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Value Engineering
About Us
Value Engineering is the systematic application of recognized techniques by multi-disciplined team which identifies the function of a product or service; establishes a worth for that function; generates alternatives through the use of creative thinking; and provides the needed functions, reliably, at the lowest overall cost.

Tracy Harris
Value Engineer
(503) 986-3727

Problem-Solving Procedures
The formal problem-solving procedure used to carry out a VE Study is composed of eight parts: Selection, Investigation, Speculation, Evaluation, Development, Presentation, Implementation and Audit.
The Investigation consists of Project Presentations, Site Visit, Function Identification, Function Classification and Cost and Worth of Function
Speculation – Brainstorming function of design elements: What else will perform the function? Where else may the function be performed? How else may the function be performed?
Evaluation - List Advantages and disadvantages; Establish Evaluation Criteria; Rate Each Idea; Rank all Ideas; Select Best Alternatives for Development.
Development – Develop Alternative Concepts; Prepare Sketches and Calculations, and Estimate Costs.
Presentation – Prepare written proposals and oral presentation and present alternatives to decision makers.
Implementation – The design team then evaluates the VE Team’s recommendations and implements those that are acceptable to them.
Audit – Performance measures of the recommendations are compiled and reported to FHWA.

Projects That May Benefit
Types of projects that can benefit from a VE Study are complex projects, interchanges, major structures, new alignments, extensive traffic control, special processes, special procedures, or unusually expensive.
Selection – Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Part 627 requires VE on all Federal-Aid (NHS) Projects of $20 Million or more.

Here are a few web sites that may be of interest:
Constructability Reviews
Annual Federal-Aid Value Engineering Report 2006
Value Engeering & the Federal Highway Admin
Value Eng Program for Transportation Projects - Policy

Page updated: October 31, 2007

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