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Documentary Educates Uzbeks about Drug Risks

On July 4, the popular Uzbek TV channel “Yoshlar” (Youth) held a premiere broadcast of the documentary film “A Fine Line.” The documentary was produced by the National Movie Company Uzbekkino with financial support from the USAID Drug Demand Reduction Program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Through real-life stories about people that are addicted to drugs, the film aims to increase public awareness of the health and social risks of drug use in Uzbekistan. The unique documentary features persons with heroin addiction, including some who contracted HIV through drug use. The storyline calls upon viewers to treat HIV-infected and drug addicts not as outsiders, but as people who need assistance and support. The film also highlights work - including programs funded by USAID - that is being done to assist with this serious problem.

The video and a DVD version of “A Fine Line” is being distributed among state and public organizations involved in the drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention work in Uzbekistan.

The documentary demonstrated how doctors in a USAID-supported Uzbek medical facility tested blood as part of an HIV prevention program
The documentary demonstrated how doctors in a USAID-supported Uzbek medical facility tested blood as part of an HIV prevention program
Photo Credit: DDRP/Uzbekkino

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:29:51 -0500