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  HSEB AWIPS Software Development

Mission: To serve our customers at National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) and River Forecast Centers (RFCs) by providing high-quality hydrometeorological software and associated support services for operational use on their AWIPS systems in accordance with the NWS Hydrology Program. Our focus is on scientific software for use at WFOs only or for use at both WFOs and RFCs.

Who we are:

Mark Glaudemans, Lead
Jingtao Deng
Russ Erb
Chip Gobs
Bryon Lawrence
Varalakshmi Rajaram
Gautam Sood
Paul Tilles
Ram Varma

What we do: We develop and support integrated software for operational use on AWIPS workstations at NWS WFOs and RFCs.  Our software focus is on the software that is "shared" between WFOs and RFCs, which includes the relational database for storing the vast amounts of hydrometeorological data and the supporting station parameter data. The software consists of three primary components:

  1. The SHEF decoder application, which provides the functions for the ingest, decoding, and posting for this primary station data; 
  2. The WFO Hydrologic Forecast System (WHFS) applications suite, which provide the necessary data management, data analysis, and product generation functions required to support the operational demands of the NWS hydrology program; and 
  3. The Precipitation Processing applications suite which provide the specialized functions for the ingest, analysis, and display of precipitation information. 
At an RFC, this shared software works in conjunction with the "RFC-only" software, which is the focus of a separate, complementary group for AHPS software development within the HSEB.

Software Applications Supported: There are three areas of software supported, in addition to the general support of the Integrated Hydrologic Forecast System (IHFS) relational database. Each of these areas and their primary applications are listed below, with the internal name given in parentheses. 

  • IHFS:HydroBase Manager (hydrobase), Metar Decoder/Shef Encoder (metar2shef), Database Purger (db_purge), Data File Purger (purge_files) 
  • SHEF Decoder:  SHEF decode (shefdecode)
  • WHFS:  HydroView Data Viewer/Analysis Tool (HydroView/MPE), Time Series Analysis Tool (TimeSeries), Site Specific Hydrologic Prediction Function (SiteSpecfic), Rate-of-change Checker (roc_checker), Alert/Alarm Checker (report_alarm), RiverPro Product Formatter (RiverPro), 
  • Precipitation Processing: DPA Product Decoder (decodedpa), Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimator (MPE) Operations (mpe_fieldgen, MPE component of HydroView), Areal FFG Product Generator (gen_areal_ffg) 

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US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Office of Hydrologic Development
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Page Author: OHD webmaster
Page last modified: October 14, 2008
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