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Latest News from Phoenix House

“One of my most vivid memories is going to Family Day at Phoenix House and for the first time seeing my father clean…” Read Charles’ touching story here, and help families reclaim their lives with a Father’s Day gift.

Phoenix House Honors The Honorable Peter G. Peterson and Founder Dr. Mitchell S. Rosenthal at 40th Gala. read more and see photos

Phoenix House of New York is now accepting  new applications for summer enrollment.  read more
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Real life stories by Phoenix House graduates.
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Get Information About Teen Drug Abuse

Should I be worried?
How can you tell if a teen is involved with drugs? There are no hard and fast rules, but there are warning signs. Learn how to spot the most common signs and symptoms of teen drug abuse.

Calling All Parents
More than half of all American kids will try drugs at least once between first and 12th grade. Talking to your kids about the dangers of drug abuse can help steer them in the right direction. Here are some helpful tips for talking to your kids about drugs.

What is an intervention?
When people engage in self-destructive behavior, they often don’t realize that they need help. An intervention is when family members or friends confront a loved one about his or her addiction, express their concern, and offer suggestions about how and where to get help. Find out how to have an intervention to help someone fight substance abuse.