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What's New - October 2006

Discussions Continue On U.S. Beef In South Korea (USDA Radio News; 10/31/06 - real, mp3, wave)
U.S. Beef Back In South Korea After Nearly Three Years (USDA Radio News; 10/30/06 - real, mp3, wave)

World Hunger Increasing (USDA Radio News; 10/31/06 - real, mp3, wave)
The Goal Of World Food Security (USDA Radio News; 10/27/06 - real, mp3, wave)
Communications Technology Needed To Cut World Hunger (USDA Radio News; 10/26/06 - real, mp3, wave)

REMARKS AS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY - Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns, World Food Prize, Des Moines, Iowa (10/19/06)

Avian Influenza Updates:
Joint USDA And DOI  News Release: Confirmatory Avian Influenza Tests Complete On Ohio Duck Samples - New Public Notification Protocol Announced  
The U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior today announced final test results, which confirm that no avian influenza virus was found in samples collected earlier this month from wild Northern pintail ducks in Ohio. (10/26/06)
Wild Bird Samples From Michigan Undergo Additional Avian Influenza Testing (10/20/06)
Avian Influenza Tests Complete on Wild Green-Winged Teals in Illinois (Joint DOI And USDA News Release; 10/17/06)
Ohio Wild Bird Samples Undergo Additional Avian Influenza Testing (Joint DOI And USDA News Release; 10/14/06)
USDA and the U.S. Department of the Interior announced final test results for the Illinois teals and initial results for the Ohio birds, both indicating the presence of low pathogenic avian influenza virus, which poses no threat to human health.

USDA Radio Reports on Ag Trade:
Meat Exports Poised to Set Record in 2007 (10/19/06; real, mp3, wave)
EU May Someday Embrace GM Crops: An FAS specialist in Bucharest, Romania, believes that sooner or later, the European Union will start to embrace genetically modified crops. (10/17/06; real, mp3)
Romanian Farmers May Lose GM Soybeans: After growing genetically modified soybeans profitably for years, Romanian farmers may be told they can no longer plant that crop. (10/17/06; real, mp3)
WTO Open to the Public: Recently the World Trade Organization held a public forum at its Geneva Headquarters. (10/17/06; real, mp3)
The World Trade Talks Go Public
: A very public forum recently took place at WTO headquarters in Geneva. The focus was on restarting the suspended world trade talks by agreeing to help the poorest of the poor. (10/17/06; real, mp3)
Will There Soon Be No Need for Farm Subsidies?: Two international megastars in business tell an audience at the WTO that biofuel demand will mean no need for farm subsidies. (10/17/06; real, mp3)
Rice Prices Remain Strong in Spite of GMO Concern: Strong export demand has keep global prices for rice up, despite concerns about GMO rice by the EU and other trading partners. (10/13/06; real, mp3)
Most Ag Businesses Hoping for Trade Talk Resumption: World trade talks are on hold, but many farm-related businesses are hoping for some breakthrough that could lead to an agreement. (10/13/06; real, mp3)
Ag Exports Right on Target: Despite reductions in August, U.S. agricultural exports are on target to setting a record for this past fiscal year. (10/13/06; real, mp3)
What Was Hot in Farm Exports Last Year: A USDA economist talks about what was hot and what was not in the farm export scene during the past fiscal year. (10/13/06; real, mp3)

USDA Announces DEIP Allocations for 2006/07
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced new one-year allocations under the Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) for the July-June 2006/07 year. (10/12/06)

Latest U.S. Agricultural Trade Data (Economic Research Service; 10/12/06)

U.S., Canada Lift Most Temporary Potato Import Bans (USDA Radio News; 10/10/06 - real, mp3, wave)

Mexico Opens Markets To U.S. Dairy Heifers (10/04/06)

WTO Agricultural Trade Policy Commitments Database (Economic Research Service; 10/04/06)

Avian Influenza Tests Complete On Wild Northern Pintail Ducks In Montana (10/07/06)
Illinois Wild Bird Samples Undergo Additional Avian Influenza Testing (09/29/06)
More Avian Influenza Updates

Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns And U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab Announce Favorable Ruling In WTO Case On Agricultural Biotechnology (09/29/06)
U.S. Government Officials Pleased With Decision on EU (USDA Radio News; 10/02/06 - real, mp3, wave)
More on the European Union Moratorium on Biotech Foods

World Production, Market and Trade Reports
Livestock and Poultry: World Markets & Trade (.pdf)
Grain:  World Markets and Trade
10/13  Dairy Monthly Imports
 Cotton: World Markets and Trade
10/13  Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
10/12  World Agricultural Production PDF Data
10/12  Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel - Excel CO2631000
10/02  U.S. Planting Seed Trade

2006 Release Dates

Export Regulations
In Detail

Federal Register Notices

Adjustment of Appendices to the Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing Regulation for the 2006 Tariff-Rate Quota Year
Assessment of Fees for Dairy Import Licenses for the 2007 Tariff-Rate Import Quota Year
The Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), will begin accepting Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers petitions for fiscal year 2007 starting August 15, 2006
Proposed rule to establish regulations applicable to the Quality Samples Program (QSP)
Request an extension for a currently approved information collection in support of the Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing program
Notice of product coverage and trigger levels for safeguard measures provided for in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture
Notice  to request an extension of a currently approved information collection in support of Export Enhancement Program (EEP) and Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP)
Notice of Request for Extension and Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection in support of the Regulations—Financing Commercial Sales of Agricultural Commodities under Title I of Public Law 83-480; Request for Vessel Approval, Form CCC-105 and Request for Vessel Approval, Form CCC-105 (cotton); and Declaration of Sale, Form FAS-359.
Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present. -- The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)

USDA Calendar of Publications

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