Picture of a bee NAPPC
North American Pollinator Protection Campaign
Working to protect the pollinators of the North American continent
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Indispensable partners in an estimated 1/3 of the food consumed by humans, pollinators allow the reproduction of more than 90% of flowering plants. Today their existence is threatened.

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Plans & Projects

The NAPPC Action Plan encourages and helps coordinate pollinator conservation efforts.

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More than 90 affiliated organizations, working to implement, promote and support a clear, continent wide coordinated Action Plan to encourage activities that assure documented increases in numbers and health of both resident and migratory pollinating animals

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Featured News

This year's 8th Annual NAPPC International Conference Sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of State will be held in Washington D.C., October 22-24 was a Huge Success! Listen to Podcasts Here

To view information from the last year's conference Click here to learn about NAPPC 2007 .

Pollinator Habitat Protection Act Introduced by Baucus-Chambliss in Senate

Click here for related documents

New Pollinator Curriculum: Nature's Partners, A Comprehensive Pollinator Curriculum for Grades 3-6
Click here for the curriculum

The Canadian Pollinator Meeting took place January 18-19th, 2007. See more details, plus the agenda (in English and French).

NAPPC Meeting in Mexico ~ More information

The National Academy of Sciences Study on the Status of Pollinators in North America is Now Available
Press Release
Full Report
Report Brief
Cover Art

U.S. Postal Service introduces a "Pollination" stamp series for release in June 2007
USPS Press Release, "Pollination"
2007 Commemorative Stamps

U.S. Senate passes a Resolution to protect pollinators and designates June 24-30, 2007 National Pollinator Week
Recognizing the importance of pollinators to ecosystem health and agriculture in the United States and the value of partnership efforts to increase awareness about pollinators and support.
Press Release
National Pollinator Week Proclamation
Senate Resolution 580

Corporations play a valuable role in Pollinator Action.
NAPPC and Wildlife Habitat Council Award

Visit the new Pollinator.org.
Your source for pollinator information.


Our Mission

To encourage the health of resident and migratory pollinating animals in North America.

More News

Honey Bee Disappearances and What You Can Do Actions to counteract Colony Collapse Disorder

Join the Pollinator Action Team
click here to find out how you can help bees and other pollinators!


Bee Importation White Paper
Importation of Non-Native Bumble Bees into North America: Potential Consequences of Using Bombus terrestris and Other Non-Native Bumble Bees for Greenhouse Crop Pollination in Canada, Mexico, and the United States

Reducing Risk to Pollinators from Pesticides. For people interested in promoting the protection of pollinators through responsible use, or avoidance, of pesticides.

Pollinator Friendly Practices To help organizations that work with schools, private industry, public spaces, agriculture, forests and homes, to educate about and promote pollinator friendly land use practices.

Making Room for Native Pollinators How to create habitat for pollinator insects on golf courses.

Contact Us

Send emails to info@NAPPC.org

c/o Pollinator Partnership
423 Washington St, 5th Fl
San Francisco, CA 94111-2339

Phone: (415) 362-1137
Fax: (415) 362-3070

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Click here to learn more about NAPPC's Funding Policy

Are you a government or military employee? Choose CFC #2946 when designating your Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) charitable contributions for 2006.
Support NAPPC's critical pollinator work with a tax-deductible donation to the non-profit Coevolution Institute (CoE). NAPPC is coordinated by CoE.

Online donation system by ClickandPledge

© 2002-2006 The Coevolution Institute