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Manuals, Guides, Forms and Publications
New Releases
Specification Manual (pdf)


User Guides/Technical Bulletins
RD07-05(B) - Salvaging Features and Excess Materials Associated with Transportation Projects by Contract Specification
RD07-06(B) - Project Bid Advertisement Period
RD07-07(B) (pdf) - Rules for posting addenda to projects being advertised for construction.
A User's Guide to PS&E Delivery (pdf)  -  7/25/08
Bid Price Evaluation (pdf)
Commonly Used Acronyms (pdf)
DOJ Exemption Letter (pdf)
Engineers Estimate Policy (pdf)
Trns·port Estimator® Data Entry Guideline (pdf)  Link to Appendix 1

The most current versions of the following
guidelines can be found at the Project Delivery Unit's
Operational Policy between PS&E Submittal and Bid Opening (PD-07)
Operation Policy Between Bid Opening and Contract Award (PD-08)
Project Development Decision Structure (PD-02)

Addenda Letter (doc)  (Technical Bulletin RD07-07(B) (pdf))
Prepare addenda letters
Bid Booklet/Special Provisions Document Assembly (2008) (doc)
Initial assembly of the project special provisions based on the 2008 Standard Specifications
Bid Booklet/Special Provisions Document Assembl (2002) (doc)
Initial assembly of the project special provisions based on the 2002 Standard Specifications
CE Minimums (doc)    New requirement!
FHWA Required Documentation to Complete the Environmental Process for Class 2 Projects (Attach Part 3)… aka “CE Minimums”
Class of Work (blue sheet) (xls)  (Instructions (pdf))
Determine the class or work
DBE/OJT Civil Rights Sheet (yellow sheet) (xls)
Use to request DBE/OJT numbers
Final PS&E Submittal Checklist (doc)  - 7/25/08
Use when submitting PS&E packages for advertisement and bid
Fuel Escalation Worksheet (xls)
Non-Exempt Federal Aid Project Addenda Documentation (doc)
FHWA approval of addenda on non-exempt projects
Special Provision Certification (doc)
Update and DOJ Certification
Standard Construction Production Rates (xls)
Production Rates for Scheduling
Steel Escalation/De-Escalation Worksheet (xls)
Determine Pay Items to List in 00195.12
(contact ODOT's Contract Administration Unit for form help) 
Technical Experts List (xls)
Standard Specifications/Special Provisions Technical Contacts

NOTE:  These publications are for informational purposes only. 
Do not
include any of these publications with your PS&E Submittal.
FHWA-1273 Required Contract Provisions for Federal-Aid Construction Contracts (pdf)
On-Site Workforce Affirmative Action Requirements For Women and Minorities on Federal-Aid Contracts (pdf)
Equal Employment Opportunity Provisions (pdf)
DBE and MWESB Provisions (pdf)

NOTE:  The follow documents are for Internal ODOT employees only. 
Any attempt to open this file outside the ODOT network will fail.
Bid Date Planning & Status Report (xls)  (Updated Weekly)

Construction Cost Forecast(pdf)
PD-02 Exception Letters - Examples
  1. PD02, 13163 SE 282nd Ave at SE Stone Rd 
  2. PD02, 13526 Merlo LRT - Schuepbach Park   
  3. PD02, 14496 Reservoir Rd - US20 Hwy - W Millican Rd   
  4. PD02, 14599 US199 Rogue Community College to Midway   
  5. PD02, 15733 I-84 Hood River - Mosier Creek - Bundle 225   
Public Interest Finding Letters - Examples
  1. 12460 OR99E Dunes Drive - 10th Street  
  2. 13724 OR213 Molalla Ave - Barnards Rd.  
  3. 13810 OR140 Drews Creek Fish Passage  
  4. 15184 US101 Coos Bay Paving and Signal Repair  
  5. Columbia Gorge Scenic Area   
Anticipated Item Request Letters - Examples
  1. US199, Rogue Community College to Midway
  2. OR217, Sunset Highway to TV Highway
  3. 14224.1, OR 31-US95, Cattlepass-Crooked Cr - Bdl 404
  4. 15771, Oneonta Gorge Tunnel Rehabilitation

New Releases
The following three new/updated bulletins are now available in the sections above.
1.  “Final PS&E Submittal Checklist”   This new form replaces the prior Project Completeness Memo (PCM) and Project Completeness Checklist (PCC).   It incorporates the new FHWA requirements as well as other process and documentation updates.  Review it carefully.  The OPL QA request that the new form be used immediately, but will continue to accept the PCM and PCC forms through the end of August.  For those who use the PDWP versions of the PCM and PCC forms, please use the new web sourced form until the PDWP version is upgraded.
2.   FHWA “CE Minimums”   This new FHWA “CE Minimums” form is required to be completed and approved by the FHWA before they will authorize advertisement of any Federal Aid construction project.  It is a deliverable item with any Federal Aid PS&E submittal.  Failure to submit a copy of the completed and signed document with your PS&E submittal will likely cause a delay in the bid date.
3.   “User’s Guide to PS&E Submittal”   This guide has been completely been redone.  PS&E providers should review the new document for changes in submittals.  Users are encouraged to use the Pre-Letting Checklist provided in the Appendix.  Doing so will greatly improve the probability of a smooth and rapid project advertisement, bid opening and contract completion.
The following two new/updated bulletins are now available at the Traffic-Roadway web site:
4.   “Salvaging Features and Excess Materials Associated with Transportation Projects by Contract Specification”   This bulletin defines the approval requirements when project features and excess materials are requested to be salvaged.  Region management staff should note the new authorization and reporting requirements for them associated with this document.
5.   “Project Bid Advertisement Period”   This bulletin explains the requirements for the advertisement period for construction projects.

Page updated: September 12, 2008

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