SuperLINK Amateur Radio Network

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SuperLINK is a special network of amateur radio "repeaters" that was developed for SKYWARN severe weather operations involving amateur radio operators.  Communication is possible throughout much of North Dakota using this system.  The map to the left shows only part of the system, it also extends across much of Minnesota and into southern Manitoba. 

Accessing SuperLINK

1. Access the 2 meter repeater in you local area and ID.
2. Indicate your intentions of accessing the SuperLINK.
3. Key in the code for your local repeater using the tone pad.
4. LISTEN to hear the link acknowledge your access.
5. LISTEN for anybody else using the SuperLINK.
6. If the link is clear, key in the code for the destination repeater.
7. LISTEN to hear the link acknowledge your access to the destination repeater.
8. LISTEN for anybody using the destination repeater.
9. If the destination repeater is clear then make your call.
10.  WAIT about 2 seconds before talking each time you key your mic. This will allow the link to connect all nodes used in your communication.

Leaving the SuperLINK

1. Key in the number 1 and then the 3 digit code for the destination repeater.
2. LISTEN to hear the destination repeater acknowledge your request.
3. Key in the number 1 and then the 3 digit code for your repeater.
4. LISTEN to hear your repeater acknowledge your request

  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • Bismarck, ND Weather Forecast Office
  • Box 1016
  • 2301 University Drive, Building 27
  • Bismarck, ND 58502-1016
  • 701-250-4224
  • Page Author: BIS Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail:
  • Page last modified: 26-Oct-2006 1:51 PM UTC is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.