SUBROUTINE DPODI(A,LDA,N,DET,JOB) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE DPODI C***DATE WRITTEN 780814 (YYMMDD) C***REVISION DATE 820801 (YYMMDD) C***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) C 000330 Modified array declarations. (JEC) C***CATEGORY NO. D2B1B,D3B1B C***KEYWORDS DETERMINANT,DOUBLE PRECISION,FACTOR,INVERSE, C LINEAR ALGEBRA,LINPACK,MATRIX,POSITIVE DEFINITE C***AUTHOR MOLER, C. B., (U. OF NEW MEXICO) C***PURPOSE Computes the determinant and inverse of a certain double C precision SYMMETRIC POSITIVE DEFINITE matrix (see abstract) C using the factors computed by DPOCO, DPOFA or DQRDC. C***DESCRIPTION C C DPODI computes the determinant and inverse of a certain C double precision symmetric positive definite matrix (see below) C using the factors computed by DPOCO, DPOFA or DQRDC. C C On Entry C C A DOUBLE PRECISION(LDA, N) C the output A from DPOCO or DPOFA C or the output X from DQRDC. C C LDA INTEGER C the leading dimension of the array A . C C N INTEGER C the order of the matrix A . C C JOB INTEGER C = 11 both determinant and inverse. C = 01 inverse only. C = 10 determinant only. C C On Return C C A If DPOCO or DPOFA was used to factor A , then C DPODI produces the upper half of INVERSE(A) . C If DQRDC was used to decompose X , then C DPODI produces the upper half of inverse(TRANS(X)*X) C where TRANS(X) is the transpose. C Elements of A below the diagonal are unchanged. C If the units digit of JOB is zero, A is unchanged. C C DET DOUBLE PRECISION(2) C determinant of A or of TRANS(X)*X if requested. C Otherwise not referenced. C Determinant = DET(1) * 10.0**DET(2) C with 1.0 .LE. DET(1) .LT. 10.0 C or DET(1) .EQ. 0.0 . C C Error Condition C C A division by zero will occur if the input factor contains C a zero on the diagonal and the inverse is requested. C It will not occur if the subroutines are called correctly C and if DPOCO or DPOFA has set INFO .EQ. 0 . C C LINPACK. This version dated 08/14/78 . C Cleve Moler, University of New Mexico, Argonne National Lab. C C Subroutines and Functions C C BLAS DAXPY,DSCAL C Fortran MOD C***REFERENCES DONGARRA J.J., BUNCH J.R., MOLER C.B., STEWART G.W., C *LINPACK USERS GUIDE*, SIAM, 1979. C***ROUTINES CALLED DAXPY,DSCAL C***END PROLOGUE DPODI INTEGER LDA,N,JOB DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,*) DOUBLE PRECISION DET(2) C DOUBLE PRECISION T DOUBLE PRECISION S INTEGER I,J,JM1,K,KP1 C C COMPUTE DETERMINANT C C***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT DPODI IF (JOB/10 .EQ. 0) GO TO 70 DET(1) = 1.0D0 DET(2) = 0.0D0 S = 10.0D0 DO 50 I = 1, N DET(1) = A(I,I)**2*DET(1) C ...EXIT IF (DET(1) .EQ. 0.0D0) GO TO 60 10 IF (DET(1) .GE. 1.0D0) GO TO 20 DET(1) = S*DET(1) DET(2) = DET(2) - 1.0D0 GO TO 10 20 CONTINUE 30 IF (DET(1) .LT. S) GO TO 40 DET(1) = DET(1)/S DET(2) = DET(2) + 1.0D0 GO TO 30 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE C C COMPUTE INVERSE(R) C IF (MOD(JOB,10) .EQ. 0) GO TO 140 DO 100 K = 1, N A(K,K) = 1.0D0/A(K,K) T = -A(K,K) CALL DSCAL(K-1,T,A(1,K),1) KP1 = K + 1 IF (N .LT. KP1) GO TO 90 DO 80 J = KP1, N T = A(K,J) A(K,J) = 0.0D0 CALL DAXPY(K,T,A(1,K),1,A(1,J),1) 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE C C FORM INVERSE(R) * TRANS(INVERSE(R)) C DO 130 J = 1, N JM1 = J - 1 IF (JM1 .LT. 1) GO TO 120 DO 110 K = 1, JM1 T = A(K,J) CALL DAXPY(K,T,A(1,J),1,A(1,K),1) 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE T = A(J,J) CALL DSCAL(J,T,A(1,J),1) 130 CONTINUE 140 CONTINUE RETURN END