Fish & Wildlife Service Logo & link Fish & Wildlife Service Logo & link Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge System
  America's First National Wildlife Refuge

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The Indian River Lagoon
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point arrow graphic Events & Programs
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Environmental Education
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Planning & Management
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Comprehensive Conservation Planning
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National Historic Landmark
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Save America's Treasures
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Wetland of International Importance
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National Wilderness Area

  Pelican Island viewing tower

Visiting the Refuge
New public facilities were opened on March 14, 2003 as part of the Centennial Celebration.
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New Beginning Bird Watching Tours offered October -March

Photo of a flock of pelicans
Pelican Island - The First 100 Years
The history, management challenges and partnering to prepare the refuge for the Centennial and beyond.
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Photo of Paul Kroegel with a pelican Our Centennial Celebration -- March 9 - 16, 2003
A summary of the events that took place to celebrate the Centennial.
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graphic of media equipment

For The Media
News releases, press kit materials, and 300 dpi photos.
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Press Release: New Beginning Bird Watching Tours - October 10, 2007 (pdf)


Other Refuges Administered:
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge
America's Most Important Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches
Bob Montanaro's Osprey couple Featured Website
OspreyWatch at Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge

Discover America's Best Kept Secret ... National Wildlife Refuge banner

For a Refuge System Visitors Guide
call 1-800-344-WILD