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Standard Details - Environmental Section
Can't Find Your Detail?
Change Requests
Erosion and Sediment Control
Roadside Development
Can't Find Your Detail?
The Standard Details are currently under revision.  If you are unable to locate a specific Detail, please contact Dave Polly, the Senior Standards Engineer, by email or by phone at (503) 986-3738 for personal assistance.

Change Requests
If you would like to suggest changes to the Standard Details, fill out the form on the "Request for Change to Standard Details" page.

Erosion and Sediment Control

ENVIRONMENTAL - Erosion and Sediment Control
File Type
 DET 6000  Sediment Mat
 DET 6001  Plastic Sheeting
 DET 6002  Temporary Brush Barrier
 DET 6003  Temporary Berm (Type 1)
 DET 6004  Sediment Trap, Temporary
 DET 6005  Inlet Protection (Type 8)
 DET 6006  Turbidity Barrier
 DET 6007  Temporary Interceptor Dike (Type 1)
 DET 6008  Temporary Interceptor Dike (Type 2)
 DET 6009  Temporary Interceptor Dike (Type 3)
 DET 6010  Temporary Interceptor Swale (Type 1)
 DET 6011  Temporary Interceptor Swale (Type 3)
 DET 6012  Staked Silt Fence Turbidity Barrier

Roadside Development

ENVIRONMENTAL - Roadside Development
File Type
 DET 6100
 Tree Planting and Staking
 DET 6101  Planting
 DET 6102  Planting
 DET 6103  Plant Cutting Installation
 DET 6104  Plant List
 DET 6105  Planting Pattern
 DET 6106  Construction
 DET 6107  Planting
 DET 6108  Irrigation
 DET 6109  Irrigation
 DET 6110  Irrigation

Page updated: February 04, 2007

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