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USAID: From The American People Europe and Eurasia Saving The Lives Of Women In Serbia - Click to read this story

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Ethno-Network Strives to Make Handicraft Production Profitable

“Just past the stand where they sell onions and potatoes, then go left."

Until recently, those looking for well-made, traditional handicrafts in Serbia had to look pretty hard. Good quality products were being made but only shoppers in-the-know could easily find them. Over the past year, USAID has been working on a project to help producers to more effectively market and sell their homemade and original crafts.

Artisan demonstrates traditional techniques
Artisan demonstrates traditional techniques

While the skills employed to make these unique products have been a part of Serbian tradition for ages, this project to make the best use of these skills for generating income is a relatively new phenomenon. Recognizing the quality and beauty of what can be made in Serbia, the "Ethno-Network" project was designed to produce and promote products that are the result of the cultural wealth of centuries of tradition in a way that they can be appreciated and sold in the modern world.

USAID's Community Revitalization through Democratic Action-Economy (CRDA-E) partner America's Development Foundation (ADF) began this program by working with women's groups from Vojvodina and Eastern Serbia. To implement this project in other parts of Serbia as well, USAID/CRDA-E partner organizations CHF International, International Relief and Development, Inc. (IRD) and Mercy Corps have now pooled their efforts with ADF to join together some 30 groups under the "Ethno-Network" umbrella.

The concept is both simple and comprehensive: USAID assists the groups by providing assistance in organizing and registering groups of craft producers; providing equipment to expand capacity and quality of craft production; providing specialized courses in craft making techniques, as well as continuous education in marketing and promotion, packaging, presentational and communication skills; helping these groups get access to free sales and workshop premises at the local level; building a recognizable brand ready to be marketed and exported; and continuous promotion through participation at trade fairs, fashion shows and exhibitions.

The sustainability of the network should be secured through the establishment of retail outlets for Ethno-Network products in tourist areas of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and other places that tourists frequent. An Ethno evening was organized to present the products and potential of the Ethno-Network and appeal to local institutions (city government, relevant ministries and the business community) to provide support so that it becomes fully sustainable by the end of the USAID-supported CRDA-E project. The Network has been approaching city governments to provide retail premises in unused or under-used spaces. One contract with a major local clothing producer has already been signed, and the Network is actively seeking additional contracts with companies that require the fine work that the Network members can provide.

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:30:44 -0500