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Your Big Backyard... King County Parks, Washington
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Environmental stewardship is an important component of our work. King County Parks manages over 25,000 acres including some of the most pristine and valuable ecological lands within King County such as wetlands, salmon habitat, intact riparian areas and old forests.

King County Parks values this region’s environmental legacy and is working hard to educate today’s generation and preserve this legacy for generations to come.

Acquisitions from King County’s Greenprint are managed by the Parks Division team and our Natural Resource Coordinators.

2004 Open Space Plan (1.5 MB pdf file) for Parks, Trails, Natural Areas and Working Resource Lands focuses on managing and caring for the county's 25,000+ acres of valuable open space lands and resources and 200 miles of trails for generations to come. It clearly defines the county as primarily a regional open space provider and a facilitator of recreation programs related to the open space system. The county will remain the local provider for sites located in rural areas, but will transfer to cities those sites located within their urban growth areas.

25,000 Acres of Open Space

Since 2001, volunteers have provided Parks more than 250,000 hours of service which help make our 25,000 acres even more spectacular. Thank You!



For questions about the Parks and Recreation Division, please contact Kathy Nygard, Assistant to the Director

For questions about the Web site for the Parks and Recreation Division, please contact Eli Brownell.

Parks and Recreation Division
201 S. Jackson Street, Suite 700
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-8687
Fax: 206-296-8686
TTY: 711 Relay Service

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