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Science Olympiad » Disease Detectives Event
How to Write an Event Problem

Find a potential problem

  • Review example problems from regional and national events.
  • Search material in More Resources.
  • Look for reports of outbreaks, epidemics, surveys, and other current public health problems.

Design activities

  • Define relevant terms.
  • Explain why this is an important problem.
  • List or describe steps of an investigation to respond to this problem.
  • Give data, construct relevant charts and graphs.
  • Calculate and interpret measures of risk.
  • Specify hypotheses to explain the problem.
  • Describe study design to test hypotheses.
  • Describe and justify interventions.

Establish a scoring system

Pilot your problem

Back to Disease Detectives Event

This page last reviewed August 27, 2004

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United States Department of Health Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion