boulders scattered about with the words wildlife forever on one, top left picture of mother and baby manatee in water, top middle picture of parrots, top right picture of sea turtle in nest, center left piture of hunter in field at sunset with reflection in water, bottom left picture of gopher tortoise in habitat, center right picture of eagle head, bottom right picture of hundreds of geese on the ground, in the lake, and in flight


Law enforcement is essential to virtually every aspect of wildlife conservation. The Office of Law Enforcement contributes to Service efforts to manage ecosystems, save endangered species, conserve migratory birds, preserve wildlife habitat, restore fisheries, combat invasive species, and promote international wildlife conservation.
Service law enforcement today focuses on potentially devastating threats to wildlife resources —— illegal trade, unlawful commercial exploitation, habitat destruction, and environmental contaminants. The Office investigates wildlife crimes, regulates wildlife trade, helps Americans understand and obey wildlife protections laws, and works in partnership with international, state, and tribal counterparts to conserve wildlife resources. This work includes:

  • Breaking up international and domestic smuggling rings that target imperiled animals
  • Preventing the unlawful commercial exploitation of protected U.S. species
  • Protecting wildlife from environmental hazards and safeguarding critical habitat for endangered species
  • Enforcing Federal migratory game bird hunting regulations and working with States to protect other game species   from illegal take and preserve legitimate hunting opportunities
  • Inspecting wildlife shipments to ensure compliance with laws and treaties and detect illegal trade
  • Working with international counterparts to combat illegal trafficking in protected species
  • Training other Federal, State, tribal, and foreign law enforcement officers
  • Using forensic science to analyze evidence and solve wildlife crimes
  • Distributing information and outreach materials to increase public understand


With your concern and help, we can provide future generations of Americans the enjoyment of the beauty, sport, and appreciation of our remarkable natural resource heritage. Please feel free to visit or contact any of our stations here in the Southeast.

Southeast Regional Office: Atlanta, GA
North Florida
S. FL - PR
RAC Office
RAC Office
RAC Office
Atlanta Port
RAC Office
RAC Office
Ft. Myers Miami Port Frankfort Asheville Grenada
Jacksonville Puerto Rico Port Memphis Washington Little Rock
Vero Beach Memphis Port Charleston Lacombe
Tampa Port   Louisville Atlanta Lafayette
    Louisville Port Raleigh Lake Charles
New Orleans Port


If you have comments or questions regarding our Internet pages, you may contact the LE Web Master via e-mail. Please allow ample time for a reply. We appreciate your comments and concerns.

Office of Law Enforcement
1875 Century Blvd., Suite 380
Atlanta, GA 30345

Last Updated: October 17, 2007

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