Dealing with Workplace Violence: A Guide for Agency Planners

U.S. Office of Personnel Management


This handbook, developed by the Office of Personnel Management and the Interagency Working Group on Violence in the Workplace, is the result of a cooperative effort of many Federal agencies sharing their expertise in preventing and dealing with workplace violence. It is intended to assist those who are responsible for establishing workplace violence initiatives at their agencies. However, we anticipate that its usefulness will extend well beyond the planning phase since many of the chapters provide information that can be helpful for managers and specialists as they deal with difficult workplace violence situations.

The Handbook

This handbook is available for downloading as individual chapters in both Adobe Acrobat Portable document Format (PDF) and WordPerfect 5.1 format, and as a single PDF file for the convenience of those persons who would like to print out the entire document.

This is a new version of this handbook, with numerous revisions and a new organization, which was posted to this site on April 7, 1998. The PDF versions of the individual chapters were updated on April 16, 1998.

The PDF versions of the individual parts of this handbook total about 3½ megabytes of files. If you want the entire handbook, you can save considerable downloading time by downloading the full version rather than the individual chapters. As the cover is a 610 megabyte file, and the four main dividers are almost 300 megabyte files, we have posted them as separate files that you can not download them if you don't need them.

Full Handbook (Adobe PDF Document) -- 1.9 Meg File


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United States Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave.
Washington DC, 20020
Contact: Rod DeSmet
Last Updated: 2004-07-22