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United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
Circular Series
FD MI 1007
November 2007
Dairy Monthly Imports


 1/ The tariff-rate quota level is for imports from the EU-25

 2/ If the country of origin on a license for a dairy article is Any country, that article may be imported from any country, including countries with a tariff-rate quota allocation for that article.

 3/ A port of entry adjustment may have been made which increased or decreased the year-to-date import figure from that reported in the previous month.

 4/ Evaporated milk and cream in other than airtight containers may not be imported.

 5/  See U.S. Note 3 of Subchapter IX of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

 6/ See U.S. Note 4 of Subchapter X of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

 7/ See U.S. Note 5, ibid.

 8/ See U.S. Note 6, ibid.

 9/ See U.S. Note 7, ibid.

 10/ See U.S. Note 8, ibid.

 11/See U.S. Note 5 of Subchapter XI of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

 12/ See U.S. Note 6, ibid.

 13/  See U.S. Note 7, ibid.

 14/  See U.S. Note 8, ibid.

 15/  See U.S. Note 9, ibid. 

 16/  See U.S. Note 3 of Subchapter VIII of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

 17/  See U.S. Note 4, ibid. 

 18/  See U.S. Note 5, ibid. 

 19/  See U.S. Note 7, ibid. 

 20/  See U.S. Note 4 of Subchapter XIII of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

 21/  See U.S. Note 5, ibid.

 22/  See U.S. Note 6, ibid.

 23/  See U.S. Note 7, ibid.  

 24/  See U.S. Note 8, ibid.  

 25/  See U.S. Note 9, ibid.  

 26/  See U.S. Note 10, ibid.  

 27/  See U.S. Note 11, ibid.  

 28/  See U.S. Note 12, ibid.  

 29/  See U.S. Note 13, ibid.  

 30/  See U.S. Note 14, ibid.

 31/  See U.S. Note 15, ibid.

 32/  See U.S. Note 4 of Subchapter XII of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

 33/  See U.S. Note 5, ibid. 

34/  See U.S. Note 6, ibid. 

35/  See U.S. Note 7, ibid. 

36/  See U.S. Note 8, ibid. 

37/  See U.S. Note 5a of Subchapter XV of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

38/  See U.S. Note 6a, ibid. 

39/  See U.S. Note 8a, ibid. 

40/  See U.S. Note 10a, ibid. 

41/  See U.S. Note 14a, ibid. 

42/  See U.S. Note 5a, ibid. 

43/  See U.S. Note 6a, ibid. 

44/  See U.S. Note 10a, ibid. 

45/  See U.S. Note 14a, ibid. 

46/  See U.S. Note 5a, ibid. 

47/  See U.S. Note 8a, ibid. 

48/ See U.S. Note 10a, ibid.

49/See U.S. Note 11, ibid. 

50/See U.S. Note 14a, ibid.

51/See U.S. Note 8a, ibid. 

52/See U.S. Note 10a, ibid

53/See U.S. Note 14a, ibid

54/See U.S. Note 12a, ibid

55/  See U.S. Note 4 of Subchapter X1V of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

56/  See U.S. Note 5, ibid. 

57/  See U.S. Note 6, ibid. 

58/  See U.S. Note 7, ibid. 

59/  See U.S. Note 8, ibid. 

60/  /  See U.S. Note 8a of Subchapter XV of Chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.  

61/  See U.S. Note 9, ibid.

62/  See U.S. Note 10a, ibid. 

63/  See U.S. Note 14a, ibid. 


 NOTE NUMBER - For licensed imports, Note numbers 6-25 are Additional U.S. Notes to Chapter 4.

 NSPF - Not specifically provided for

 li. - liters

 kgs - kilograms

 Data Source: U.S. Customs Service, not comparable to U.S. Census data.

 For further information, contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, STOP 1021, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C.  20250-1021, telephone (202) 720-2916.