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Inclement Weather Plan: The workshop will follow NIST Gaithersburg Inclement Weather Plan. If NIST is closed due to weather, the workshop will be cancelled and the registrations refunded. If NIST is opened on a delay, the workshop will also have the same delay. In the case of inclement weather please check (301) 975-8000 or Toll-Free (800) 437-4385.

When Federal offices in the District of Columbia are closed, NIST will not necessarily close because unique situations affecting the downtown area may not apply to the NIST campus.

0700 -- 0900    Registration

0900 -- 0915    Welcoming Comments – NIST Health IT Staff

0915 -- 0945    Keynote Address: Mr. Anthony Trenkle, Director of OESS CMS

0945 -- 1100    NIST SP 800-66. New threats, vulnerabilities, and technologies.

1100 -- 1115    Break

1115 -- 1200    Automation of technical security requirements. (Leveraging S-CAP).

1200 -- 1245    HIE security standards selection. Who are they and how they might affect you.

1245 -- 1345    Lunch.

1345 -- 1515    Challenges, tips, techniques and issues surrounding implementing the HIPAA Security Rule. An industry perspective.

1515 -- 1530    Break

1530 -- 1600    CMS/OESS Brief, Reactive and Proactive HIPAA assessments.

1600 -- 1630    Final Q&A, Closing Remarks