Founded in 1974, The North American Vegetarian Society is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting the vegetarian way of life. Since its inception, we have organized and sponsored annual vegetarian conferences including two world events.


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Almost-raw recipe books
Food, nutrition, health
Animal rights
Philosophy, spiritual, religion
Eco-living / natural gardening
Birth, babies, children
Youth and children's books
Dining / travel guides

Book Reviews
Bumper stickers / mugs
Videos / DVDs
T-shirts / totes

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NAVS has established Independent Affiliate and Local Contact programs to further broaden vegetarian outreach. As originator and organizer of the annual celebration of World Vegetarian Day (October 1), NAVS seeks to promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism
Affiliates      Local Contacts
Vegetarian Voice articles
Plant-based Fertilizing
Hidden Animal Ingredients
The Zone Diet
Troubled Waters: The terrible toll of Fish Consumption(pdf)
The Decline and Fall of Human Supremacy (pdf)
Welfare Ranching (pdf)
Atkins' Proponent's Big Fat Omissions
Atkins' Diet:
A Smorgasbord of Risks
Summerfest Photos

2001       2002
2003       2005
2006       2007

NAVS' Organization

Contact us

NAVS works year-round to provide information to its members, the public, local groups, interested organizations and the media. Our educational efforts include: publishing 'Vegetarian Voice', our quarterly news-magazine; sponsoring both regional and national conferences; distributing books and other educational materials by mail and at local and national events; and responding to inquiries from all sectors of society
Vegetarian organizations
Animal rights organizations
Vegetarian dining
Vegan recipes
Veggie Date

Membership in NAVS includes a four-issue subscription to Vegetarian Voice, discounts on books and merchandise, as well as reduced registration fees at annual conferences. Regular members are vegetarians - fully and consistently abstaining from flesh, fish and fowl. Associate members are nonvegetarians
