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FAS Reorganization

Since FAS was established in 1953, many events have changed the work of the agency, but there has been no comprehensive reorganization. Congress has authorized new programs such as the Market Access Program and the McGovern Dole Food for Education Program, to name just two. As the landmark Uruguay Round Agreement for Agriculture phased out traditional tariffs and quotas, countries turned increasingly to new technical barriers to trade in agriculture. Market maintenance activities now require scientific expertise on a regular basis and FAS must work closely with many agencies—within and outside USDA—on a wide variety of complex issues. Even 10 years ago, some of the toughest issues we are dealing with today—BSE, AI, biotechnology—were not even on the radar screen.

To address these changes and challenges and to comply with the goals of President Bush’s management agenda, in 2004, FAS began a top-to-bottom review of what the agency does, how effective we are, and what we could do better. Some of the concerns on the table included: effectively supporting the agriculture sector during trade agreement negotiations; developing strategies in response to the emergence of “giants” like China and Brazil; and managing the trade impact of international food safety scares like AI and BSE. The review process included input from employees, private sector trade groups, and program participants. This effort pointed out the need for a new strategic focus for FAS and a realignment of functions and personnel to increase the effectiveness of the agency.

New FAS Program Areas (11/13/06)

FAS Reorganization Means Few Changes (USDA Radio News; 11/13/06 - real, mp3, wave)

New FAS Reorganization Begins Monday (USDA Radio News; 11/08/06 - real, mp3, wave)

FAS Reorganization Driven By Stakeholders (USDA Radio News; 11/08/06 - real, mp3, wave)

Reorganizing FAS To Better Serve The Times (USDA Radio News; 09/19/06 - real, mp3, wave)

FAS Reorganization Near Completion (USDA Radio News; 08/30/06 - real, mp3, wave)

FAS Reorganization Implementation Begins