Brown Announces Federal Funds for University of Toledo Biofuels Project

September 15, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced that The University of Toledo will be one of six recipients receiving a share of $4.4 million in new federal funds from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for research into advanced biofuels.

“Northwest Ohio has a strong record of paving the way on renewable energy,” said Brown. “Farmers in northwest Ohio have led the state in producing biofuels and Toledo is already home to the nation’s largest manufacturer of solar panels.  With this grant, the University of Toledo will research innovative ways to make biofuels more efficient and environmentally friendly.”

“We are excited about the award and its ability to help us resolve some of the deep technical problems involved in realizing the full potential of cellulosic biofuels,” said Dr. Sasidhar Varanasi, Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of Toledo. “Our group at The University of Toledo has recently made significant strides in the development of new patented technologies for cellulosic ethanol production that are on the verge of commercialization.”

The DOE is investing strongly in clean energy technologies, working towards the Renewable Fuel Standard mandated by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The standard requires the production of at least 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels by 2022.

According to the DOE, the University of Toledo project will develop cost-effective methods of developing cellulosic biomass. Brown has been working to position Ohio as the Silicon Valley of alternative energy. After a series of green energy roundtables across Ohio, Brown introduced legislation to build upon Ohio’s manufacturing heritage and create a new generation of green jobs. Brown’s legislation would expand green energy research and development, promote the commercialization of emerging energy technologies, enhance training opportunities to equip workers for 21st century energy jobs, and help build a green energy manufacturing base.

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