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USAID-funded TV Campaign Increases Central Asian Youth Risk Perception Regarding Injecting Drugs

From May to July 2006, USAID’s Drug Demand Reduction Program is airing an innovative TV public service announcement to increase youth awareness about the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS through injecting drugs, nationally and on local TV stations in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The campaign is targeting youth aged 15-25 who are at-risk for heroin/opiate use and injecting drugs by virtue of the fact that they live on Central Asia’s main heroin trafficking routes.

The 40-second announcement was produced with the involvement of youth as well as adults, parents, government representatives, and local religious leaders in the three countries. It invites youth to think about their memories of significant “firsts” in their lives, such as a first friend, and encourages the audience not to try a “first injection.” The first wave of the TV campaign was aired in the winter of 2005 and received a high acclaim from local and international experts. A post-campaign survey in Uzbekistan showed that the announcement achieved more than 60% exposure in all target cities, and the target group retained very high levels of knowledge about the link between injecting drugs and HIV, which was the main message of the TV announcement.

The Drug Demand Reduction Program is implemented in part by Population Services International.

The USAID-funded public service announcement invites youth to think of the 'first friend' memories
The USAID-funded public service announcement invites youth to think of the “first friend” memories
Photo Credit: DDRP/ PSI

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:29:28 -0500