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National Electronic Disease Surveillance System

Overview Status NEDSS BASE System NEDSS Messaging Solution

NEDSS Overview

NEDSS (National Electronic Disease Surveillance System) is an Internet-based infrastructure for public health surveillance data exchange that uses specific PHIN (Public Health Information Network) and NEDSS Data Standards. NEDSS also relies heavily on industry standards (including: standard vocabulary code sets such as LOINC, SNOMED, and HL7), policy-level agreements on data access, and the protection of confidentiality. NEDSS represents an ongoing close collaboration between the CDC and its public health partners.

NEDSS is not a single, monolithic application, but a system of interoperable subsystems, components and systems modules that include software applications developed and implemented by the CDC; those developed and implemented by State and Local health departments and those created by commercial services and vendors.

Strategic Realignment

During FY 07, CDC’s National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) Project strategically realign its funding and long range planning to better address changing information technology capabilities and to meet emerging needs in local, state, and national public health surveillance. These realigned resources will support standards-based PHIN and American Health Information Community (AHIC)-approved, electronic message exchange between public health stakeholders.

The strategic realignment of NEDSS funding moves the project from work to design, develop, deploy, and support a new CDC-built NEDSS Program Area Module (PAM) Platform application to a new business model. Today, in addition to the commercial products now available, many states have used in-house resources to develop NEDSS-compatible applications. This changing business environment provides CDC with new opportunities to enhance the NEDSS vision of national integrated surveillance, while remaining focused on supporting state and local health department surveillance data systems needs.