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June 2003

Read the June 2003 issue! (PDF - 2,197 kb)

Image: Cover of Jun. 2003 issue of FrontLines - Click on image to download PDF

Additional Information

For more information on the stories in this month's issue, please visit the following:

  • 52 Countries Agree to Iraq Aid Plan: USAID Keyword - Iraq
  • Paving Highway 1 in Afghanistan: USAID Keyword - Afghan Highway
  • Agency To Direct U.S. Volunteers For Prosperity: USAID Keyword - Volunteers for Prosperity
  • Microservices Help the Poor Pull Themselves Up: USAID Keyword - Microenterprise
  • Moroccan Microlender Helped When Banks Shunned Microloans:
  • Microenterprise Program Aided Azerbaijan’s Farm Animals: USAID Keyword - Azerbaijan
  • First Person: USAID Keyword - Moldova
  • Mission of the Month: USAID Keyword - Philippines
  • Afghanistan’s First Independent Radio Station Hits the Air with Women Disc Jockeys: USAID Keyword - Afghan Media
  • South African Workers in Black Economic Empowerment Companies Get Literacy Aid: USAID Keyword - South Africa
  • $3 Billion in Aid for Pakistan: USAID Keyword - Pakistan
  • Committee Approves MCA: USAID Keyword - MCA
  • Aid Workers Stranded in Liberia: USAID Keyword - Liberia
  • Bush Says Aid for Africa to Continue: USAID Keyword - President in Africa
  • Food Aid for Eritrea: USAID Keyword - AHC
  • Aid for Haiti Increased: USAID Keyword - Haiti
  • Sri Lankan Tigers Urged to Talk: USAID Keyword - Sri Lanka
  • Sacramento Conference Tackles Biotech Food Controversy: USAID Keyword - Ag Ministerial
  • Benin Farmers Learn Sunflowers Can Replace Cotton Crops: USAID Keyword - Benin
  • Guerillas Robbed Children of Their Childhoods: USAID Keyword - Uganda
  • ABCs of HIV Prevention Working in Uganda, Zambia, and Nigeria: USAID Keyword - AIDS
  • Natsios Trip Aired on C-SPAN:
  • Abuse Prevention Unit Created for Iraq: USAID Keyword - Iraq Mass Graves
  • Drip Irrigation Takes Root in Zimbabwe: USAID Keyword - Zimbabwe
  • Microcredit Programs Foster Literacy and Help Thousands of Micro Businesses in Haiti: USAID Keyword - Haiti
  • Sri Lankan Student Learns Business Savvy: USAID Keyword - Sri Lanka
  • New Albanian Law Says Officials With Access to Public Funds Must Declare Assets: USAID Keyword - Albania
  • Nobel Laureate Says Development Lags: USAID Keyword - Economic Growth Series
  • U.S. Botanic Garden Displays Plants Used in Developing Countries for Food, Medicine:
  • Songs, Food, and the Arts of Mali Come to Washington Mall’s Annual Folklife Festival:

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Tue, 01 Feb 2005 16:30:04 -0500