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Public Meeting on the Review of Emergency Preparedness Regulations and Guidance for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants (8/31 - 9/1/05)

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss selected topics for the review of emergency preparedness regulations and guidance for commercial nuclear power plants. The selected topics also included emergency preparedness-related issues that arose during the 2005 National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference, NRC/FEMA workshop.

The first day of the meeting covered topics pertaining to potential changes to emergency preparedness regulations and guidance for commercial nuclear power plants. This portion of the meeting was conducted as a roundtable discussion among participants who have been invited to represent the broad spectrum of interests in the area of emergency preparedness. The spectrum included representatives from State, local, and Tribal governments; Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); NRC; advocacy groups; and the nuclear industry. The meeting was open to the public, and all attendees, including State, local, and Tribal governments not represented at the roundtable, had an opportunity to offer comments and ask questions throughout the meeting.

The second day of the meeting included a discussion of emergency preparedness-related issues that arose at the NRC/FEMA workshop during the 2005 National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference. This part of the meeting was conducted in a town hall-type setting, and all attendees were encouraged to participate in the discussion.

In addition, the NRC had arranged tours of the Operations Center for those interested.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007