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Department of Human Services

Information for Facilities with Newly-licensed Tanning Devices



Rules & Application
Oregon Administrative Rules for Tanning (Div119) (pdf)

Tanning Facility Application (pdf)


Warning Sign (pdf )

Notice to the Public (pdf)

"..under 18.." Sign (pdf)
Medication List (pdf)


Maintenance Record (pdf)
Log of Operator Training (pdf)


Sample Client Card (pdf)
Skin-Typing Chart (pdf)
Approved Sanitizers List (pdf)
Training providers/Vendor Information (pdf)


FDA's Tanning Website

During the first inspection of new tanning facilities, many items are identified that result in citations for Non-compliance that could easily be avoided.  This information packet is designed to assist you in operating your tanning facility without making these common mistakes.

The enclosed sample"Client Card" (pdf) contains items an inspector will look for during each inspection. Essential are questions on proper skin typing; photosensitizing medications; pregnancy; the complete Warning Statement found in OAR 333-119-050; signature line for clients; parent or legal guardian signature line if minors are tanning; and a means to record the client's complete exposure history. Make certain  all cards are filled out completely and signed. You may include other questions specific to your facility, other liability disclaimers, company logos, etc., in addition to what is on the sample card.

Post a copy of the "Persons under age 18" (pdf) sign in public view. One sign at the reception area is adequate, though many choose to post a separate sign in each room.


Post a copy of the "Notice to the Public" (pdf) sign in the public view.

Keep the" Tanning Bed/Booth Maintenance Record" (pdf) current. Log all services performed on the tanning device including lamp changes, timer tests, part replacement, etc., with the date and unit hours of each service.

Keep the"Log of Tanning Operator Training" (pdf) form up to date. Include copies of certificates issued from formal vendor training courses. 


Remember: Protective Eyewear is REQUIRED, not just recommended. 
Make sure every client has and uses eye protection each time they tan.


Make certain the sanitizer you use is an APPROVED SANITIZER (pdf).  Approved sanitizers must properly disinfect without damaging acrylics. A TEST KIT is needed to insure proper concentrations in parts-per-million (ppm). 

IMPORTANT: Tanning devices and eye protection must be  cleaned by a facility 
 between client use, NOT by the customer!

Keep a copy of the SKIN TYPING (pdf) chart handy so operators can easily aid clients in setting up tanning schedules. 
All tanning devices must be controlled by a REMOTE TIMER SYSTEM, located
out side of the tanning room, with the timer being set by the operator.

Vendors (pdf ) working in Oregon are familiar with the Rules and can assist you in bringing your facility into compliance. If you order items out of state, make certain these items meet Oregon requirements.

Tanning Safety: A List of photosensitizing agents (prescription drugs, etc.) that may affect Tanning (pdf )
Tanning Device Safety, Warning Sign (pdf)


If you have any questions regarding any aspect of the Oregon Administrative Rules (pdf) pertaining to tanning, please contact Phil Wilson at (971)673-0510.

*NOTE: This page is a copy of information given to facilities with newly-licensed tanning devices. This page contains links to all the forms or charts mentioned in this text. This information is also useful for consumers who want to know the safety requirements for tanning facilities.

Page updated: May 14, 2008

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