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HIV/STD/TB Calendar Event Details

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ADAP Advisory Group:
The Oregon Ryan Title II, AIDS Drug Assistance Program, also known as CAREAssist, convenes an advisory group on a quarterly basis. The Advisory Group is an official task force of the Oregon HIV Care Coalition whose members are appointed by the State Program's Manager. The purpose of the group is to provide input and direction to the Program related to ADAP/CAREAssist client eligibility, program design and implementation.

Oregon HIV Care Coalition:
The Oregon HIV Care Coalition is a statewide community planning body which advises the coordination of services and care to people living with HIV and AIDS throughout the state. It is administered by DHS Health Services, which receives Ryan White CARE Act Title II funds annually for HIV/AIDS Services.

This is a sub-committee of the Oregon Conference of Local Health Officials. Members of the committee are representatives of Local Health Departments, and are appointed by the Chair of CLHO. The CLHO/HIV Committee is convened to make recommendations to CLHO regarding:

  1. Exceptions to statutory requirements that expenditure of public funds utilized to provide public health services on the local level must be approved by the local health authority, and concurrence on funding distribution formulas for local purposes developed by the Oregon Health Services.
  2. Development and revisions to public health service assurances related to local annual plans.
  3. Public Health policy and issues related to HIV.

For more information, contact Loreen Nichols at (503) 988-3030.

Client-Centered Counseling Training:
This training is required for all persons who will be performing HIV Counseling, Testing & Referral Services in or through county health departments receiving Prevention Block Grant funds.

This two-day training is designed to provide participants with skills and techniques to use while providing HIV risk-reduction counseling. This is a participatory, interactive training that requires individual and group participation.

Client-Centered Counseling Training must be completed prior to Rapid HIV Testing Training for those who will perform counseling & testing using the rapid test (it is not required as a prerequisite for supervisors and others who may be implementing the rapid testing program, but not performing the rapid test).

Training is open to all health department, CBO, and private sector staff and volunteers at no charge. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

HIV Case Manager Cultural Competency Workshop:
The training activity will use a blend of didactic, interactive, and experiential instruction. Participants will explore: contemporary racial and ethnic terminology, demographic changes, and cross-cultural implications for services delivery. Attendees will develop a greater awareness of the cultural competence model, a rationale for its use, and ways in which the model has been applied. Attendees will learn of within- and between-group differences, and community- and culturally-based stressors. Participants while engage in a cultural self-assessment process and identify ways to promote cultural competence in their work. Discussions will focus on culturally-specific strengths and assets, as well as modern rationale for multicultural service delivery. Small group discussions will examine cultural barriers to service delivery, resources and supports necessary in a comprehensive system of care, and concrete examples of what professionals and agencies have done to more effectively serve culturally diverse populations.

HIV Nursing Intensive Workshop

The San Francisco Area AIDS Education and Training Center (SFAETC) presents this two-day interactive, case-based HIV clinical education for nurses seeking to increase their HIV expertise.

HIV/STD Inteviewing Fundamentals Training:
A one-day regional workshop for HIV & STD Prevention Staff, Community-Based organization staff, and Health Care Providers who provide care for persons at risk for HIV & STD. Workshop focuses on interviewing techniques and skills.

OR-EPI Conference:
Annual meeting for state and county epidemiologists. OR-EPI provides training in epidemiological principles to county health department personnel and other interested health care providers.

New HIV Case Management Training:

The New HIV Case Management Training is required for all New Ryan White Program Part B funded HIV Case Managers. This two-day training includes:

  • Overview of Ryan White Program
  • Programmatic overview of the HIV Care and Treatment Program
  • Presentations on CAREAssist, OHOP & State Managed Services Programs
  • Intro to Program Manual and Program Policies/Requirements
  • HIV 101
  • Case Management Standards of Service
Oregon HIV/AIDS Case Management Task Force:
The Oregon HIV/AIDS Case Management Task Force convened in 2000 and was responsible for developing the Oregon HIV Case Management Standards of Service. All Ryan White Title II providers implemented the Standards in 2001. Every two years the Task Force reconvenes to review the Standards and forms. Changes are recommended to the HIV Client Services.

Oregon HIV Housing Task Force:
The Oregon HIV Housing Task Force is a community planning body which seeks to assure that Oregonians living with HIV/AIDS have access to safe, affordable and stable housing which will improve their quality of life and health outcomes without judgment, by providing education, advice and guidance about housing and HIV issues to local, state and federal agencies.

Oregon Harm Reduction Program for Injection Drug Users:
These are quarterly meetings for Oregonians providing HIV Prevention services to people who inject drugs. Meetings are held in Eugene, Oregon. The morning session is program updates and other business, afternoon sessions are skills building, topics TBA. Space is limited - meeting attendees must RSVP. If you would like to attend or for more information email or call Ann Shindo, HCV and Harm Reduction Programs Coordinator. ann.shindo@state.or.us, (971) 673-0153.


Quality Management Task Force:

The HIV Quality Management Task Force provides input, advice and expertise on the development and implementation of quality assurance and quality improvement activities related to the HIV Services Program.  This group:

  • Reviews Oregon’s participation in a national demonstration project: Title II Collaborative Demonstration Project.
  • Reviews program outcomes data and information quarterly.
  • Provides input to the Title II Quality Management Planning process.
  • Reviews the Oregon Title II Quality Management Plan annually.
  • Provides a venue for collaboration between all Ryan White Titles in Oregon.
  • Provides a forum for the identification of emerging issues related to the HIV continuum of care and quality improvement change activities.
  • Provides expertise and knowledge about quality improvement interventions and activities.
Rapid HIV Testing Training:


After February 1, 2007, HIV Prevention-funded county health departments and Community Based Organizations, that have already implemented state-sponsored rapid testing programs, are expected to provide their own ongoing in-house training and certification of new staff performing the rapid HIV test. 


After December 31, 2006, and until the State-Sponsored Rapid Testing Distribution Policy is updated, the DHS HIV Prevention Program will not approve new programs to implement state-sponsored rapid testing.  Once the policy is updated, DHS-provided Rapid HIV Testing Training is intended only for staff at HIV Prevention-funded county health departments and Community Based Organizations that have NOT yet implemented rapid HIV testing programs are considering implementing rapid HIV testing programs within six months after completion of the training.   Additionally, it is expected that programs will have at least one (preferably more than one) staff person complete the Rapid HIV Testing Train-the-Trainer Training.  For DHS approval to begin state-sponsored rapid testing, programs must submit a protocol for ongoing in-house training of additional rapid testing staff along with the required Quality Assurance Plan. 


In the interest of conserving limited public resources, public and private organizations and programs that do not receive State HIV-Prevention funds are strongly encouraged to contact OraSure Technologies, Inc., the manufacturer of OraQuick Advance, to inquire about their training opportunities in the performance of this test and its associated quality assurance activities.    


Rapid HIV Testing Training is a 6 ½ hour training (including 1 hour for lunch on your own) that will provide participants guidance on implementing a rapid HIV testing program and practical skills and experience in performing the rapid HIV test using the OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV-1 / 2 Antibody Test. This participatory, interactive training requires individual and group participation.

Client-Centered Counseling Training must be completed prior to DHS-provided or DHS-certified in-house Rapid HIV Testing Training for those who will perform counseling & testing using the rapid test (it is not required as a prerequisite for supervisors and others who may be implementing the rapid testing program, but not performing the rapid test).

Training is open to staff at health departments, CBOs, and private sector organizations at no cost. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Rapid HIV Testing Train-The-Trainer Training:

This training is intended for staff at county health departments and other agencies that have already implemented, or will implement, a rapid HIV testing program.

This 90-minute training will provide individuals the tools and skills to train others in their agencies to perform the OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV 1 / 2 Antibody Test and adhere to specific Quality Assurance (QA) protocols.

Both CLIENT-CENTERED COUNSELING and RAPID HIV TESTING TRAININGS must be completed prior to attending this training. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Regional/Statewide HIV Case Manager Training:
The Regional/Statewide HIV Case Manager Training gives HIV Case Managers continuous education and networking opportunities. Trainings include information on HIV treatments and adherence, special reports, resources, program changes and requirements. The training time also allows for networking time which can assist case managers in learning more about service availability and delivery. Please call (971) 673-0153 for training dates.

Statewide Planning Group. The Statewide Planning Group is a 40-member group, comprised of community representatives, local health department staff, and HIV prevention activists who develop an annual HIV prevention comprehensive plan for the state of Oregon. The group establishes priority populations and interventions for HIV prevention in an effort to target federal funds to Oregon's highest risk communities for HIV infection. Community planning was established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1993 in an effort to assure that federal funds were meeting the needs of persons most at risk for HIV infection.

STD Clinician Training:
A two-day didactic training designed for clinicians. Training is intended to provide an update on HSV, HPV, Cervicitis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, syphilis, and other STD's. Attendance is limited to 40 persons.


Developing an Effective Recruitment Strategy for HIV Prevention:

This training seeks to boost the quality and effectiveness of recruiting Latino population at highest risk for contracting or transmitting HIV into prevention programs.  Besides covering methods of recruitment, it also provides information about retention, referral follow-up and evidence-based decision making.


Outreach into CTRS:

Outreach into CTRS is an HIV prevention intervention designed to encourage people at highest risk for HIV to get tested for HIV.  Outreach means going outside of your organization to reach people in settings where you are most likely to find people at highest risk for HIV.


This 4-hour training is designed for management and staff at health departments and community based organizations interested in learning more about this activity.  We will provide an overview of Outreach to CTRS in Oregon, identify strategies for reaching the highest risk populations, and address challenges related to staffing, resources, culture, and rural communities.  We will also cover data collection tools and methods, and data reporting.

Social Network Strategy:

The Social Network Strategy (SNS) is a recruitment strategy based on HIV-positive and High-Risk individuals referring friends from within their own social networks to their local health department for Counseling, Testing and Referral services (CTR). SNS concentrates on getting the “right” people, those at highest risk of acquiring HIV, in for CTR.

This 6-hour training provides management and staff at health departments and community based organizations with points to contemplate as they consider incorporating Social Networks Strategy into their current HIV prevention intervention efforts.


Community Promise Training:

The Community PROMISE refresher training is designed for STD/HIV health and prevention professionals, who plan, design and currently implement the Community PROMISE intervention in Oregon. This refresher course includes a short overview of the intervention, including the core elements necessary for Community PROMISE, as well as the methods used to effectively identify at risk populations within a community and the factors that influence their behaviors. Additionally, participants will learn how to recruit, train and maintain peer advocate networks. This refresher course will be conducted in a one-day training, on March 26, 2008, at the Oregon Public State Office Building, located at 800 NE Oregon, Suite 1105, Portland, Oregon 97232.


Page updated: February 19, 2008

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