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publications > ofr > ecosystem history of southern and central biscayne bay > material and methods

>Material and Methods
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Ecosystem History of Southern and Central Biscayne Bay: Summary Report on Sediment Core Analyses

U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 03-375

Material and Methods

Core Sites and Collection

Six cores were collected from three sites in Biscayne Bay on April 30, 2002 from the following locations (Table 1; Figure 1): 1) Card Bank; 2) Featherbed Bank; and 3) No Name Bank. Duplicate cores, A and B, were taken side by side at each site (10-20 cm apart). The sites were selected based on SFWMD research priorities to 1) characterize pre-drainage conditions (prior to 1900) and 2) to identify trends beginning in the 1960's and 1970's as diversion of water caused changes in the freshwater distribution and influx into the Bay. The three sites collected had greater than one meter of sediment cover, little human disturbance, and relatively low incidence of bioturbation.

Subset A cores were analyzed for pollen and 210Pb, with samples extracted for nutrient and diatom analyses to be performed at a later date. The remainder of each sample from the A cores has been archived. Subset B cores were analyzed for all faunal and macroplant remains. Careful examination of the stratigraphy and x-radiographs (Figures 2-4) of the A and B cores provided assurance that data from the two cores can be confidently compared. Core descriptions are in Appendix A.

Table1: List of cores collected in April 2002
  No Name Bank Featherbed Bank Card Bank


N 25° 34.484 N 25° 31.850 N 25° 19.295


W 80° 16.320 W 80° 15.575 W 80° 21.362
  GLW402 -NNA GLW402 -NNB GLW402 -FBA GLW402 -FBB GLW402 -CBA GLW402 -CBB

Date collected







Salinity at surface (ppt)







Salinity at sediment interface (ppt) 37.79 37.79 38.23 38.23 38.60 38.60
Temp. at surface
(deg C)
28.44 28.44 29.44 29.44 28.35 28.35
Temp. at sediment interface (deg C) 28.49 28.49 29.46 29.46 28.25 28.25
Water depth at core (cm) 50.0 50.0 60.0 60.0 76.0 76.0
Initial Sediment Depth (cm) 150.0 163.0 195.5 209.0 157.5 154.5
Sediment Depth when cut (cm) 144.0 153.0 188.0 197.0 149.0 148.0

Loss due to compaction (cm)

6.0 10.0 7.5 12.0 8.5 6.5
ppt = parts per thousand

This report also reviews results from 3 cores collected between 1996 and 1997 at Featherbed Bank (SEI297-FB1), Card Bank (SEI297-CB1), and Manatee Bay (SEI1196- MB1) (Figure 1). Information on core sites is given in Table 2 and descriptions of the 1996-97 cores can be found in Ishman (1997). Ishman and others, (1998) described the faunal and floral patterns obtained from the SEI1196-MB1 core and Stone and others (2000) describes the faunal assemblages at SEI297-FB1. New Mg/Ca data is presented in this report for SEI297-FB1, and ostracode data from SEI297-CB1 is included in the appendices. Interpretations and patterns in the 1996 and 1997 cores are discussed in light of the new findings from the April 2002 cores.

Table 2: List of cores collected in 1996-1997 (adapted from Ishman, 1997, Table 1)

Core Location Core Number Latitude Longitude Core Length (cm)

Featherbed Bank

SEI2997-FB1 25 31.31 N 80 15.39 W 225

Card Bank

SEI297-CB1 25 18.37 N 80 20.63 W 146

Manatee Bay

SEI1196-MB1 25 15.69 N 80 24.06 W 120


X-radiographs and schematic diagrams of No Name Bank cores X-radiographs and schematic diagrams of Featherbed Bank cores

Figure 2. (above) X-radiographs and schematic diagrams of No Name Bank cores (GLW402-NNA and NNB). Scale is in cm.

Figure 3. (upper right) X-radiographs and schematic diagrams of Featherbed Bank cores (GLW402-FBA and FBB). Scale is in cm. Note: uppermost and lowermost portions of B core were not x-rayed, so scales do not line up.

Figure 4. (right) X-radiographs and schematic diagrams of Card Bank cores (GLW402-CBA and CBB). Scale is in cm.

[click on images for larger versions]

X-radiographs and schematic diagrams of Card Bank cores

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