
Press Release - Statement on Anvil Points



FRIDAY, AUG. 8, 2008



Evan Dreyer, 720.350.8370,




Gov. Bill Ritter today issued the following statement in response to the Department of the Interior's announcement that funds have been obligated and a contract has been let for the Anvil Points clean-up project on the Roan Plateau:


"I am pleased that the long-awaited cleanup of the Anvil Points Superfund site is moving forward. This project is long over-due, and cleanup of the site will benefit our water, mountains, wildlife, and local communities."


"This certification is also a vital step to allow Colorado to begin to receive payments from energy development activity on the Roan."


"However, there are other key steps that need to be taken before any further leasing or development should occur on the Roan. We remain disappointed that the federal government seems intent on shortchanging Colorado by rejecting our proposal for phased leasing."


"Additionally, this certification fails to direct any extra money from the Anvil points cleanup fund back to Colorado. The state stands to lose up to $50 million if legislation is not passed to direct Colorado's fair share of lease revenues that have already accumulated back to the state instead of reverting back to the federal treasury."


"In order to maximize benefits to our state and to our local communities, I continue to believe that the Bureau of Land Management should adopt Colorado's proposal for phased leasing on the Roan prior to holding a lease sale. The Roan Plateau is vital to our citizens as an energy resource, an economic resource, a recreational resource and as an environmental resource. We must get this right."


"Today's Anvil Points certification fulfills one of our goals, and I commend the BLM for their efforts. I urge Secretary Kempthorne and the BLM to be responsible with this precious resource, and adopt Colorado's phased leasing proposal."


Last week the Colorado Department of Natural Resources submitted a protest to the BLM  objecting to the BLM's plan to lease the entire top of the Roan Plateau for commercial drilling on Aug. 14.  This protest reiterated support for Governor Ritter's phased-leasing proposal.