
April 29- June 4, 1999

TAO Program Director

Dr. Michael J. McPhaden

PMEL, TAO Project Office 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115

Area: Eastern Equatorial Pacific


KA-99-02	San Diego, CA	                	dep. 30 April 1999
		San Diego, CA	arr. 05June 1999


General guidelines are contained in the TAO Program Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA dated December 30, 1998.

Cruise Objective and Plan:

The objective of this cruise is the maintenance of the TAO Array along the 110 and 95W meridians. The scientific complement will embark in San Diego, California and depart aboard KA'IMIMOANA on April 29, 1999 to commence operations as listed in Appendix A. After completion of operations, KA'IMIMOANA will proceed to San Diego, California arriving on or about June 4, 1999. All dates and times referred to in these cruise instructions are in Pacific Standard Time (PST).

	PMC  Operations:	        TAO  Operations  Manager:
	LT Michael D. Francisco, NOAA   LCDR Mark Ablondi, NOAA
	951 Fairview Ave. East		7600 Sand Point Way NE
	Seattle, WA  98102-3767		Seattle, WA 98115-0070
	(206) 553-4886			(206) 526-6403



Chief Scientist: David Zimmerman

The Chief Scientist is authorized to revise or alter the scientific portion of the cruise plan as work progresses provided that, after consultation with the Commanding Officer, it is ascertained that the proposed changes will not: (1) jeopardize the safety of personnel or the ship; (2) exceed the overall time allotted for the cruise; (3) result in undue additional expenses; (4) alter the general intent of these instructions. A list of participating scientists follows in this set of Specific Cruise Instructions. All participating scientists will submit a medical history form and be medically approved before embarking.

Participating Scientists

Name Sex Nationality Affiliation

1. David Zimmerman M USA NOAA/PMEL 2. Brian Powers M USA NOAA/PMEL 3. Patrick A'Hearn M USA NOAA/PMEL 4. Matt Fowler M USA NOAA/PMEL/VENTS 5. Paul Will M USA NOAA/PMEL/VENTS 6. TBN USA Bloomsburg University 7. Whit Anderson M USA George Mason University


The cruise track and details of station work are summarized in Appendices A and B. Underway observations are described in section 2.1 of the TAO Standard Operating Instructions. Upon completion of the cruise the vessel will provide to the Chief Scientist an operations spreadsheet (similar to Appendix A) with times and speeds made good for the entire cruise.

2.1 Mooring Operations

Mooring Operations are scheduled to be conducted as shown in Appendix A. Operations will be conducted from 8N - 110 to 8S - 110 and thence to 8S - 95W to 8N -95W. The following mooring operations are anticipated, though the work may be changed by direction of the Chief Scientist, in consultation with the Commanding Officer.

Location Mooring Type Operation

8N 110W Standard ATLAS Visit

8N 110W Haruphone Recover/Deploy

5N 110W Standard ATLAS Recover/Deploy

2N 110W Standard ATLAS Repair (Swap ATRH, Swap MBARI)

0 110W ATLAS II - CM-Sontek Recover (note: System Resource Buoy)

0 110W ATLAS II - CM-Sontek Deploy (Faired 0-250m, Toroid Floatation Insert)

0 110W Subsurface ADCP Recover/Deploy

0 110W Haruphone Recover/Deploy

2S 110W Standard ATLAS Visit

5S 110W Standard ATLAS Visit

8S 110W Standard ATLAS Visit

8S 110W Haruphone Recover/Deploy

8S 95W Standard ATLAS Visit

8S 95W Haruphone Recover/Deploy

5S 95W Standard ATLAS Recover

ATLAS II - Taut Deploy (w/ Rain & SSC)

2S 95W Standard ATLAS Visit

0 95W ATLAS II - Taut Repair (Swap Tube & RH)

0 95W Haruphone Recover/Deploy

2N 95W ATLAS II - Taut Deploy (Faired 0-250m, Toroid Floatation Insert)

ATLAS II - Taut Recover (Drifting North)

5N 95W Standard ATLAS Recover (Transmitting erratically)

5N 95W ATLAS II - Taut Deploy (w/ Rain & SSC)

8N 95W Standard ATLAS Visit

8N 95W Haruphone Recover/Deploy

2.2 Bloomsburg University Barnacle Census

Barnacles will be collected in accordance with TAO Standard Operating Instructions. A pre and post cruise inventory of Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) brought aboard and offloaded from the ship will be given to the Chief Scientist and Commanding Officer. All Hazardous Materials will be properly labeled as to content, Hazmat classification and cruise number.

2.3 Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) Underway Mapping

The MBARI underway-mapping system (temperature, salinity, fluorescence, and nitrate) will be on-line and running throughout this cruise. Phytoplankton work consisting of chlorophyll and nutrients extractions will also be taken (by the Bloomsburg University Research Assistant) from CTD water samples at 0, 10, 25, 40, 60, 100, 150 and 200m. The total volume used from each bottle, including rinses is approximately one liter; except for the surface bottle, which will require approximately three liters. This will require use of the sink/bench area of the wet lab.

2.4 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) Surface Drifters

The Global Drifter Center at NOAA/AOML requests drifter deployments on an ancillary basis. The drifters are small, easily deployed devices which are tracked by Argos and provide Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and mixed layer currents. The global array of drifters provides SST ground truth for NOAA's polar orbiting satellite AVHRR SST maps. They also provide data to operational meteorological and ocean models, and research ocean current data sets.

Most often, drifter deployments are requested when crossing 00 30.0N, the Equator, and 00 30.0S. Drifter deployments are frequently requested at other locations along the cruise track. Typically, less than 12 deployments are requested on a cruise. The deployments should have little or no impact upon primary ship operations. Questions should be directed to:

Mark Bushnell, Global Drifter Center, NOAA/AOML

(305)361-4353 (office), (305)361-4412 (fax) or (305)667-3370 (home)., or see the GDC web site at:

3.0 Hazardous Materials

The Chief Scientist is responsible for the proper and safe storage of scientific hazardous material and complying with NC Instruction 6280B, Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Policy, Guidance, and Training, dated May 8, 1991. This includes the requirement for the Chief Scientist to remove all scientific team hazardous materials and waste at the end of the cruise.

3.1 Ancillary Projects Hazardous Materials

1. Acetone 8 Liters MBARI

2. Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 500 mLs MBARI

3. Formalin (50% stored in Wx deck Hazmat locker) 32 Liters Bloomsburg University

(diluted to 5% working solution for wet lab use)


A. Operations Spreadsheet

B. Trackline

C. Mooring Equipment Weight List