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Bosnia-Herzegovina Mission Website Screenshot

Mission Director: Jane Nandy

Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-7130
Tel: 387-33-702-300
Fax: 387-33-611-973


Twelve years since the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords that brought an end to the hostilities and started the transition to peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Balkans remains a critical region for U.S. foreign policy and security interests. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is still struggling to overcome the effects of war. Physically, the country is largely rebuilt and shows signs of economic growth. Defense reform resulted in joining NATO’s Partnership for Peace. However, ethnic tensions and a largely dysfunctional, multi-layered governance structure geared toward safeguarding the rights of the various ethnic groups still hinder Bosnia’s development. Reforms necessary for eventual Euro-Atlantic integration require continued effort. To date, the U.S. Government, through USAID, has provided over $1 billion in assistance to support economic, democratic and social progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia-Herzegovina in Action

BiH Parliament in sessionLegislators, Auditors Unite for BiH Budgeting Efficiency

It is a frustrating fact that in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), publicizing inefficiency or even corruption doesn’t always lead to change. Reports are written, people are informed, but no action is necessarily taken... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Children study booklets portraying safe practices to prevent avian flu transmissionEarly Education Key to Avian Flu Prevention

When it comes to avian influenza, commonly known as “bird flu”, USAID believes that prevention offers the best chance for saving lives. This is especially true when it’s the lives of children that hang in the balance... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Health

USAID Mission Director Jane Nandy prepares to don headphones to listen to a description of the sites depicted inside the tourism wheelBiH Tourism Exhibit Wows Visitors at World Fair

When visitors to the world’s largest tourism fair arrived at the booth for Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), they didn’t find just the standard photos and brochures. Instead, they were invited to take a stroll across the country... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

CIN paid a lab to test food for contaminentsBiH Investigative Stories Get World’s Attention

Contaminated food. Shady dealings by politicians. Law enforcement officials breaking the very laws they are paid to enforce... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Biljana Nedic is working to remove barriers in Bosnia-Herzegovina so that wheelchair users can go to the cinema, theater and supermarket without assistanceIndependence Is Goal for Wheelchair Users

When most people first see Biljana Nedic, they might not imagine dancing as one of her favorite pastimes. But that all changes once the music starts and Biljana starts moving her body and twirling her wheelchair to the beat... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Health

British tour operators visit Franciscan Monastery and Humac Museum in LjubuskiBritish Tour Agents Captivated by Bosnia-Herzegovina

"I am fascinated with what I have seen and tried while I was here. My agency will do our best to include your country in our tourist offer," exclaimed UK tourist agent Allison White during her first visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Republika Srpska Enacts Business-Friendly Reforms

Starting a business in Republika Srpska (RS) now takes far less time than it used to thanks to the efforts of USAID’s Streamlining Permits and Inspection Regimes Activity (SPIRA)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Zana Perla (l) checks on the status of her case in Sarajevo's Municipal CourtCourt Reforms Benefit Citizens, Attract Investors

When Zana Perla went to the Sarajevo Municipal Court to check on the status of her court case, she gave the clerk her case number and was finished in just a few minutes. “It was fast and efficient,” she says... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Institutional Reform

Three hours before deadline, a reporter checks in with a source. Reporters work in topic teams, an idea introduced by USAID to improve depth of coverage and encourage expertise.Regional Newspaper Goes National

In 2003, daily Nezavisne Novine was an up-and-coming independent regional paper seeking to expand circulation from its home base in the Republika Srpska to the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

The Voice of Freedom National Human Group aims to simplify legal access to defendantsInvestigative Reporting Exposes Corruption

A casual reader might have missed it, but as the news editor for START, a popular biweekly magazine, Eldin Karić is no casual reader. Early in 2005, a tiny news item about irregularities in audits of government agencies... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

'We didn't start this radio station just to play music,' says Amna Popovac, Director of Radio Studio 88, MostarRadio Station Bridges Ethnic Divide

In 1997, Amna Popovac was having coffee with some journalist friends in Mostar, a city divided between Catholic Croats in the west and Muslim Bosniaks in the east... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

A story in the popular weekly DANI talks about a candidate's plans to create employment and promote refugee return, two issues identified by voters as important to themVoters, Not Politicians, Set Agenda

Turnout for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s national elections in October 2006 was expected to be low. Voters were tired of hearing the same partisan rhetoric from candidates accustomed to exploiting ethnic and political divisions... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

With its six profit centers, new job descriptions and designated reporting relationships, Mediacentar Sarajevo program director Tarik Jusic says the 11-year-old media support organization is more streamlined, efficient, and robust than before: 'Now it's clear who does what.'Securing the Future of Media Support

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) after a devastating ethnic conflict ended in 1995. Since then, stability has gradually returned, and donors are turning their attention to other regions in need... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Court employees now provide computerized updates on cases without searching the thousands of files lining their wallsUSAID Increases Efficiency and Transparency of BiH Courts

As the 19th-century British statesman William Gladstone famously stated, “Justice delayed is justice denied.” Delay undermines the purpose of courts, as the opportunity for justice is lost with the passage of time... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rule of Law

Outgoing Mission Director Howard Sumka passes the baton to his successor, Jane NandyMission Director Bids Fond Farewell to BiH

Since his arrival in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) in 2002, USAID’s Mission Director Howard Sumka has worked tirelessly toward improving the lives of the countries ordinary citizens... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina

MOO!!!New Techniques Help BiH Farmers Make Milk Healthier, Safer

That’s a question many people are asking after recent inquiries by the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) found that lack of proper monitoring results in contamination of some of the country’s foods... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Health

Customers look over the products at Fourth Annual International Festival of Tea and Medicinal Herbs held in SarajevoTea, Herbs Mean Big Business for BiH

Visitors to Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) learn quickly that its citizens are great fans of herbal remedies. In fact, more than 100,000 families throughout the country collect and grow herbal plants... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Samir Ceramida (Cera I) signs the GROZD petitionCitizens Group Holds Parties To Campaign Commitments

With the frenzy of the election campaigns are over, many politicians may think it’s time to relax. That wouldn’t be a good idea in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) this year... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Heljda Eko staff Bilsana Bajramovic and Denis Hrnicevic celebrate World Healthy Food Day with a display of Heljda foods in MercatorOrganic Buckwheat Wins New Markets

Samir Mehonic and Vesna Latifovic were in a unique position. Their organic buckwheat products had just won the “Golden Rose” prize for best new product of the year... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Tour operator Harry Braam plans excursions to Bihac, Cazin, Mostar and Sarajevo for his Dutch clientsDutch Tourists Plan Summer Holidays in BiH

For the first time, a Dutch tourism agency will include excursions to BiH as part of its summer tour offerings... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Radomir Macar waited only six minutes for a birth certificate at Gorazde’s Citizen Service CenterBiH’s New Citizen Service Centers Cut Wait Time by Half

When Radomir Macar, a pensioner from Sokolac, needed documents to prove his citizenship, he never expected the process would be so quick... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Institutional Reform

Croatian Prime Minister Dr. Ivo Sanader visits the Software Development Center training facility, a joint project of USAID and Microsoft in partnership with the City of VarazdinBiH Families Offer Homes to Children in Crisis

When Halida and Jasmin Avdic applied to become foster parents, they were looking to fill the void created by their daughter’s departure to become an au pair in the U.S... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Social Programs

A USAID-supported micro grant helped the Hadzics begin working toward a brighter futureBosnian Refugee Family Begins Making Restaurant Dream a Reality

Robert and Sonja Hadzic, a mixed-marriage refugee family from Trebinje, Bosnia, came to Serbia with only a few bags of their most precious personal belongings... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

The BiH Federation's Kakanj Power Plant generates electricity for approximately 350,000 citizensBiH Power Companies Learn to Compete on Merit

For the first time, BiH power companies had to prove their worth before gaining the right to generate and distribute power... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Energy

Mountain huts dot the Vranica Mountainside surrounding Prokosko LakeCampaign Helps Saves “Human Fish” from Extinction

Most locals call it the “human fish.”  But unlike humans, the Triton Salamandar can be found on only a tiny sliver of the earth—Prokosko Lake near Fojnica in BiH.... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Environment

Doboj's Center Humanitas held a phone-a-thon for children at riskKey to Fundraising: You Have to Ask

When parents of special needs children in Trebinje first heard the proposal to raise money through collection boxes, they were shocked. The idea just seemed too much like begging... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Social Programs

Workers receive salaries for first time in 3 yearsBankruptcy is Not the End for Unis Tadiv Employees

Workers at Unis Tadiv in Konjic are getting paid once again thanks to the company’s decision to file for bankruptcy... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Farmers from Buzim watch as a member of the Jezerski Farmers Association demonstrates the use of the association's new balerBiH Dairy Farmers Boost Milk Production

Nine famers from Buzim were recently let in on a valuable secret: Cutting their grass earlier can increase their winter milk production by as much as 10 to 15%... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

BiH citizens now enjoy a modern banking system in which credit is widely available and deposits are protectedBosnia-Herzegovina Banking System Receives Upgrade

Nearly every citizen of Bosnia-Herzegovina has a horror story to tell about losing their bank savings at the start of the war... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Financial Markets

Nova Sarajevo school before (left) and after (right) post-war reconstructionBosnia-Herzegovina Receives Return on US Investment of $372 Million for Infrastructure Repair

Infrastructure repair is the most visible of all USAID’s programs in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Starting in 1995, the program targeted structures that would help restart and assist citizens to return to normal living... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Infrastructure

Ambassador MacElhaney joins crowd at the USAID 10th Anniversary Photo Exhibit at the Youth Conference Exhibit HallA Decade After Dayton, Youth Eager to Invest in their Future

More than 530 young people from all over the country gathered together at a U.S. Government-sponsored conference to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Social Programs

(From left) President Mesic, President Marovic and Chairman Paravac shake hands upon signing a joint statement on cooperation at the 10th Session of the Igman Initiative Cultural Cooperation in the Dayton Triangle

The Igman Initiative, a network of 140 NGOs from Serbia and Montenegro (SaM), Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), led by the Novi Sad-based Center for Regionalism... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy, Rule of Law

Consumer protection program uncovered misleading pricing schemeCorrupt Marketing Practices Exposed Thanks to USAID Media Initiative

Dzepobran, a consumer protection TV series, aired a story on one of the major grocery stores in BiH. The crew discovered that the store's promotional campaign... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

A WFA member and her children examine the new equipmentFreezer Helps BiH Women’s Farmer Association Increase Dairy Sales

Under its Linking Agriculture Markets to Producers (LAMP) project, USAID provided a Lacto freezer to support the Women’s Farmer Association from Tesanj and Usora... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Dairy products are a reliable source of income for needy familiesReturnee Families Receive Support for Fresh Start

In April, USAID distributed 41 small loans and 56 grants to extremely vulnerable minority returnee families under its Economic Assistance to Support Sustainable Minority Returns in BiH project... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Administrator Natsios stands in front of Mostar’s newly reconstructed 'Old Bridge'BiH Welcomes USAID Administrator

On June 15-16, USAID/Bosnia-Herzegovina was pleased to host Administrator Andrew Natsios on his first visit to BiH since just after the war. Accompanying him on the trip was E&E Bureau Chief Kent Hill... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Industrial design student works on her modelsStudents Breathe Fresh Life into Furniture Design

Industrial design students had a unique chance to exhibit their creations at the 5-day “Made in BiH” workshop sponsored by USAID’s Cluster Competitiveness Activity (CCA)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Supreme Court President Amir Jaganjac is thankful his Court’s backlog has been reduced from 12,000 to 3,000 casesRevised Law Speeds Justice for Thousands in BiH

Recently, a 68-year old retiree, residing in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Federation entity (FBiH), saw her application for pension benefits rejected by the Pension Bureau... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rule of Law

Amel finds comfort with foster father, Esef JusicFamilies Open Doors and Hearts to Parentless Children

It’s the middle of the night and 5-year-old Amel is calling frantically for his mother. “Please help me find a place to hide my shoes,” he begs when she arrives... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Social Programs

Mushroom employee proudly shows off her firm’s productQuality Proves Key to Mushrooming Success in BiH

In 2001, Milan Zoric and Boran Maglov had a dream to build a business exporting organic mushrooms of the highest quality. So, based upon their combined experience with finance and medicinal and aromatic plants... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

USAID advises on privatization of pulp and paper producerNatron Maglaj Joint Venture to Preserve 450 Jobs

BiH's pulp and paper-producing firm, Natron Maglaj, was privatized through a joint venture with Kastamonu Entegre, part of the Hayat Holding Group from Turkey... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

Fair in KrajinaKrajina Emerging as a Tourist Destination

“There are so many tourists who should be shown what this part of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) can offer," said Milan Torbak from Zagreb, Croatia as he gazed at the crowd on Vlasic Mountain one sunny Sunday... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Business Development

The campaign tagline promoting driving instruction for the disabledParents Choose School Principal in Bosnia-Herzegovina

In a rare occurrence in Bosnia-Herzegovina, experience triumphed over politics and parents were allowed to choose their children's school principal... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Education

Habiba Halilovic’s children now have milk for breakfastUSAID Program Helps BiH Returnees Feed Their Families

Traveling to Srebrenica today, it's hard to imagine that 10 years ago the peaceful, bucolic setting was the site of the greatest atrocity in Europe since World War II... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Social Programs

Breast Cancer Pamphlets Breast Cancer Survivors Fight for Rights

Prevention doesn’t exist: only early detection! For most women, breast cancer is an emotionally devastating diagnosis. But in Sarajevo, 150 breast cancer survivors... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democracy

Bridge between Srebrenica and Bajina Basta Municipalities Refurbished with U.S. Support

On Wednesday, November 3, an inauguration ceremony will be held to mark the completion of renovations of the bridge connecting Skelani, in the Municipality of Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Bajina Basta, in Serbia and Montenegro... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Infrastructure

Bridge Renovation Encourages Increased Cross-border and Interethnic Cooperation

For nearly a decade, cooperation between the communities of Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Bajina Basta, Serbia and Montenegro, has been virtually non-existent... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Heregovina, Serbia, Infrastructure

Penalty shot made during the tournament Skelani Soccer Tournament: Connecting Divided Communities

The small village of Skelani (BiH) is in the Srebrenica municipality and has approximately 2500 inhabitants. Skelani is located 50 km from the town of Srebrenica and access to the municipal capital is hampered by dirt roads... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Heregovina, Social Programs

USAID Administrator Natsios$25 Million Raised for Balkans Through Public-Private Partnership: Donors Leverage Funds to Solidify Democracy

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation are pleased to announce a new $25 million initiative to support good governance in Southeastern Europe. The grant-making effort, called the Balkan Trust for Democracy, is a project of GMF made possible through a public-private partnership between GMF, USAID, and the Mott Foundation. Read More ...

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Thu, 10 Jul 2008 10:04:35 -0500