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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Questions & Answers
The following questions and answers are provided to help customers find answers to frequently asked questions.  If you wish to suggest questions, please contact Eryca McCartin, the Unit Manager of the Office of Project Letting (OPL).

Q2. [Hybrid Lump Sums Question] Why is the Structure Excavation - item 0510.0101000A LS on the website and m³ in Estimator?

Q1.  [Estimator Question]  Why is the catalog lined through for certain items – do I have a faulty catalog?
A1.  The “unit system” default must be preset before entering data into the “Skeleton”. In this case, the metric default was not changed to English prior to accessing an English catalog to enter new bid items.  View Screenshots below:
Q2.  [Hybrid Lump Sums Question]  Why is the Structure Excavation - item 0510.0101000A LS on the website and m³ in Estimator? 
A2.  The website shows the bid items as they will be viewed and bid by contractors. An "A" designation at the end of a bid item indicates the bid item is either a lump sum (LS) or a "hybrid". Hybrids are bid items that have been developed from specific estimated quantities, but for bidding purposes, have been "lumped" together as a lump sum. When using hybrid bid items the estimated quantities are input in Estimator and automatically converted to lump sum within the PES/DSS systems.
Q3.  [Hybrid Lump Sums Question]  Does the "A" at the end of the item number designate a hybrid item?
A3.  Not necessarily – the "A" designation indicates either Lump Sums or Hybrids.  Be sure to check the unit of measure in Estimator with each item – again, if the A designation is accompanied with anything other than “LS” in the unit of measure field, this is your indicator that the item is a Hybrid
Q4.  [Hybrid Lump Sums Question]  Why does 0510.0101000K show as m³ on both?
A4.  This is because the "K" designates a bid item intended to be bid by a specific quantity.  Hybrids are only calculated from the "A" designation.

Q5.  [Hybrid Lump Sums Question]  When I print out the estimate from Estimator, the bid items with an "A" at the end of the item number still show up with specific quantities (i.e. m³).  This is incorrect, what is happening? 
A5.  The printing function for Estimator will show and print the item with quantities and prices.  You will not be printing the bid schedule for the contractors so this is not a problem.  The PES overhead system will take care of the contractors bid schedule – that will print out the 1 and “LS” for bidding purposes.
Q6.  [Hybrid Lump Sums Question]  What happens if I don't have quantities for a hybrid, and I just want to use a true LS?
A6.  In all cases, we will want quantities for the hybrid lump sums – simply using lump sums has never been an ODOT standard for cost tracking and in the past the Bridge group has been manually entering the quantity data into systems for federal reporting and cost information that is sent back to the bridge designers.  In some cases, the bridge group has had to go back and re-calculate quantities to complete their reporting data.  The Estimator system is designed to eliminate the redundant data entry process.  In all cases, we will need the quantities.
Q7.  [Hybrid Lump Sums Question]  Should I use the 9Z9 item when I want to use a true LS?
A7.  Do not use the 9Z9 items for missing data – the PS&E bid schedule will be incomplete and we will not upload an incomplete set of data.
Q8 [Hybrid Lump Sums Question]  I don't want to disable the bid histories by using a quantity of 1, but I'm not finding a way around it yet.  How can I do this? 
A8.  The simple answer is to contact the bridge designers and obtain the quantity data necessary to complete the hybrids.  The Estimator training for designers is beginning next month – these designers will be using the template system to enter data for their engineering discipline. 
Q9.  [Estimator Question]  I've checked the most current English Bid Item List, and it appears that there is no item number for the Deck BT 72 Precast Prestressed Beams. In situations where a bid item is not listed on the bid item list, should we just indicate the first four digits of the item number or leave the bid item number blank?
A9.  Please do not leave blanks in the bid item list selection box. You will need to select a bid item with the first four digits matching the Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction (as closely as possible) and with the first 3 digit places following the dash  (-) designated as "9Z9" and the last letter matching the unit of measure you are selecting for the item. In this case you would select the letter "F" for feet. Once this is selected you will need to fill in the supplemental description box with the item description - all letters in caps.
Q10.  [Estimator Question]  In one of the training sessions, we were told that we could obtain a copy of the template file, which was used to create a previous job that lists the most common bid items typically associated with a new bridge construction.  How can I get a copy of that file?
A10.  The template file is available from the region tech center. Please contact your local tech center to obtain a copy.
Q11.  [Estimator Question]  If there is not a current 9Z9 miscellaneous item number in the catalog under the proper section (0290), how do I add one?   I'm trying to create two 0290-9Z9 items, but I can't get the field to accept my typed in entry.
A11.  Use the 9z9 from another section that is a close fit to the 0290 section - the prefix to the -9z9 does not need to be an exact fit for the "bucket item" bid items.  This data is not intended to be regenerated in the historic data fields.
Q12.  [Estimator Question] Have there been any procedures established for estimating asphalt escalation?
A12.  The procedure is to call this office, (we do all of the ongoing legwork assembling data and risk/supply/economic gathered from the agencies listed below), then we provide this to you and the project leader for your recommendations – the final decision is the area manager/funding CPM manager for the project as the anticipated item funding is strongly effecting the program dollars due to current inflation trends.
This risk analysis changes over time – sometimes dramatically. We also factor the potential changes over time into the recommendations we discuss, often resulting in a delay of some cost and design decisions right down to the PS&E submittal, and often causing teams to plan for multiple sections of preservation replacement based on current economic information at the point of PS&E.
This area is left bank for proper function of internal links.


Page updated: August 05, 2008

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