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Egyptian Reformers Learn from Moldova's Success

Fifteen Egyptian government officials, representing eight different ministries, visited Moldova on a study tour to learn about the success of its “guillotine approach” to reform that was led by the USAID BIZPRO Project. Moldova has gained international recognition for its ground-breaking “Guillotine Law” that rapidly eliminated repetitive and ineffective business regulations that impeded investment and enterprise development. According to the World Bank report, “Doing Business 2007”, Moldova ranks a leading place among reformers of license and tax systems.

The Moldova study tour took place September 27-28, 2007 as part of the USAID/Egypt Technical Assistance for Policy Reform project. The focus of the Moldovan tour was to gain on-the-ground lessons learned in implementing rapid regulatory reform under a public / private partnership agreement. The study tour included visits to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce and meetings with senior Moldovan public and private sector reformers including the Foreign Investors Association.

"The Moldova Government is very proud of what our country has been able to accomplish through a shared commitment to reform and effective organization and programs," said Mihai Onu, Head of Regulatory Reform Department within Moldova’s Ministry of Economy. "We're also pleased to be able to share what we've learned with other countries and to learn from their experiences, so we can continue to improve."

Mohamed Foda, Senior Adviser to Egypt's Minister of Transport, Gary Linden, Country Program Officer for USAID/Moldova, and Samir Ghareeb, Under Secretary for Egypt's Ministry Office Affairs, Ministry of Local Development discussed the proceedings of the study tour to Moldova
Mohamed Foda, Senior Adviser to Egypt’s Minister of Transport, Gary Linden, Country Program Officer for USAID/Moldova, and Samir Ghareeb, Under Secretary for Egypt’s Ministry Office Affairs, Ministry of Local Development discussed the proceedings of the study tour to Moldova

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Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:18:22 -0500