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Vehicle Aerodynamics


Tougher emissions standards, as well as industry demands for more powerful engines and new vehicle equipment, continue to increase the heat rejection requirements of heavy-duty vehicles. However, changes in the physical configuration and weight of these vehicles can affect how they handle wind resistance and energy loss due to aerodynamic drag.

Role of High-Performance Computing

The field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) offers researchers the ability to visualize and predict how changes in design affect a heavy-duty vehicle’s aerodynamic performance on the road. Incorporating advanced simulation capability in the heavy-duty vehicle design process can help improve fuel economy. Argonne scientists and engineers use a variety of commercial CFD tools to develop guidelines for the use of CFD analysis in evaluating tractor-trailer designs. The simulations have been compared with detailed pressure, velocity, and body force data from wind tunnel experiments. Results show that modeling can predict drag coefficients within 1% of the actual values measured, and that surface pressure distributions can be predicted with reasonable accuracy.

Truck Aerodynamics

Prediction of aerodynamic flow patterns for a heavy-duty vehicle using computational fluid dynamics.

For more information

Tanju Sofu
Computational Fluid Dynamics Project Leader

David Pointer
Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Scientist

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC U.S. Department of Transportation
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