Black and white image of Colorado State Seal

The Micrographics Quarterly
  A Public Service of the Colorado State Archives

Image of film on a reel

Volume 1 : Number 3

Denver, Colorado

Spring, 2000

Frequently Asked Questions

The Micrographics Quality Control Report is the document issued by the Colorado State Archives when micrographics materials are inspected prior to formal deposit. It is generated by the Micrographics Archivist in accordance with the standards and controls stipulated in the Guide to Micrographics Standards. Due to changing personnel in many agencies, the purpose and use of this document has become confusing to some individuals. Many of the most frequently asked questions are addressed in this issue as a public service.

  1. What is the purpose of the Micrographics Quality Control Report?
  2. The Report serves many purposes. It documents the formal receipt of materials for deposit, documenting them by type, number and agency. The form designates specific details, particularly defects and addresses potential problems or solutions. Finally, the Report designates whether a micrographic record is accepted or refused for deposit based on quality control standards.

  3. Where is the acceptance of records indicated on the form?
  4. The acceptance of records is notated in the lower right corner of the document. If the item numbers appear in this box ("Items Accepted for Transfer/Security Deposit"), then the items have been formally accepted. The absence of anything in this box indicates that the records did not meet Archival standards. The acceptance or rejection of documents is further indicated under "Summary," immediately below the roll number on the inspection grid in the middle of the Report.

  5. Once I send my records to the State Archives, I can destroy the originals, right?
  6. Wrong. The Guide to Micrographics Standards stipulates that your micrographics documents must be approved in writing before they may be destroyed. "Before you are authorized to destroy original documents, your film must be reviewed by our Quality Control Unit for conformity to standards." (Ch.II, Pg 10, #2009). In addition, there may be additional restrictions on your agency regarding the destruction of original documents. Check with your records retention guidelines for further details.

  7. How long does it take to do the quality inspection?

The time it takes for inspecting records varies, depending on the number of records currently pending review by the State Archives. The process can take from several weeks to several months. If your office has special needs, feel free to contact the Micrographics Archivist at 303-866-2231. If you need immediate acknowledgment of receipt of the records prior to inspection, you are encouraged to include a postage-paid reply card or ask for a receipt upon delivery.

The Micrographics Quality Control Report is a tool for tracking quality that benefits both the Archives and the originating agency. The proper use and understanding of this document will assure continued records retention, preservation and storage.

Lance Christensen
Micrographics Archivist
Colorado State Archives

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Last modified June 25, 2003