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Hasilli Farm Representatives Share Experience with Other Farmers

The USAID-funded Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development Program (ABAD), in cooperation with the executive committee of the local agricultural department, organized a Community Day at Hasilli Farm in Jalilabad, southern Azerbaijan on May 16. Over 50 local farmers and producers, regional authorities, program staff and media representatives attended this public event, which was created to share Hailli Farm founders’ experience with launching and expanding their cattle business with other local farmers.

During the Community Day event, Hasilli Farm representatives spoke about the creation, expansion and management of their commercial cattle enterprise. To highlight one of the initiatives implemented on the farm, the ABAD program’s Jalilabad Marketing Center (MC) staff presented information regarding the role of artificial insemination to improve the pedigree of cattle and improve effectiveness in production of meat and milk products. This included a practical demonstration of artificial insemination, which generated a high level of interest among participants. Those requesting more detailed information regarding the procedure were provided with brochures and advised to consult with Jalilabad MC for further assistance.

To provide context regarding the history of Hasilli Farm, the host farmers pointed out that it had been an abandoned Soviet-era animal husbandry farm consisting of dilapidated facilities. Through the National Assistance Fund to Entrepreneurship offered through the Government of Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Economic Development, local entrepreneurs knew it was possible to receive financial credit based on a well-developed business plan—but they lacked the necessary skills and experience to prepare and submit the required documentation. However, Allahverdiyev Namig, now owner of Hasilli Farm, took the initiative to work to establish a farm and requested assistance from the ABAD-supported Marketing Center located in Jalilabad, one of four regional Marketing Centers supported through the ABAD program.

The “bankable” business plan prepared with support of the Jalilabad MC, won the farm a $100,000 loan to start its business. With the use of credit funds, the farm’s old facility was reconstructed, and improvements were made in the pedigree of cattle by purchasing new breeds and by impregnating cows through artificial insemination. Since April 2005, the Jalilabad MC artificially inseminated 35 heads of cow and heifers at Hasilli Farm. In addition to initial assistance, Jalilabad MC staff have continued to support the farm in overcoming challenges and issues related to their animal husbandry business, by offering access to veterinary services, information regarding sanitation, feeding rations, milk quality indices, and other assistance to address specific business needs.

To date, support from the Jalilabad MC has assisted the Hasilli Farm achieve a 12-fold sales increase and create 12 permanent and nine temporary jobs.

Alosav Mammadov, Jalilabad MC Business Advisor (left), responds to a farmer's query at the Hasilli Community Day event The Community Day event at Hasilli farm
Alosav Mammadov, Jalilabad MC Business Advisor (left), responds to a farmer’s query at the Hasilli Community Day event The Community Day event at Hasilli farm

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Tue, 03 Jul 2007 16:00:40 -0500