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Solid Waste Division - reduce, reuse, recycle


Waste Export System Plan

Solid Waste Transfer and Waste Management Plan (PDF, 3.6 MB)
(Note: this is a very large file and may take several minutes to download, depending on connection speed)
Proposed recommendations that will guide King County as it prepares the solid waste system for waste export, during which time the transfer system will be upgraded, a public or private intermodal facility or facilities will be added to the system, and the county's Cedar Hills Regional Landfill will be closed. The rate proposal and forecast that accompanies the Plan is provided under Other Documents.

Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (PDF, 2.5 MB)
(Note: this is a very large file and may take several minutes to download, depending on connection speed)
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement – presents an environmental analysis of the alternatives developed in Milestone Report 4 (provided below).

Milestone Report #1 (PDF, 75 K)
Transfer System Level of Service Standards and Criteria – sets standards and criteria for evaluating county waste transfer system.

Milestone Report #2 (PDF, 6.7 MB)
(Note: this is a very large file and may take several minutes to download, depending on connection speed)

Analysis of System Needs and Capacity – applies standards and criteria for evaluating county waste transfer system.

Milestone Report #2: Addendum (PDF, 121 K)
Application of Criterion 17 – applies Level of Service Criterion 17 standards to the county waste transfer system, completing the second milestone report.

Milestone Report #3 (PDF, 4.5 MB)
(Note: this is a very large file and may take several minutes to download, depending on connection speed)

Options for Public & Private Ownership & Operation of Transfer & Intermodal Facilities – sets forth options, policy choices and service elements and identifies characteristics.

Milestone Report #4 (PDF, 802 K)
Preliminary Transfer & Waste Export Facility Recommendations And Estimated System Costs, Rate Impacts & Financial Policy Assumptions – the fourth and final milestone report in the waste export system plan development process as required by Ordinance 14971.

Milestone Report #4 Appendices

  1. Responsiveness Summary (PDF, 120 K)
  2. ITSG Additional Issues (PDF, 31 K)
  3. Forecasting Solid Waste Disposal (PDF, 30 K)
  4. Financial Policies (PDF, 32 K)
  5. Compacting Waste Feasibility Analysis (PDF, 9.0 MB)
    (Note: this is a very large file and may take several minutes to download, depending on connection speed)
  6. The Transfer Station Siting Process (PDF, 27 K)
  7. Project Implementation Schedules (PDF, 23 K)
  8. Level of Service Tables (PDF, 86 K)
  9. Financial Projections (PDF, 39 K)
  10. The Longer Term Outlook (PDF, 85 K)
  11. Landfill Capacity (PDF, 25 K)

Ordinance 14971 (PDF, 470 K)
Planning for future solid waste system.

Conversion Technologies Report

Comparative Evaluation of Waste Export and Conversion Technologies Disposal Options (PDF, 2.75 MB)
The purpose of this report is to review available information regarding current and emerging technologies for the processing of solid waste (“Conversion Technologies”) as potential disposal alternatives to the landfilling of the County’s solid waste at an out-of-county landfill (“Waste Export”).

Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan

Final 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
Table of Contents (PDF , 89 K)
Chapter 1 - Plan Summary (PDF , 93 K)
Chapter 2 - History/Policies (PDF , 207 K)
Chapter 3 - Future Planning (PDF , 328 K)
Chapter 4 - Waste Reduction/Recycling (PDF , 783 K)
Chapter 5.1 - Collection (PDF , 838 K)
Chapter 5.2 - Collection cont. (PDF , 577 K)
Chapter 6 - Transfer System (PDF , 381 K)
Chapter 7 - Disposal (PDF , 323 K)
Chapter 8 - CDL/Special Wastes (PDF , 337 K)
Chapter 9 - Enforcement (PDF , 122 K)
Chapter 10 - Financing and Rates (PDF , 197 K)
Glossary (PDF , 64 K)

Other Documents

Executive Proposed: Solid Waste Disposal Fees 2008-2010 (PDF, 265 K)
Proposes an increase in the basic solid waste disposal fee from $82.50 to $95.00 per ton, which would take effect on January 1, 2008. With this increase, the effect on the average customer with weekly one-can collection service would be $0.73 per month. Implementation of the rate proposal is pending adoption by the King County Council.

Local Hazardous Waste Management Program 2001-2002 Annual Report (PDF)
From the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Web site.

Governance Report (PDF, 679 K)
Report on the progress to date of the Interjurisdictional Technical Staff Group (ITSG) and Metropolitan Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee (MSWMAC) on what is generally referred to as "governance issues." This report is the last work product required to fulfill the directives outlined in Ordinance 14971 (PDF, 470 K).

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King County Solid Waste Division
King Street Center 201 S. Jackson Street, Suite 701, Seattle, Washington 98104
Solid Waste Information Line: 206-296-4466, Fax: 206-296-0197, TTY Relay: 711,
800-325-6165 ext. 66542 (outside the local calling area M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm)
Send us your comments online.

Updated: Sep. 5, 2008

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