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Emergency Evacuation Planning
The list shows each building, names of SECs and alternates, telephone/fax contact numbers, Salem Fire Department approval status of evacuation plan, and the dates of each building´s last fire and earthquake drills. Fire and earthquake drills are to be held on different dates.
If you have changes to this list, please email Luella Ackerson  or call (503) 373-7003. 
Changes to this list will be published monthly, as needed.
This guide to preparing for state office emergencies is written for state office managers, facilities personnel, SECs and ECs. It explains how to develop emergency plans coordinated with local emergency services to save lives in state office buildings during emergencies. When agency plans are prepared according to this guide, they will meet the requirements of the local fire department and OR-OSHA rules. Call the Risk Management Division at (503) 373-7475 for printed copies. 90 pages.
OEM has a wealth of earthquake-related information at their site. Check out "Earthquake evacuation checklist" at the bottom of the page. It helps you evaluate if a building is safe for occupancy after an earthquake. Other items of note are:
  1. Senate Bill 13
  2. Earthquake preparedness and mitigation guidance for Oregon state agency offices and warehouses
  3. Mitigating non-structural hazards

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Page updated: March 26, 2008

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