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USAID Supports Malaria Prevention in Turkmenistan

Recently, Turkmen malaria professionals were introduced to a new resource, the reference guide “Illustrated Qualifier for Malaria Mosquitoes of Central Asia,” published with USAID and OSCE support. The publication discusses integrated methods to fight malaria mosquitoes, describes malaria mosquito species prevalent in the region, and maps areas of their infestation. Malaria presents an important health concern in Turkmenistan. While there were only 140 officially recorded cases during last year, the real number is estimated to be much higher, as the majority of malaria patients are recorded as flu cases.

USAID assists the efforts to fight malaria in the region by supporting the Roll Back Malaria Program, implemented by the World Health Organization (WHO). In response to the Turkmen Ministry of Health’s request, USAID’s Participant Training Program, implemented by the Academy for Educational Development, together with specialists from WHO and the Ministry of Health, fully trained all of the country’s malaria specialists in the entomology, laboratory diagnostics, and treatment of the disease.

USAID also assisted the Turkmen Government in preparing an application for a malaria grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. However, the grant was not approved due to the Turkmen Government’s reluctance to accurately portray the extent of the malaria situation in the country. The Government of Turkmenistan intends to re-apply for the grant this year.

A laboratory technician is trained to identify the malaria parasite in human blood cells
A laboratory technician is trained to identify the malaria parasite in human blood cells
Photo Credit: AED

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:27:54 -0500