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SANDS Program

Sportsmen & Women Assisting the Nation's Disabled Sportsmen & Women

The SANDS Web Page information serves as a clearinghouse for those who would like to either offer a hand or find an outdoor partner to provide a hand in the field.
To learn more about SANDS and its many services, click here

SANDS Program

The postings on this site are not endorsed in any way by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission or staff. The Commission is merely providing a service for sportsmen and women with disabilities to find sportsmen and women who are willing
SANDS Newsletter

Read July 2007 NEBRASKAland Magazine article on SANDS Program
to help provide hunting, fishing, camping and other outdoor recreational opportunities or just meet a new hunting partner. The Commission does not screen users in any manner, but we would ask that no one under 18 years of age participate. Parents of disabled minors could use the site, but we suggest they not post ages of any minor. Use of this site does not guarantee an offer of assistance or partnership of any kind with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

For more information on the SANDS program, contact:
Statewide Volunteer Coordinator Dave Burgess (office) (402) 559-3743 (cell) (402) 650-0211
Email Dave Burgess

South-Central Nebraska Field Director Craig Chamberlin (308) 440-7647
Email Craig Chamberlin

Southeastern Nebraska Field Director John Swinarski (home) (402) 738-8185 (cell) (402) 651-4520
Email John Swinarski

Northeast Nebraska Field Director Brent Kneifl (home) 402-355-2643
Email Brent Kneifl.

2200 N. 33rd St., Lincoln, NE 68503 • (402) 471-0641 •