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United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
Circular Series
FG 0408
April 2008
Grain:  World Markets and Trade



International: Thai quotes jumped $356, or more than 70 percent, from last month to $855 FOB, as exportable supplies remain tight and worldwide concerns over food security drive up export prices. Vietnam is not quoting prices due to an export ban, which leaves Thailand and the United States as virtually the only game in town.

Domestic: U.S. #2/4 long grain milled rice quotes are up from last month to $787 per ton, FOB. Thai quotes are $68 above U.S. quotes compared to the same time last year when Thai quotes were $93 below. California medium grain #1/4 prices are up $125 per ton from last month to $750 per ton, FOB.


Selected Exporters

  • Burma is doubled to 400,000 tons as high world prices draw more supplies onto the market.

  • Cambodia’s exports are gutted by 300,000 tons to 150,000 due to an export ban.

  • China is dropped 300,000 tons to 1.0 million with the imposition of export taxes and concerns over food price inflation.

  • Egypt, India and Vietnam are lowered due to export bans.

Selected Importers

The imports for Brazil, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Vietnam are decreased because of high world prices and tight supplies.

  • Indonesia is lowered 500,000 tons to 1.1 million as increased domestic production reduces the need for imports.

  • Iraq is reduced 200,000 tons to 900,000 on account of the slow pace of purchases.

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