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Democracy, Governance and Social Transition

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A court customer requests receives assistance with completing a recent public opinion survey on court services in Macedonia.Survey Finds 70% Satisfied with Macedonia Court Services

A recent public opinion survey, conducted with the help of USAID’s Judicial Reform Implementation Project (JRIP), revealed that 70 percent of customers are satisfied with court services in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Winners of the 'Together Radio' festival in Moscow118 Russian Radio Stations Compete at Together Radio Festival

More than 250 radio professionals from 118 radio stations in 67 cities across Russia competed for recognition at Together Radio, the sixth annual festival for regional radio stations... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

USAID LogoMilestone Survey Reveals Azerbaijan’s Health Gains, Challenges

Azerbaijan’s State Statistical Committee presented findings from its first-ever Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) at a national conference in Baku on June 24, 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Serbian Newspaper Earns “Freedom of the Press” Award

On World Press Freedom Day 2008 (May 3), Serbian daily Danas was awarded the prestigious Concordia award in Vienna... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Democracy

USAID Logo“Na Chisto” Celebrates Five Years of Investigative Journalism

The USAID-supported weekly TV investigative program “Na Chisto” (Clean Slate) celebrated its fifth anniversary at a ceremony in Sofia in May 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

USAID/Russia's Eugene Levkin (left) meets with Bob Jean, City Manager of University Place, Washington. Through the Municipal Partnership Program, University Place will be paired with the city of Slavyanka in the Russian Far East to strengthen local government administration.Washington State, Russian Far East Cities To Build Partnerships

The U.S.-Russian Far East Municipal Partnership Program, implemented by the Foundation for Russian American Economic Cooperation (FRAEC) and funded by USAID, announced the creation in April of four new partnerships... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Former USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios delivers a keynote speech to participants from Bulgaria and the western Balkans region at the 'Democracy That Delivers' conference.“Democracy That Delivers” Highlights Transitions in Bulgaria, Western Balkans

USAID/Bulgaria and the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) organized an international conference in Sofia on May 21, 2008 entitled “Democracy That Delivers: Unlocking the Potential of Transition”... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

USAID/Russia Mission Director Skip Waskin (right) presents at the World Bank workshop.USAID, Russia Collaborate on Development Aid

On May 27-28, 2008, USAID participated in an international workshop organized jointly by the Russian Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, in coordination with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

The new Folk Crafts Center on Valaam Island hosted an auction of traditional pottery hand-made by local children in April 2008.Local Leaders Pledge to Sustain Valaam Island Development Success

On April 11-13, 2008 the final conference of the Valaam–Our Common Home Project implemented by the Fund for Sustainable Development under the USAID-funded Community Development Support Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Community Development Council Leaders and CHF Representatives came together to celebrate successful collaborationsNorthwest Azerbaijan Leaders Awarded for Community Action

On April 2, 2008 in Gakh, USAID’s Community Development Activity (CDA) hosted an awards ceremony for CDA program participants in northwest Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

This Chechen parliamentarian was among nearly two dozen deputies who participated in a USAID training to advance public benefit programsUSAID Partner Empowers Elected Local Officials

During the week of March 17, 2008, more than 20 deputies of local legislative and representative bodies from the North Caucasus’ republics and Southern Russia participated in a training conducted by USAID partner Southern Regional Resource Center... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Mikhail Veligodsky (far right) of Golos Association discusses elections and the operating environment in Krasnodar Kray.Democracy Review Delegation Meets with Russian NGOs

Staff from USAID/Washington and the State Department visited Krasnodar, Russia on March 30-31, 2008 to meet with a variety of NGOs, human rights activists, journalists, and judicial officials... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

USAID Communications Director Olya Catto (right) presents the Award for Best Electronic Media Program to Mladen Cadikovski of A1USAID, Partner Present Macedonia’s Civil Society Media Awards

A free and open society is characterized by independent and responsible media on one hand, and a vibrant and active civil society on the other... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

A visitor uses one of the e-government terminals installed in the Vinnytsya City Hall foyerUkrainian City Wields E-Scissors for Cutting Red Tape

The idea of implementing individual E-government elements in Vinnytsya had already been in the air for some time when USAID’s Local Economic Development project proposed to include it into the city's Economic Development Strategic Plan... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

The Media Rights Institute presented the results of its semi-annual reportUSAID Project to Monitor Defamation Cases

With the support of USAID and its principal implementing partner, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), Media Rights Institute (MRI)—a subgrantee organization—recently completed the “Monitoring of the Legal Cases on Defamation” project... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

BiH Parliament in sessionLegislators, Auditors Unite for BiH Budgeting Efficiency

It is a frustrating fact that in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), publicizing inefficiency or even corruption doesn’t always lead to change. Reports are written, people are informed, but no action is necessarily taken... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Documenatary Screenshot coming soonFilm Documents Community Action Success in Serbia

“To Be Continued . . .”, an original, 30-minute documentary produced by local NGO VOF Productions offers a unique look into USAID/Serbia’s recently completed, six-year, $200+ million Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA) program... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Democracy

Sona Manucharyan and Ani Hakobyan participated in the CC 'Young Voters Participation in Electoral Processes' program in the US, sharing their experience and knowledge with over 1,000 Armenian youth upon their return homeNurturing Voting Culture in Armenia

Promoting public diplomacy, fostering public-private partnerships across sectors, and encouraging efficient networking and collaboration among Armenian regions to advance the country’s economic reform... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

CIN paid a lab to test food for contaminentsBiH Investigative Stories Get World’s Attention

Contaminated food. Shady dealings by politicians. Law enforcement officials breaking the very laws they are paid to enforce... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (center) and Scott Taylor (center right) spoke with media during the first round table produced by the Agency's Parliamentary Program.USAID’s Parliamentary Program Links Members of Parliament

The development of active and dynamic relationships between constituencies and elected representatives is critical to the enhancement of civil society and democratic institutions in any country... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

One of the main objectives of the MAAC Conference was to inform general public, civil society activists and international community of the Armenian Government's new multi-year Anti-Corruption StrategyUSAID/Armenia Mobilizes Action Against Corruption

To help develop a comprehensive approach to counter corruption in Armenia, USAID’s Mobilizing Action Against Corruption (MAAC) project... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

Training of NGO activists who volunteered to monitor November 2007 electionsUSAID Supports Kosovo Election “Firsts”

Kosovo’s historic November 2007 elections marked the first time that Kosovars elected their parliamentary representatives through open list voting and the first time that mayoral, municipal, and parliamentary elections took place on the same day... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Senior officials from the Ministry of Economic Development visited their Kazakh counterparts to learn from their economic management experienceAzerbaijan, Kazakhstan Share Economic Management Experience

In October 2007, USAID’s Public Investment Policy (PIP) Project facilitated an educational study tour for a group of six high-level officials from Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Economic Development (MOED) to Astana, Kazakhstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Democracy

Citizens in Oshtime can now afford to use water for gardening and other beautification projects. USAID's democracy and governance program helped this community find a constructive way to build a dialogue with their elected officials.Villagers Take Action to Improve Rural Municipal Services

In the rural village of Oshtimë, Albania, water is a precious commodity. For 17 years, the 129 families that live in this village relied on two water tanks, filled once a day to water crops, wash dishes, or clean their homes... Read More ...

Related Items: Albania, Democracy

This woman and her child, along with their neighbors, are now able to receive healthcare services in Voskepar's renovated health postCommunity Action Revives Health Care in Armenian Village

Voskepar is a small community of 1,200 inhabitants in Armenia’s Tavush marz region. Local lore says that what Voskepar lacks in size, it more than makes up for with determination... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

The head of the Sughd Oblast Social Assistance Department participated in the surveyTajikistan’s First Local Governance Survey

In July and August 2007, the USAID Local Governance and Civic Participation project partnered with Tajik government officials to conduct the first broad-scale study of local government practices in Tajikistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Democracy

The new grant will help six regional newspapers improve quality of content, strengthen financial viability and increase circulationArmenia’s Regional Print Media Bolstered

A competitive media sector not only helps to ensure public awareness, but can also spur the growth of democracy by increasing civic participation and responsiveness... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Democracy

A series of seminars brought together the trainers from USAID Parliamentary Program in Azerbaijan and Milli Mejlis Office together with MPs’ Assistants. In the center: Petro Morgos, Parliamentary Program Chief of Party.USAID Initiates First Workshop for Azerbaijan’s Parliamentary Aides

On September 20, 2007, the first of a series of training-seminars for the newly employed assistants of members of Milli Mejlis was conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan Milli Mejlis’ deputies building... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Ambassador Kirby (left) and First Deputy Prime Minister Greceanii (right) were keynote speakers at Moldova’s Millennium Challenge Corporation eventMoldova’s Threshold Country Program Announces Implementation Phase

On October 9, 2007, the Threshold Country Program (TCP) held an official ceremony to launch its implementation phase in Moldova. The TCP is a $24.7 million dollar program, funded by the U.S. Government... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Democracy

Kori Udovicki, founder of the Center for Advanced Economic studies (second from left) with Vuk Djokovic, current Director of CEVES (third from right) and other members of the team.Building Serbia’s Capacity to Plan, Explain Reforms

Since the shift to a democratic government and a market economy in 2000, Serbia has experienced strong economic growth, low inflation, higher wages, and other positive developments–though not without some ups and downs... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Democracy

Na Chisto anchor Daniela Trencheva (right) interviewing a guest on the latest corruption investigationInvestigative Reporters Expose Corruption in Bulgaria

“Na Chisto” can be translated as “to come clean,” an apt title for a USAID-funded Bulgarian television program that since 2003 has been investigating allegations of corruption in the public sector... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

USAID's projects facilitated trainings on database development for party activistsUSAID Helps Political Parties Create Websites and Databases

Throughout June 2007, 30 representatives from five of Azerbaijan’s main political parties created eight websites after completing a USAID-supported web design course conducted at the IATP center in Baku... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Golos-trained observers watch an electronic voting computer tally votes at a polling station in NovgorodRussian Election Commission Modernizes Voting Process

In 2006, the Russian Central Election Commission (CEC) decided to go electronic. In a country as geographically vast as Russia, with 140 million citizens stretched across seven time zones and 90,000 electoral districts... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Poti's mission developed by the city's community-based advisory group is to 'provide sea/land and tourism services for the world'Participatory Planning Improves Community Quality of Life

For the first time in 15 years, the citizens of Poti, the third largest city in Georgia, can look forward to having a reliable supply of water—the end result of a participatory planning process that began five years ago... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

Azerbaijani women select community members to represent their communitiesAzerbaijani Women’s Participation Exceeds Expectations

Increased efforts to ensure women’s engagement in community activities are credited with the recent turnout for Community Development Council (CDC) elections in the Davudoba community, Guba district, in northern Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

The U.S. delegation visits alumnus Nugzar Tateshvili's NGO in AkhaltsikheU.S. Host Delegation Pays Reciprocal Visit to Georgia

The cross-cultural ties that USAID’s Community Connections (CC) program creates were demonstrated in late June when a delegation from the Center for International Understanding (CIU) paid a visit to Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

Mir-Kazim Kazimov, Parliamentary Deputy, addressed his constituency in Jalilabad at the community's first-ever public town hall meeting with a parliamentary representativeFirst Parliamentarian Town Hall Meeting Gets Resounding Approval

In the first meeting of its kind in Jalilabad, community members recently had a chance to voice their concerns about development priorities to their parliamentary representative in an open and public town hall gathering... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Graduates of the Party Training Academy's fourth classNew Generation of Kosovo’s Young Politicians Graduate

Thirty-four young politicians from 18 political parties were recently honored at a ceremony which marked the completion of the USAID-supported Party Training Academy in Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Zrenjanin's industrial zone is under construction thanks to a visit to the Czech Republic by ten MEGA municipalities to gather best practices for local economic developmentCross-Border Cooperation in Balkans Gains Momentum

While some in Serbia still treat cross-border exchanges with suspicion, many others see them as they are—efforts by local governments to reform and improve their work... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Democracy

(From left) Ambassador Burns and First Deputy Minister Tsalikov signed the memorandum committing to disaster relief cooperationU.S., Russia Sign 10-Year MOU on International Cooperation

On June 26, Ambassador Nicholas Burns and First Deputy Minister Ruslan Khadzhismelovich Tsalikov of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) signed a new, 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Piral municipality citizens and officials participate in a public budget hearingMunicipal Official Learns the Value of Transparent Government

Few people enjoy paying taxes, particularly if they don’t know where their money is going. Like many municipalities in Azerbaijan, municipal councilors in Piral had little experience in sharing official information, such as budget plans, with local citizens... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

A group of senior government officials visited Turkey's central agencies to learn from their economic management experienceGovernment of Azerbaijan Interested in Turkish Experience

USAID’s Public Investment Policy project, in close collaboration with World Learning Incorporation and support from Turkish International Cooperation Agency, brought a delegation of 16 practitioners... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Snapshot of the LGRP Mayors at their last quarterly meetingTransparency in Moldovan Governance Builds from Local Level Up

When the 120 mayors participating in USAID’s Local Government Reform Project (LGRP) assembled for a quarterly meeting, it was always a spirited occasion peppered with numerous simultaneous debates and discussions... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Democracy

After opening the Citizens Service Center in Suhareke/Suvareka, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Farbman (back left) and USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (back right) thank the young dance troupe for their participation in the ceremonyUSAID Assistant Administrator Inaugurates One-Stop Shop

During his visit to Kosovo, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Dr. Douglas Menarchik officially inaugurated a Citizens Service Center, also known as one-stop shop, in Suhareka/Suvareka... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Manzura Habilova, a newly-elected Tasmali municipal leader, expresses her satisfaction with USAID’s community projectElected Official’s Self-Advocacy Earns Her Contested Post

USAID’s Community Development Activity (CDA), implemented by CHF International, seeks to increase citizen participation in local governance through training, practical implementation of community-identified projects... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

The U.S. Ambassador for Kyrgyzstan and a local government representative at one of the project eventsKyrgyzstan Green-Lights USAID Decentralization Reform Effort

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and USAID signed in April 2007 allowed for the continuation of USAID’s Decentralization and Local Government Program in the Kyrgyz Republic... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Improved relationships between the media and the judiciary will ensure more accurate and balanced reportingNew Institution to Improve Court-Media Relations in Kazakhstan

The USAID Kazakhstan Judicial Assistance Project recently helped to create the “Bench-Media Forum of Kazakhstan” to facilitate continued dialogue between the members of the judiciary and the media... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Democracy

The US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Derse makes a congratulatory speech at the conferenceNGO Coalitions Announce Plans to Engage Citizens and Government

Six coalitions of NGOs and businesses announced plans to engage citizens and government through campaigns to improve socioeconomic conditions in Azerbaijan at a May 7 Public Dialogue and Advocacy Conference organized by USAID’s Civil Society Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Scott Taylor, USAID Country Coordinator for Azerbaijan and Kevin Feldis, US Embassy Legal Advisor give an interview to the local TV channels and news agencies and share their impression on the status of the conferenceAzerbaijan Government Unveils National Strategy to Combat Corruption

USAID, the Anti-Corruption Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the US Embassy, the US Department of Justice, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Council of Europe, and the NGO Anti-Corruption Network... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

US Ambassador Anne Derse joins Mollaburhan community in celebrating the completion of four Community Development Activity projectsMollaburhan Proves Quick Study in Community Development

On February 5, the community of Mollaburhan, Azerbaijan had much to celebrate: the first anniversary of its participation in the USAID Community Development Activity (CDA) program, the successful completion of four community development projects... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Tuleguvan community members gathered in the school room to meet with their parliament representativeCDA Community Lobbies for Development Assistance

Tuleguvan, in Azerbaijan’s Astara region, joined the Community Development Activity (CDA) Program in January 2007 at the encouragement of neighboring CDA villages of Ojakeran and Tese-Kend... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

(From left) Michael Fritz, USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director, Chris Thompson, USAID Commercial Law Reform Program Chief of Party and His Excellency Willem van Ee, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Bulgaria attended the March 8 screeningUSAID Study Tour Featured on Bulgarian Television

On March 8, the USAID Commercial Law Reform Program (CLRP) organized an advance public viewing of Bulgarian National Television’s “The Law and Us” program, which featured a recent USAID study tour to the Netherlands... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

With support of the American people, USAID's Media Advancement project constructed 27 news kiosks (newsstands) to be disbursed among the seven cities and established 6 new regional distribution centers in the rural areas of AzerbaijanBuilding Distribution Helps to Advance Media Sector in Azerbaijan

In late 2004, Khanhuseyn Aliyev came to the attention of USAID’s Media Advancement project, which was seeking a way to build Azerbaijan’s newspaper industry by improving distribution... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Ambassador Derse Addresses Political Parties at the Elcetion Commission Composition Meeting with political parties in Azerbaijan in Baku on February 21US, International Partners Aid Azerbaijan with Election Reforms

Under its USAID-supported Election Administration Assistance Program, IFES works with the Azerbaijani authorities and international and local partners—including the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe (COE)... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Aid Helps Residents Improve Life in Remote Mountain Community

On March 3, representatives from USAID and the Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) visited the Agulskiy District in Dagestan, Russia to lay the groundwork for a new community development project... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Website Lauded as Best International Website, the first online community dedicated to building the capacity of young political leaders to advance democracy in Eastern European and Eurasian countries, received the American Association of Political Consultants’ (AAPC) Gold Pollie award for Best International Website... Read More ...

Related Items: Democracy,

Abbas Gasymov, a skilled Azerbaijani tradesman works on the foundation of the new Yengiyan medical clinicCitizens Empowered Through Community Development Success

In the village of Yengiyan, Sheki, the winds of change are blowing. The village's Community Development Council (CDC) is promoting the welfare of its citizens while recruiting two nearby villages into the USAID Community Development Activity (CDA) program... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

An aerial view of Khortytsia IslandCitizens Improve Communities While Protecting Their Heritage

Valentyna Opilat, a pensioner from Sadivniche district on Khortytsya Island, a nature reserve located in the center of Zaporizhia, recently installed gas heating in her home... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

The President of Chuvash Republic, Nikolay Fedorof, addressing the festival participantsCompetition Draws Media Attention to Social Issues

More than 96 journalists representing 61 regional TV companies from 46 cities across western Russia gathered in Cheboksary, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, for the third regional round of the All-Russia TV competition, “Time to Act”... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Conference participants share views on philanthropy developmentUSAID Partner Holds First Samara Oblast Forum on Philanthropy

On January 30, USAID partner Povolzje hosted the first-ever conference on charity development in Russia’s Samara Oblast. The event, widely attended by government officials, corporate donors, NGOs and the media... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

During the media tour, journalists learned about various USAID-supported programsMedia Tour Highlights U.S. Foreign Assistance

On December 13, a group of journalists took part in a media tour organized by USAID and the U.S. Embassy to improve media and public awareness about assistance provided to Kyrgyzstan by the American people... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Community residents asphalt the inter-village road in TekleFollowing the Road to Success

The Tekle village is located in the Masally region of Southern Azerbaijan. As is typical in the post-Soviet collapse, basic infrastructure services such as road and water supply were in desperate need of repair... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Three hours before deadline, a reporter checks in with a source. Reporters work in topic teams, an idea introduced by USAID to improve depth of coverage and encourage expertise.Regional Newspaper Goes National

In 2003, daily Nezavisne Novine was an up-and-coming independent regional paper seeking to expand circulation from its home base in the Republika Srpska to the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

The Voice of Freedom National Human Group aims to simplify legal access to defendantsInvestigative Reporting Exposes Corruption

A casual reader might have missed it, but as the news editor for START, a popular biweekly magazine, Eldin Karić is no casual reader. Early in 2005, a tiny news item about irregularities in audits of government agencies... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Youth of Shterpce/Sterpce share pieces of Serbian traditional folklore at the opening of the Citizens Service CenterAnother One-Stop Shop Opens in Kosovo

In an effort to bring its services closer to the people, Shtrpce/Sterpce municipality marked the official opening of the Citizen's Service Center (CSC).  Also known as a "one-stop shop" for citizens... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Signs of the construction boom in Baku are visible everywhere, yet the voices of those most affected often go unheardAzerbaijani Citizen Participation in Decision Making

In January 2005, a landslide in Baku brought public concerns over the safety of construction to the forefront of Azerbaijani politics. At the heart of the issue were the difficulties average citizens face in having a voice in city planning processes that directly affect them... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

USAID Country Representative Scott Taylor participates in the series of nation-wide roundtables bringing together 250 leaders from government, NGOs, the private sector, and community-based organizationsRobust Public Policy Dialogue a First in Azerbaijan

As Azerbaijan enters its second decade of transition, the government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations continue to explore approaches to fostering active participation in setting and implementing policies... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

A story in the popular weekly DANI talks about a candidate's plans to create employment and promote refugee return, two issues identified by voters as important to themVoters, Not Politicians, Set Agenda

Turnout for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s national elections in October 2006 was expected to be low. Voters were tired of hearing the same partisan rhetoric from candidates accustomed to exploiting ethnic and political divisions... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Volodymyr Makukha (left), Ukraine’s Minister of the Economy, and Drew Luten (right), USAID's Acting Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia, congratulate one another upon the signing of the $45 million Millennium Challenge Corporation Threshold agreementUkraine Signs On to MCC Threshold Program to Control Corruption

Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych marked his first U.S. visit by entering into a landmark agreement aimed at reducing corruption. On December 4, Prime Minister Yanukovych and U.S. Ambassador John Danilovich... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Canvassers from the YAP party talking to a voter in Imishli city, Southern Azerbaijan on December 13Political Parties Hold First Voter Surveys

On December 13-14, sixty activists from two political parties in Azerbaijan conducted pilot surveys among some 200 people in Imishli city in southern Azerbaijan to learn about voters’ views on local issues and political parties... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Four Community Development Council members in Hesenly were recently elected to municipal posts after fraudulent elections were rescheduledActivist Community Celebrates Success in Municipal Elections

The community of Hesenly in southern Azerbaijan was well-known during the Soviet times for writing complaint letters to central Moscow. Its residents were called “truth-tellers” or “complaint-writers” and there is an anecdote saying... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Samir Ceramida (Cera I) signs the GROZD petitionCitizens Group Holds Parties To Campaign Commitments

With the frenzy of the election campaigns are over, many politicians may think it’s time to relax. That wouldn’t be a good idea in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) this year... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

The online community site went live at a September 28 press conference in Chisinau, MoldovaYoung Leaders Launch DemocraticYouth.Net

At a September 28 press conference in Chisinau, Moldova, a group of young political leaders from 17 Eastern European and Eurasian countries announced the launch of an online community created to attract and engage youth in furthering democracy across the region... Read More ...

Related Items: Democracy

During the award-winning campaign NGO representatives worked to ensure fair and transparent election processesKyrgyz Advocacy Association Awarded for Honest Elections Campaign

The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) recognized the USAID-supported Association of Civil Society Support Centers for Advocacy with its “Associations Make a Better World” Award... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

ICNL's Natalia Bourjaily reports to world leaders gathered at the UN on global trends in regulating civil societyUSAID Partner Briefs World Leaders on State of NGOs

At the invitation of the White House, the International Center for Non-Profit Law (ICNL) participated in a technical session on global civil society issues at the United Nations moderated by President Bush on September 19... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Small group discussions enabled each participant to contribute to the learning experienceYoung Leaders Issue Declaration, Launch Web Community

In late September, more than 60 representatives, averaging 24 years of age, traveled from 17 southeastern European and Eurasian countries and provinces to Chisinau, Moldova for the 2006 Young Political Leaders Seminar... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Democracy

Posters urge citizens to 'Check Yourself on the List' and meet eligibility deadlines in order to vote in the October 5 local electionsGetting Out the Vote in Georgia

The government of Georgia announced that local elections, originally expected for November, would be held on October 5. Two Eurasia Foundation grantees are quickly responding to assist in making the election as smoothly as possible... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

USAID provides community development grants and trainings to support Turkmen community leadersUSAID-Trained Leaders Win Local “Gengeshi” Council Seats

According to the latest reports, 17 community leaders who have participated in USAID programs won their elections and will become members of the new local governing bodies in Turkmenistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Turkmenistan, Democracy

USAID's project works with local governments across Kyrgyzstan to improve public servicesKyrgyz Local Governments Share Best Practices

In September, USAID’s Local Government Initiative project, implemented by the Urban Institute, summarized the results of a competition that facilitated an exchange of ideas and practices among Kyrgyz local governments... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Participants pose for the camera at an anti-trafficking forum in NakhodkaPrimorskiy Kray Funds Anti-Trafficking Event

As a follow-up to NGO/local government collaboration this summer in Nakhodka, NGO and local officials participated in an anti-trafficking conference in Vladivostok on August 30... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

A boy in Radnevo enjoys a new playground built as a collaborative initiative of a grassroots community organizationCommunity Fund Opens Playground

Children in the town of Radnevo have a new playground, thanks to their parents’ volunteer work and the Happy Childhood Project of the local grassroots organization “Iniziativa Za” (“Initiative For”)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

The 2006 Parliamentary interns pose with U.S. Ambassador John Tefft (back center), Parliamentary Strengthening Manager Jim Hart and NDI Country Representative Mike Kelleher (back right) at the July graduation ceremonyYouth Energizes Georgian Parliament

For the past ten months, eleven young Georgians and the Parliament of Georgia have become inseparable. These young people are interns in the Georgian Parliament... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

Children of kindergarten #41 in Zhytomyr enjoy art class sitting on new chairsUkrainian Kindergartens Receive New Chairs

A town does not always need hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix a problem. The first step in finding a solution, however, is to identify the problem... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Hilfe volunteers deliver boxes with humanitarian assistance to needy ChernivtsiresidentsCity Council Partners with Civil Society Organizations to Address Urgent Needs

Hilfe is a non-profit CSO that fights poverty and has been helping Chernivtsi’s needy residents for 15 years. Every year it has received 25 tons of humanitarian aid from a German charity organization... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Newly-elected Kovel Mayor Serhiy Kosharuk (left) with his predecessor Yaroslav Shevchuk (right) during a Strategic Planning Committee meeting session six months prior to Kosharuk's electionCommunity-Based Approach Brings Consistency to Local Development

Municipal governments come and go, and plans, programs and strategies elaborated by predecessors also often disappear with the wind of elections... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Public hearing in the city of BerdyanskCitizens Help to Reform Communal Services

Many city residents in Ukraine still do not realize that it is ultimately they who own and are responsible for communal service enterprises (CSEs)—water, wastewater and heat enterprises... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Bierman (left) extends encouragement and support to mayors effecting reforms at the local level in MoldovaMoldovan Mayors Urged to Press for Continued Reforms

Moldovan mayors participating in the USAID Local Government Reform Project (LGRP) were recently commended by Brock D. Bierman, Chief of Staff... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Democracy

Later this year, Kyrgyz citizens will vote on their new constitutionUSAID Facilitates Constitutional Debate in the Kyrgyz Republic

USAID’s implementing partners have been actively supporting the on-going public debate in preparation for a national referendum on the Kyrgyz Constitution... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Participants presented proposals to amend the current Law on Freedom of ConscienceUSAID Promotes International Religious Freedom Standards and Dialogue on Religion and Government in Kyrgyzstan

In June, USAID funded a series of trainings and workshops to promote understanding of religious freedom and address the most pressing religious issues in the Kyrgyz Republic... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Students gained first-hand experience by working with local government officialsKazakhstani Youth Take a First-Hand Look at Local Government

More than 300 students worked with 270 local government officials in 26 Akimats (councils) during the Student Local Government Days to learn how their government works... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Democracy

The multi-sectoral Public Council of Kulob held its first meeting on April 1Public Council Created to Promote Local Cooperation in Tajikistan

To promote cooperation between urban and rural communities and to resolve local problems through inter-sectoral discussion and joint decision-making... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Democracy

Poster reads 'Amendments for a New Duma'Golos Marks Duma Anniversary with Civic Action

On May 18-19, 2006, the USAID-supported Golos Association conducted activities intended to increase citizens’ awareness of the electoral amendments made last year and to stimulate interest in elections... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

A featured speaker engages a lively audience at the 'Time To Act Festival'Festival Explores the Role of Journalists in Russian Society

From May 23-25, 2006, USAID-supported Internews Russia, the National Association of Tele-Broadcasters, and the Alliance of Regional Media Executives hosted “Time to Act”, a festival of regional journalism in Moscow... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Nooken deputies discussed legislation on municipal asset management and other issues with a CDI local government expertTraining for Rural Council Members Enhances Local Governance

USAID’s Collaborative Development Initiative (CDI) Project has recently commenced a series of trainings for rural elected officials in southern Kyrgyzstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Deputy Governor of Zhytomyr Iryna Synavskaya opens a training seminar for press offices of oblast governorsMedia as a Link Between Government and Citizens

Results of focus groups that the International Republican Institute conducted last fall determined that many Ukrainians were either unaware or misinformed about reforms... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

More than a dozen reporters attended the briefing on treasury reportsJournalists Train to Enhance Economic Reporting in Kosovo

Reading and understanding a treasury report was the topic of a May 10th briefing for journalists in Pristina... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

A Kherson resident reads a fresh issue of VgoruNGO Newspaper Safeguards Ukrainians’ Rights

At the top of the front page of the newspaper Vgoru (Upward), one finds the ambitious motto “high journalism.”... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

The mayors set out to prove that joint administration can save money (From left to right: Georgi Manushev, Mayor of Bosilovo, Nikola Andov, Mayor of Novo Selo, Slave Hristov, Mayor of Vasilevo)Three Macedonian Mayors Join Forces, Conserve Resources

July 1, 2005 came and went. For Georgi Manushev, the Mayor of Bosilovo, this date represented both an opportunity and one of the biggest challenges he’d ever faced... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Students at Mirko Mileski High School no longer strain to read in dark classroomsIn Macedonia, Democracy Heralds An End to the “Dark Ages”

“The afternoon classes were the most troublesome,” says Aleksandra Chortanoska. “We struggled to see what was written on the blackboard, especially those of us sitting in the back of the class... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Natalya Ligachova, a media expert and the founder of TelekritikaIndependent Media Projects Support Watchdogs of Democracy

Since 2001, the Web-based media outlet Telekritika has reported on current Ukrainian media trends and provided in-depth analysis and critical assessment of Ukrainian TV and radio program content... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Presidential Advisor Samoilov presents the third prize to journalist Veronika Latypova from Kazan, as Senator Raketskiy (left) waits his turn to presentOutstanding Russian Journalism on Local Governance Celebrated

On March 4, 2006, the USAID-supported Foundation for Information Policy Development held a high-profile awards ceremony at the Federation Council to recognize the winners of its third annual “Vlast’ Narodnaya” (Power of the People) Contest... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

USAID provides training, equipment, and funding to support the development of independent media in TajikistanIndependent Tajikistani TV Stations Achieve Another Milestone

Eight independent regional TV stations have recently assumed production of a Tajik-language weekly news program. Since 2001, the news program, based on information and inputs from independent TV stations... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Democracy

On January 14, 2006, the results of USAID's project were presented to the media and publicUSAID Provides Support to Non-Governmental Media Outlets in Kyrgyz Republic

Six regional media outlets increased their revenues from advertising by up to 400%, sales of issues by 8% to 20%, and staff salaries by 5% to 50% as a result of a one-year USAID project... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Moldovan parliamentarians visited the National Federation of Republican WomenLeading Moldovan Woman Leaders Visit the United States

Ten women parliamentarians and one political leader from the Republic of Moldova, representing each of that nation’s major political parties, visited the United States in January for high-level U.S. government meetings and discussions... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Democracy

Members of the high school youth council in Suhareka/Suvareka advocate to citizens for property tax collectionNetworking Grants Awarded to Seven Kosovar Organizations

Seven projects designed by Kosovar organizations to benefit the general public were awarded
grants for building business opportunities, helping solve local disputes... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Poster challenges Odesa's students: Youth Council awaits youYouth Council Takes Part in Odesa City Policymaking

Young people in Odesa are much like their counterparts elsewhere: they study, work, play sports, and hang out with their friends... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

The partners will work together on developing regional programs and promoting cross-border cooperationRegional Leaders from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey Sign Partnership Pact

Cooperation among municipal neighbors is a critical element for sound local governance. When neighbors are separated by national borders, cooperation becomes more complex and still very critical... Read More ...

Related Items: Democracy

Lieutenant-Colonel Ivailo Damianov of the Regional Police Force based in Dupnitsa, Bulgaria was recognized for his commitment to working across diverse communitiesRegional Police Chief Receives Tolerance Award

For the second year in a row, the Mediation Center in Dupnitsa, established through USAID’s Ethnic Integration project, bestowed a prize for “The Tolerant Person of the Year”... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

Belgrade Mayor Nenad Bogdanovic and the Belgrade municipal presidents initiate their first public budget hearing campaignSerbian Local Government Reform Program Helps Officials Connect With Citizens

While public budget hearings began in smaller Serbian communities two years ago, implementing the same mechanism among the residents of Belgrade's 12 municipalities... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Democracy

Municipal leaders gathered to learn best practices for the delivery of a broad range of social servicesLocal Governance Training Program Started in the North Caucasus

On December 9, USAID-funded think tank, Institute for Urban Economics, completed the first of three USAID-funded training workshops for local government officials from the North Caucasus.... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

More than 100 citizens participated in the Bishkek City budget hearingBishkek City Council Holds its First Public Budget Hearing

The Bishkek City Council held its first public budget hearing on December 9, 2005, organized with support from the USAID Local Government and Decentralization Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Democracy

Domestic Monitoring of Moscow Elections Underway

In early November, the Golos Association began monitoring election campaigns for the December 4th Moscow City Duma elections... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Dignitaries and seminar participants were joined by scores of SEEU students and faculty to celebrate the Liberty Pavilion dedicationGroundbreaking Democracy Seminar Draws Young Leaders from 17 Countries

"Young politicians should ignore boundaries," says Jay Footlik, a senior U.S. Democratic political advisor. Footlik and senior Republican political advisor Judy Black spent the week of October 23rd in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Drew Luten, USAID Acting Assistant AdministratorCPP Conference Celebrates Accomplishments and Looks to the Future

The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation’s Community Partnerships Project (CPP) celebrated its accomplishments and looked to the future of the project and of Ukraine at its recent U.S. conference... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Czech Republic Launching Transition Assistance Program

On September 26, 2005, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia (E&E) Thomas Fleetwood Mefford met with Gabriela Dlouha, Director of the Office of Transition Promotion in the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs... Read More ...

Related Items: Czech Republic, Democracy

Montenegrin NGO Wins Grant for Institute Excellence

Montenegrin Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CEED) won a 2005 Templeton Freedom Award Grant for Institute Excellence in recognition of its achievements... Read More ...

Related Items: Montenegro, Democracy, Rule of Law

Bulgaria Appoints Roma Minister

The new government of Bulgaria, under Prime Minister Stanishev recently appointed Mr. Yavor Dimitrov, 41, as Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

(From left) President Mesic, President Marovic and Chairman Paravac shake hands upon signing a joint statement on cooperation at the 10th Session of the Igman Initiative Cultural Cooperation in the Dayton Triangle

The Igman Initiative, a network of 140 NGOs from Serbia and Montenegro (SaM), Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), led by the Novi Sad-based Center for Regionalism... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy, Rule of Law

Students at School 177 designed a successful, democratic election process to select their leader First-Ever Presidential Election Delivers Victory for Student Action Committee in Baku

The Student Action Committee (SAC) at School 177 in Baku, Azerbaijan organized it’s first-ever Student Action Committee presidential election in March 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Ali Mira's sister Kamber and her citizenship documentation Citizenship Opens New World for Macedonia’s Roma

After decades, many Roma are now able to claim their basic rights through citizenship by taking advantage of a temporary legal window of opportunity... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Democracy

Training for Moscow oblast election observers USAID Partner Golos Provides Expertise to Moscow Oblast Election Observers

Recently, the USAID-supported Golos Association provided training for 300 volunteer observers who monitored community-level elections in the Moscow Oblast on Sunday, September 4... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Moscow School Hosts Seminar To Build Interest in Democracy

On July 24-31, 2005 the USAID-supported Moscow School of Political Studies held its second annual seminar “Law, Politics, Economics and Mass Media.”... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Screenshot of the Open Letter Independent Russian Newspapers Accuse Authorities of Discrimination

The editors-in-chief of three independent newspapers in Sverdlovsk Oblast have published an “open letter” addressed to authorities at all levels... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Administrator Natsios stands in front of Mostar’s newly reconstructed 'Old Bridge'BiH Welcomes USAID Administrator

On June 15-16, USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina was pleased to host Administrator Andrew Natsios on his first visit to BiH since just after the war. Accompanying him on the trip was E&E Bureau Chief Kent Hill... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

A voter casts his party and candidate ballots at a polling station in eastern AlbaniaAlbanian Elections Demonstrate Democratic Development

USAID and the U.S. Government provided unprecedented electoral process support to the July 3 parliamentary elections in Albania. The results of these efforts were visible in every corner of the country at every step of the process... Read More ...

Related Items: Albania, Democracy

Report Links Revolution to Media Progress in Post-Soviet Countries

A marked regional gap persists in terms of the sustainability of independent media among countries of the former Eastern Bloc... Read More ...

Related Items: Democracy

Kosovo Campaign Educates Public on U.N. Standards

Avoko, a coalition of NGOs supported by USAID's Kosovo NGO Advocacy Project (KNAP), completed the public education campaign on the United Nations standards for Kosovo... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Women politicians serving in leadership positions speak about their experience at a multi-party conference in MoscowRussian Political Parties Join Forces to Promote Women Leaders

Approximately 100 participants from more than 20 different regions and representing different Russian political parties gathered in Moscow on June 3 for a two-day conference... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Hands-on training helps student leaders become more effective advocatesLocal Government Initiative Invests in Kosovo's Youth

May 11-14, USAID/Kosovo's Local Government Initiative (LGI) Project conducted a three-day workshop to assist representatives of the youth community... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Independent Think Tanks Receive Grants for New Studies on Reform

On April 23, the program board of USAID/Russia’s Strengthening Economic Think Tanks (SETT) activity awarded 12 grants to independent Russian think tanks totaling $500,000... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Public Discussion of Decentralization Moves Forward in Kosovo

On April 8, 2005 the USAID-supported Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) held a public discussion addressing "Decentralization and the Pilot Projects in Kosovo..." Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

CSE employee monitors water flow in new pumping stationReform of Municipal Communal Services Enterprises in Ukraine

Before the Ukrainian city of Kalush finally received assistance to modernize its outdated water supply system, a school child would often not be able to obtain a drink of water between classes at any one of the city’s schools... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Representatives from Kosovo broadcast, print and news organizations gathered to build skills Journalists Take the Lead to Improve Court Reporting in Kosovo

In an effort to improve journalistic skills on court reporting, the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) organized a one-day training for court journalists... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Members of the Moldovan Parliament and leaders of the country’s six major political parties convene at USAID headquarters E&E Hosts Historic Roundtable with Moldova’s Political Leaders

Six members of the Moldovan Parliament representing the leadership of each of that nation’s major political parties, were the featured guests for a roundtable luncheon... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Democracy

The campaign tagline promoting driving instruction for the disabledWorking Toward a Green Light for Kosovo’s Disabled Drivers

A proposed regulation to require municipalities to designate a driving school with modified vehicles for disabled driving students was recently debated at a roundtable discussion organized by Jeto Jetën... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

emptying the ballot box Moldova’s Elections Observed By Washington Delegates

Representatives from USAID/Washington, accompanied by White House Associate Political Director Paul Dyck, participated in the OSCE election observation mission to Moldova earlier this month... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Democracy

shaking hands Congressional Staffers Gain New Perspective on Kosovo’s Progress

Eleven U.S. Congressional staff members visited Kosovo February 24-25, 2005 as part of a study tour organized by the Balkans Trust for Democracy/German Marshall Fund... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Meeting Kamenice NGOs Offer Citizens’ Perspective

Eleven representatives of youth, women's and ethnic NGOs gathered on January 19 to meet with USAID/Kosovo Chief of Mission Phil Goldberg during his visit to the Kamenice/Kamenica municipality... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Democracy

Young Politicians USAID Hosts Overseas Delegation of Young Politicians for Democracy Panel

On Friday, October 29, 2004, USAID hosted more than 70 young leaders from 23 countries who were in Washington to participate in a bipartisan program to study the U.S. election process... Read More ...

Related Items: Democracy

Bierman Tells Conference Participants International Development is Integral to Domestic SecurityBierman Tells Conference Participants International Development is Integral to Domestic Security

On Friday, November 12, 2004, hundreds of students and faculty at Virginia State University in Richmond, VA gathered to hear an expert panel composed of American international policymakers... Read More ...

Related Items: Democracy

Brock Bierman is introduced to speak Volunteerism Central Message of US-Ukraine Foundation Address

In his keynote speech to over 250 members of the Sister Cities International U.S.-Ukraine Forum, USAID Bureau for Europe and Eurasia Chief of Staff Brock Bierman spoke about the importance of international volunteerism ... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Democracy

Breast Cancer Pamphlets Breast Cancer Survivors Fight for Rights

Prevention doesn’t exist: only early detection! For most women, breast cancer is an emotionally devastating diagnosis. But in Sarajevo, 150 breast cancer survivors... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

U.S. Government Supports Regional Workshop on Fiscal Equalization

On November 19 and 20, the Fiscal Decentralization Initiative, in cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, will hold a two-day regional policy workshop on local government finance reform and fiscal equalization... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Democracy

People Meters help Georgia develop TV ratings system AGB Nielsen Media Research to Invest $600,000 into Georgia’s TV Ratings System

The major U.S. provider of television marketing and consumer information recently committed to invest $600,000 to upgrade the television ratings system in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Democracy

Anti-corruption poster by the Citizens Advocay Office The Citizen’s Advocacy Office and Transparency International Join Forces to Fight Corruption

The Citizens Advocacy Office (CAO) and Transparency International (TI) signed a partnership agreement. The CAO is part of the USAID-funded Albanian Coalition Against Corruption (ACAC) and is the leading anti-corruption watchdog and advocacy organization in Albania... Read More ...

Related Items: Albania, Democracy

Kavaja street cleanersLocal Governments Empowered

Pogradec, Kavaje and Kuçove municipalities are part of the USAID/Albania Local Government Assistance and Decentralization program. For three years USAID, with the Urban Institute (UI)... Read More ...

Related Items: Albania, Democracy

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